I just watched the new music video from Babymeral, Distortion. Good metal song and cool video, but honestly, I just want my freakin kawaii. It looks like their first album will remain their best and most unique album. I mean there wasn’t even a hint of dancing in there latest video.
I'm a fan of Gorillaz but I mostly just like their singles with the exception of a few other songs. Haven't heard their new album yet, though.
Are there any cover version of songs you guys like better than the original? I've been listening to Junkie XL & Gary Clark Jr.'s Come Together and I actually like it better than John Lennon's original version.
@WanderingBullet All along the Watchtower, originally a neat folk song by Bob Dylan but the interpretation of Jimi Hendrix is off the charts. One of my favourite songs ever!
Nirvana did a rock solid cover of Lake of Fire by the Meat Puppets at their MTV Unplugged session. So good! Goosebumps everytime.
I’m been listening to the soundtrack of the Devil May Cry series from an album called “Devil May Cry Soundbox” which is bascilly the exciting part of the soundtracks. I’m loving it and my body is so ready for a DMC5 announcement at E3.
@KALofKRYPTON haha I had to check it was a genre too, I don't really think it is. To be honest these labels confuse me a bit, but I am more of a post rock kinda guy. As for electronic I'll go for most genres.
Does anyone have suggestions good goth rock (or other genres with a goth spin I suppose ), I’m interred in trying it out, but I’m not sure where to start.
@Kidfried A very belated reply but my album of the year so far is Jon Hopkins - Singularity.
I love a bit of electronic music but am a bit fussy when it comes to that genre but I've listened to this album so much (and loads of the previous album Immunity as well after only discovering him this year). Four Tet's album from last year was also fantastic.
Warpaint! They got a psychedelic rock / dreampop vibe going on, which I really like. I've been following them for a couple of years now and watching these girls jam never gets old.
Here is a Yours Truly live session from 2011. Their newer work is great too but their album "The Fool" got me into them and was defining for their sound. Enjoy!
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