I haven't played the Last of Us (and won't), but as much as I love Naughty Dog and Uncharted, I don't think they're the master storytellers they're made out to be. I think Uncharted games have decent stories and great characters, but I don't think the plots of most of the games are particularly compelling. Uncharted 4 is the best story wise with Nate and his brother, but even still, I don't think the plots ever come together in a way that makes it a page-turner or has a lot of depth to think about. I find most other games with stories are more compelling that Uncharted and think Sucker Punch is much better at telling stories from my experience with their games.
1 - Statik is the best VR game out there. And if it was madeby Nintendo would be heralded as a game changer.
2 - The DS4 needs to get rid of the trackpad.
3 - Streets of Rage 3 is a great game and the music is amazing.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
Unpopular opinion: I like the idea of the Wii U GamePad, and, when it's implemented well into a game, I think it actively improves the experience. Games like The Wind Waker, ZombiU, Rayman Legends, Xenoblade Chronicles X, etc. put it to excellent use.
With that said, the analog sticks suck, so I usually play on a Pro controller and keep the GamePad next to me when I need to mess around on the screen. Works really, really well for me.
@themcnoisy Does anyone even like the trackpad, though? I've never heard anyone praise it.
@Jaz007 In fairness, it's better than the Xbox controller just in terms of the way the controller is laid out.
But I stand corrected.
You know what I miss? Protruding buttons for options and share. Or "start and select" before social media came along and made everybody want to share everything they do.
@themcnoisy The only thing that holds Streets of Rage 3 back is the difficulty. Even by beat 'em up standards it's hard. I've beaten the original and SoR2 multiple times, but have yet to finish 3 once. Otherwise, it could've been the best in the series.
"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake
@RogerRoger I'm in the awkward position of not being fully satisfied with either dual analog or mouse and keyboard. I find aiming with the right analog stick to be inaccurate and annoying, so I vastly prefer mouse aiming in games. With that said, I find it almost impossible to effectively control characters with a keyboard, and really need an analog stick if I'm going to be controlling anybody in real time. I thought the Steam Controller might be the answer to my problems in this regard, but I just found it really hard to use in general.
With that said, I've found a workable solution: dual analog + gyro for aiming. It's almost perfect, as responsive gyro controls approach mice in terms of aiming accuracy. And because I can set up pretty much any game with aiming to use gyro on Steam, I find myself gravitating to the PC when I want to play anything with gunplay in it.
also i enjoyed Shadow the Hedgehog, it took me ages to finish every story tack and get to the final boss plus the revelation it was the real Shadow during the fight was a nice touch that many people missed
although the controls are a bit floaty by modern standards so going back to it can take a little getting used too
NOW as for Sonic games i actually LIKED Sonic 06 even though the controls were bad and it was buggy although the whole "kiss" scene was and still is dumb but i got through it and finished the game
and i thought Mass Effect 3's ending was fine and as for people moaning about only getting 3 choices, did they play the other games you only got the choice of either killing or saving Saren in ME1, you only had the choice of destroying or taking over the collector base in ME2
they didn't have a much choice as people say they do, they were pretty binary too
"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"
"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
@KratosMD Not especially no. I think it's par for the course of launching the series on Switch - which is primarily a handheld for many people, certainly Pokemon fans with 3DS systems gathering a lot of dust as they get left behind.
PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)
Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)
"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker
@RogerRoger "I was thinking about getting The Witcher 3, but yesterday got warned that it includes the c-word and violent gameplay with dark, mature themes. No thanks."
Cyberpunk 2077 has f-bombs and c-words as well. Personally, I'm fine with that I guess but not so much when it comes to having nudity or s*x in games which I heard 2077 has too.
@RogerRoger Thanks! I like the dualshock 4 anyway, so being able to use it gyro-enabled on PC games is the best of both worlds, imo. I just wish the PS4 allowed you to customize gyro controls in a similar fashion! I don't think there's much demand for it among the userbase, though. The only player base that seems to think gyro should be standardized for shooters is the core Nintendo Switch player base (Panic Button actually patched gyro controls into DOOM months after release due to player feedback).
I never owned a PS3, but I know that Uncharted 1 had a form of gyro for aiming and throwing grenades.
M+K IS the best way to play shooters, objectively. With that said, unless you're playing on some high competitive level, it's usually better to just find a control scheme that works for you.
@th3solution "I harbor a small amount of resentment that video games have become more mainstream and poisoned by every Tom, Dick, and Harry now. It used to be a safe harbor for geeks and nerds like me and now all these bros and dudes ruin what was an unpopular club of introverts, intellectuals, and the eccentric. Games are so mainstream now that old ladies play them on their iPads in the lobby waiting for the doctor. I feel a small part of my identity is diluted by the explosion of gaming culture"
Spot on. This is personified in Youtube and game streaming. The most popular person wins, unheard of in gaming 15 years ago. The most popular person was usually crap at games and could only play Fifa at a push.
I think as a proper gamer years ago, you got satisfaction from just getting better at the game yourself against the AI. Then once you have mastered the AI could branch out to underground tournaments. That is no longer the case and you have to play competitive online before you even know the controls which is both frustrating and stupid.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@KALofKRYPTON Its the speed in which your movements using a mouse are compared to a joypad. You can get to a point in an fps using a mouse in 1 or 2 frames which would take a pad 5,6 or even more with less accuracy. Again this varies game to game and designers offer a variety of tweaks and gameplay elements to help pad users such as autoaim and slowing down mouse users. So its not subjective. A mouse is better than a pad. But a good pad user will beat a bad mouse user.
A good way to view this is that driving games are better with a wheel. The reason for this is you have a wheel which spins 720 degrees over 40 inches contracted into 1 inch worth of movement of an analouge stick. Its obviously less accurate.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@KALofKRYPTON I disagree. M+K is simply more accurate and allows for quicker reflexes than dual-analog in shooters. On the keyboard side of things, changing weapons via hotkeys is always going to be faster than whatever selection method you would use on a controller
Obviously I'm not saying that dual analog users can't engage in high levels of play, or that they can't beat people using M+K. Skill is always going to be more important than what control scheme you're using. People can beat Dark Souls using DK bongos, for goodness' sake! But if two equally skilled competitors are playing against each-other in a shooter, with one using dual analog and the other using M+K, then the M+K user would almost certainly win the match. That is what I mean by it being "objectively superior."
@themcnoisy no, no, it is all very literally - subjective.
Any hardware combined with software to allow an input device to be capable of calibration to suit the user experience can only ever be, by definition, subjective.
Even the wheel example falls under that; you're just swapping one potentiometer for another.
I'm an OK pad player at FPS and held my own against decent K&M players. I've won many a race against wheel users and fights against stick players.
You can have a technically superior device, certainly. Better dpi, switches, latency etc. The user experience can only ever be subjective relative to that input and output. I could go and buy one of the recent 'pro' pads for PS4, that would potentially be better than a DS4 as it is likely made of superior components - they can be objectively quantified.
The mouse you have right now is likely to be better than my mouse etc.
PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)
Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)
"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker
@Ralizah by your definition, a pad player who is as equally skilled as a K&M player would be just as likely to win a match.
If you swapped their inputs - who would win? By your logic, the pad player now using K&M would win because K&M is simply better.
Never mind that actually now, that player's hands are far apart, using unfamiliar inputs etc.
How is a hot key, reaching away from. WASD resting hand any quicker than a tap of a Dpad, or quickly selected item on a practiced weapon wheel set up?
@KALofKRYPTON If the two players are equally skilled, and you take luck out of the equation, all that is left is to account for who has the input device that allows for faster and more accurate reactions.
Obviously they would need to have mastered interacting with the input devices. That doesn't change the fact that M+K allows for quicker reaction times for high-level players in a shooter than a controller does.
As to hot keys, I'll grant you that they're not superior to D-Pad shortcuts if you have all of the relevant items mapped to them, but even if you can quickly open a weapon wheel and swing your cursor to the desired weapon, it's going to take more time than quickly hitting a relevant hot key on the keyboard, as is common for highly-skilled M+K players in shooters. Their hand would already be on the device, and they'd have trained their reflexes through muscle memory to hit a certain spot on the keyboard without looking.
-The Last of Us is a poorly designed game in some ways. The story, gunplay, and stealth are all good, but the sections between cutscenes and stealth/combat are a steaming pile of garbage. Artificially increasing the games length by forcing you to move dumpsters and ladders around to climb on stuff and find wooden pallets for Ellie to float on is simply not good game design. I also found Joel to be very boring and unmemorable, and while the other characters are great, I don't think the overall plot is some masterpiece that many people think it is. It was actually pretty generic.
-The Soulsborne games are not fun at all, and I don't know how anyone enjoys a game where you have to die over and over just to finally get past an enemy. And walking around endlessly killing enemies is just not engaging. I get bored pretty darn quickly with those games, and I wish I hadn't wasted the money on Dark Souls 3. I got Bloodborne for free on PlayStation Plus, but that game is no longer installed.
-Monster Hunter is way more fun than the Soulsborne games, and is superior in nearly every way.
-Breath of the Wild is a very flawed and quite shallow and repetitive game, and is not some masterpiece like people seem to think it is. It's an above average open world game, but I think the main reason people love it so much is that it's Zelda. If it weren't, I doubt it'd get nearly as much praise.
-Super Mario Odyssey could have been so much better if it had a mission-based structure like Sunshine and 64 and wasn't just a collectathon. It honestly gets kinda boring after a while IMO.
-The Super Mario Galaxy games are extremely dull, and only having the goal of getting from point A to point B is remarkably unengaging. I could never bring myself to finish them.
-Super Mario Sunshine is a phenomenal if flawed game, and is the best 3D Mario. (Mario 64 coming in second)
-Skyrim is superior to Breath of the Wild in every way except for the combat and traversal mechanics.
-Sports games are awful. Actually playing the sports in real life is so much more fun.
-The vast majority of JRPGs are horrendously unfun, and I can't stand how obnoxious and cringy the characters usually are. One of my least favorite genres in gaming.
-Red Dead Redemption was not that good of a game, and the story is pretty average.
-Fortnite and PUBG are only okay. Not sure what the massive appeal is at all.
-Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is a flawed masterpiece, and the fact that it's not mainstream blows my mind. As long as you install the unofficial patch, it's one of the greatest games ever made outside of the combat.
@KALofKRYPTON An opinion if a mouse or joypad is better is subjective. I prefer a pad as I am used to them.
The fact that a mouse covers a bigger surface area quicker and more accurately is objective. Its measurable. As mentioned in my previous comment game designers are actively putting in nerfs to mouse users and buffs to pad players to level the playing field when it comes to fps.
An individual users experience with an input device is subjective, as its their opinion on which is better.
But if said player then compares the statistics on target acquisition, speed, accuracy etc and it becomes objective.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
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