@Jaz007 Agreed. I prefer a pad, always have. No idea why I butted in tbh.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
The Order 1886 and MGS V are both top 20, if not top 10 PS4 game experiences.
I don’t understand why there are so many horror games and fighting games. I like these in small servings but there’s just seems to be way too many of these, meaning I don’t understand their immense popularity
Assassin’s Creed 3 was better than Black Flag
I like a good walking sim or Telltale game
Personally, I find Rocket League pretty boring and probably one of the most overrated games of all time
Oh .. despite trying a couple of them, I haven’t really been able to find the allure for Devil May Cry. The DMC5 announcement does nothing for me.
-Final Fantasy XV has one of the best stories on the PS4, in gaming I’d say. The villain was spectacular and the tale and feeling of brotherhood outmatched anything else that’s done it.
-Walking sims are as legitimate as anything else
-artstyle vs. graphics doesn’t exist. Art style is the style chosen (realistic, cel-shaded, etc.) and graphics is the application and quality of the art style. Realism can just take a larger budget.
-Graphics and gameplay often intertwine and are all part of the experience. Graphics are often what gives the gameplay the pop in certain areas (Resogun with particle effects, exploring in Ni No Kuni, heck exploring in most games, Uncharted’s set pieces, facial animations in a story, things like that)
-Assassin’s Creed needs PVP multiplayer again, it was the best part about Brotherhood.
-AC: Unity is the best AC game and let’s you be creative in ways most games struggle to, making a clean Assassination relies on you using tools creatively rather than using a luckily placed boulder or something like that
just want to say thanks to everyone for their posts and for keeping it civil
now keep em coming
"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"
"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
@KratosMD I played the first two Devil may cry games. I liked all the environments in DMC1 and the environment of the first stage of the second game, but I hated everything else about those games. Characters and story were not just forgettable, I really dislike them, they were irritating and honestly I have to say I really don't like action games that are so completely focused only on fighting and nothing else.
One of the many reasons why I liked so much old God of war games (I like the new one too but I'm not talking about it now since it changed so much) is that they were filled with other activities that made it feel like many things were happening, not just fights, and that made the games more interesting and exciting. They looked like puzzles, they were not really as challenging as a puzzle should be, but it was such a great way to make the game feel more varied and rich. Many people don't like them and think theyt were bad because they were brainless, but they were meant to make the game more fun and entertaining, not more challenging, and they were great in doing so.
Another action game that I like because it has many more things other than just fighting is No more heroes 2.
I like action games, but I just don't like "pure" action games. Games like Devil may cry or Ninja gaiden are so unbearably tiresome and boring in my opinion. Just after a few minutes the fighting becomes so repetitive that it becomes like a white noise in the background to me, and since there is nothing else than fighting in those games they make me feel really bad everytime I play them. Like I get lost in a suffucatting void.
I used to be a ripple user like you, then I took The Arrow in the knee
@LuckyLand@KratosMD I’m not even sure which Devil May Cry I played, but I think it was either 3 or 4. I agree that there didn’t seem a strong narrative and I really wasn’t sure what I was doing but mashing buttons. Everything looked stylish and all, but I remember the guns seemed useless as far as damage dealers and I didn’t know what the point of using them was except to look cool shooting an enemy in the air after you upended them. In honesty, I didn’t play it very long to give it a fair shake, but I did later play DmC: Devil May Cry for quite a while but left it with the same impression. It just didn’t gel with me.
However, I played the first Bayonetta and quite enjoyed it. Not enough to buy a WiiU for the sequel, but I actually finished it at least. The combat was equally as stylistic, but the moves seemed to serve more of a purpose and the combat was more satisfying. And yes, there was a semblance of an (albeit weak) entertaining storyline. If I ever buy a Switch, I will probably play the second and third Bayonetta games, but I’m not planning on it atm.
Fast forward to Nier Automata. Now, many compare the combat to DMC and I can’t disagree, but I loved Nier Automata due to the crazy story and the completely unexpected things it did with the characters and narrative. Not to mention its combat did have a very satisfying feel to it. I’d really welcome another Yoko Taro game with Platinum Games.
i liked Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric, yeah it has some issues but it's no where near as bad as people like to make it out to be although the constant quips from Sonic and the gang can be a bit grating
on a side note i also like the Sonic Boom character designs
FINAL FANTASY XV has the best character party in the franchise
i DON'T think games need a gender option or romance options, i would rather have a set character and set events over a "choose your own" style like say Assassin's Creed Odyssey is using, ESPECIALLY if it's a game in a larger connected narrative because i don't like picking certain options only to have the next game say they wasn't the "canon" ones
and talking of Assassin's Creed, the old game play style is better than the one they are using now
i don't like multiple choice endings, i played the game so give me the true ending damn it same as locking out parts of the ending if you don't do certain side quest or play on certain difficulties i want to play the game how i want to so don't penalise me for it
i think Linear single player story focused games are better than open world sandbox type games
new consoles DON'T need backwards compatibility, if your console needs to rely on old games from old consoles then your console isn't worth owning (at least at that point)
Consoles are BETTER than P.C, yeah the games might look better but that's all P.C has over consoles, all consoles are the same so every game made for them will work on ANY system, can you say the same for P.C, just look at Batman Arkham Knight, yeah P.C might be more customisable but it's not needed
Cross Platform Play isn't important, everyone is making a big fuss over Sony not doing it but the only reason MS is doing it is because the XB1 sold badly, it's a marketing gimmick used to increase their player base, that's all
games should go back to using Carts, yeah a bit more expensive than discs but a lot better, harder wearing, little to no load times, no installs and Carts could hold just as much if not more data than a blu-ray disc
the PS3 was a better system than the XBOX 360, for me it had more of the games i wanted to play and a better controller
it's Microsofts fault console gaming is full of DLC, Patches, Loot Boxes and Microtransactions, i know many people like to blame mobile games for this and while i's true it's full of it the XB360 was the first console to have a fully integrated online service BUT it also paved the way for developers to release unfinished games because they could just release a patch later over the internet and they also realised they could release content for games on the XB Store and charge people for it instead of actually putting it in the game like they used too
Final Fantasy VI is overrated, it's a good game don't get me wrong but hardly the best of the series, most of the characters are useless, the story is kinda dumb and it's doesn't even really have a true main character
whew well that's it for today, it was kinda nice to get all that out, kind of cathartic
"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"
"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
@LuckyLand@KratosMD DMC3 fixes the story issues and Dante isn’t forgettable anymore. When we talk about Dante and our love for his silver locks, we mean DMC3 Dante really. It has a very well-told story as well. The opening of DMC3 is one of the most glorious things I’ve ever seen.
"Personally, I find Rocket League pretty boring and probably one of the most overrated games of all time"
Oho, I forgot this one. Yeah, I agree, I really didn't like this game. Played it when it first hit PS+ and... just didn't enjoy it. At all. It's worth mentioning that I'm not a huge fan of online multiplayer or sports, so this probably should have been expected.
Yeah I never saw the appeal of Rocket League either.
Mind you usually I find that the more popular a game is the less inclined I am to to be interested in it, especially when it comes to online multiplayer stuff.
Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
1. Microsoft have not contributed anything meaningful or innovative to the industry.
Online? Sega were there first. Hands free motion controls? Again Sony and Sega were ahead of them.
Bringing online FPS games to consoles? That was Bungie before they bought them.
2. "60fps in a video game is objectively better" it's not, it's subjective.
3. PlayStation AllStars had more depth as a fighter then any of the Smash games.
4. Watch Dogs 1 was way better then Watch Dogs 2.
5. Pokemon as a gaming series ran out of ideas 20 years ago yet people lap it up.
@adf86 sega even did the whole game downloading and even a service like game pass way back on the Mega Drive, it was called the SEGA Channel i think
now that i think about SEGA did a lot of things first that are industry standards today, just a shame it never worked for them
"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"
"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Have your ultra-realistic, gore-filled, profanity-laced, semi-naked gameplay. Just make absolutely certain that it isn't being sold to kids, please.
yeah but then they wont be able to sell Call of Duty to it's main demographic, the 12 year olds
(just kidding of course but yeah your right the whole system needs an overhaul)
"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"
"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
@RogerRoger I agree with that. Mature content is only really an issue if someone views it who isn't mature enough to understand what it is they're seeing and the fact that some things that happen in games should not happen among real people. Little kids should not be seeing things such as boobs or a ton of violence IMO. The ESRB ratings are there for a reason, and should be adhered to. (With exceptions. For example, I don't think you need to wait until you're 18 to play a game like Skyrim. Anyone 13+ should generally be okay with a game like that)
Not sure if the ratings system for games needs overhauling or anything as games with that kind of content are rated 18 anyhow? I don't remember seeing anything in a game and thinking that there was unsuitable content for the age rating. I agree parents need to take more responsibility and need to be made aware of how realistic games can be.
@RogerRoger I think you have may have been miss informed about The Witcher 3. Sure it has all of those things, but I didn't think it was absoulety full of it. And it certainly has it's fair share of lighter moments and quests, it is not all dark fantasy. And when those moments do happen they are handled in the utter most correct way, something that I feel some games can fudge up.
The ratings system is somewhat 'harsh' for gaming compared to movies for example. There is more nudity, sex etc in a 15 rated movie than there is in games that's rated 18 because of this - in fact nudity and Sex is virtually taboo in gaming but much more common in movies. To a degree, I can understand as gaming has objectified women and its not easy to do it without accusation. I have seen 15 rated horror movies with more gore than in 18 rated games. I have seen more violence, more graphic too in some 15 rated movies. More swearing/bad language too.
I have heard people justify the difference by saying that games are more immersive or that its 'you' performing the violence by shooting/killing NPC's but on the flip side, you don't get respawning in movies where death is permanent and the fact that people know its a 'game' where movies look more real, more like the news.
There have been 'war' films with much more blood, gore and 'emotional' impact that playing games like CoD or Battlefield - I think CoD is more likely to be 18 rated for its Zombies in recent years but a lot of the 18 rated games are no worse than most 15 rated movies. Its as if the gaming ratings are 30/40yrs behind where the movies are. you look at some of the 18 rated movies in the 80's and compare those to 15 rated movies today...
Being a parent AND a gamer does put me in a good position to know exactly what the content of games is and where my children are at too. I wouldn't let my son play games like Dead Space when they were 10 or 12 but I wouldn't stop him now he is nearly 17 and watches horror movies that are more horrifying and graphic - that are 15 rated but again that comes from knowing exactly what the game is, what my son watches and whether or not those have 'negative' impact.
I do think though that a lot of parents don't know their kids, not gamers themselves and pay no attention to age ratings. They are just 'games' in their mind...
A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!
Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??
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@RogerRoger Parents absolutely need to be more responsible. COD and GTA (Rockstar agrees that parents should be more responsible even) are great example of parents being dumb and irresponsible. My parents asked not only what the age rating was, but the descriptions were. I think more parents should do that for sure.
I do think the ESRB is good overall, Pegi seems more messed up. I do think more specifics could be nice the though in both. Exmaple: Strong language, okay this could mean it has the F word once or every other word, very unhelpful and uninformative.
@BAMozzy I agree that the pegi system seems weird. Star Wars Battlefront shouldn’t be 16, it’s the mildest FPS we’ve seen in a while
Another unpopular opinion: I think the industry has lost its balance in terms of content. The ratio of M rated game is a bit ridiculous. We don’t a mature take on everything. I also think more games should have content filters kind of like Treyarch’s COD games have and such. It’s a great option for players.
@Jaz007 Battlefront is a classic example of the difference between the ratings in Games and Movies. There is absolutely nothing in these that warrants that - at most they should be PG (or equivalent) - although being online could expose youngsters to foul and abusive language from other gamers but the game itself does not merit a 16 rating.
I don't necessarily agree that games should have 'content' filters for the benefit of 'younger' players. At the end of the day, these are for personal preference and not for kids. I guess if you are streaming or have kids watching you play, then there is a reason to have these filters but would you trust your kids not to turn these filters off - unless you plan to sit and watch them play. I used to watch my kids occasionally, keep them in earshot mostly but also happy to let them play on their own. I always arranged my games in 'age' order and my kids new which games they could play. I also wouldn't play the 'adult' games whilst they were around. I wouldn't have had an issue with playing Battlefront if they were 'old' enough to watch the films.
I do think though that the gaming and movie ratings should be very similar - especially so that parents etc can have a better understanding. Most people will have an idea of what a 15/18 film may contain. Even the trailers of films often can relate to the age rating but you see a lot of game trailers or snippets of game-play and you can't understand why the rating is so high. GTA's story trailer is no worse than some 12 rated movies and if you see a bit of game-play where they are just driving around, there is nothing that indicates it warrants an 18 rating. I think if they were treated like movies, rated like movies etc, then parents would have a better idea - even if they do bother to watch a trailer. Most of the mature games should be 12 or 15 max - if they were, then those that should be 18 probably won't be bought by parents because their Kid plays CoD or BF. If they think that these are 'typical' of 18 games then they will be less concerned by buying games that deserve to be 18 rated.
Anyway, my point is that there should be consistency between all media. That would make it clearer for all as to what to expect - inc Parents who buy games for minors. I do believe though that knowledge of your kids is more important. Everyone matures at different rates and someone who is 17yrs364days is no less mature than they are the next day - just legally old enough to purchase 18 rated content. There are 16yr olds that are more mature and can handle the content better than some 20yr olds though so the age rating is more of a guideline. Of course for shops, they don't know the person and their maturity so have to go on 'age' alone - which is where the Age rating is most important. They can't tell if that 17yr old is mature enough or that 19yr old is not so for shops its a 'legal' get out clause - they can't be accused of selling something to someone if they are old enough - even if they are not mature enough...
A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!
Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??
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