@themightyant Yea I tried Baizhi in towers today and she couldn't get the team past lv 3 had to use my already lax resources to make her usable to that point though. I don't like this whole "can only get boss mats 3 times per week" design model. It's pretty annoying.
With Jiyan I'm probably salty cause my playstlye is to use skills the moment they are available and having to keep an eye on his forte so I don't drop below 30 is distracting from all the dodging I should be doing with ease.
@Pushsquarian I completely forgot you could craft weapons. I went there once when I first started and all he had was greens and blues I hadn't unlocked purple yet but you probably get better weapons from doing pulls anyway.
@Pushsquarian I always forget about FOOD buffs in all these games, though tactical holograms are usually one hit kills at higher levels so i'm not sure it will make too much of a difference.
Completely agree higher ToA and top holograms are not meant for F2P - i'm sure some godly player has spent hours perfecting builds, rotations and studying enemy patterns to be perfect and beat it - but for the rest of us it's not that realistic.
I saw a video of someone 30 starring the ToA and he completely eviscerated their health and vibration strength bars compared to what is possible with my characters, also rotations were FAR faster with more concerto being granted. But then looking at his character builds he had clearly spent thousands. It's end game content for the spenders.
@z0d15g0d With Jiyan you can weave the skills in before, but I get it's an extra hassle and it's super annoying when you misjudge it and don't get the big burst hit. I think the best time to use the skill is DURING his burst. The skill doesn't cost resolve during it, it gets a 20% DMG boosts and the dragons still go around, so it's bonus damage. If you look at the enemies damage bars when you do this they seem to lose a healthy chunk more quickly each time.
Yeah the 3 boss attempts a week is pretty annoying even if it's up to 9 mats. Not least because you need them from level 6 onwards for each skill, passive talents and minor fortes, it's 26 in total. I'm currently stuck on Carlotta and just spent this weeks 9 updating her to 5,9,8,10,5 as well as completing passive talents and minor fortes.
But it was especially annoying early game, or when I was upgrading multiple characters. Now I have a healthy supply of 25+ of each except the latest Carlotta one, I don't find it as bad.
@Aladin_Run - I haven't had any crashes lately but the framerate is still a long way from stable. Its just awful at times and tanks so randomly. My main niggle though is the non rotating map, HSR still pisses me off with its fixed map but the areas are so small its less of an issue, WuWa's huge map has me constantly trying to get my bearing.
@Shigurui Yea I had that at first but you can mark locations on the map to get your bearings. Then fast travel to the closest point. I think you can have up to 8 different marks.
@z0d15g0d - Yeah I've been using the markers and then tracking them to get to my destination. Its a bit clumsy but it mostly works. Hopefully they add map rotation down the line.
Decided to build Sanhua as she seems to be the best non Zhezhi option for Carlotta and a solid universal sub dps. I also inexplicably managed to have her best Echo set sitting in my inventory so there's that.
I could probably get Zhezhi before the banner ends, I'm at 60 pity on a 50/50 but I'm banking everything I get going forward to try and guarantee Jinhsi. Absolutely loved the few minutes I got to play as her in the story.
@Shigurui Agreed it's pretty clumsy and hopefully they add what you suggested. I'm thinking of investing in Sanhua next as she seems to be a solid support character plus it looks like she will be getting an alt skin via an event quest in 2.1. The price tag on Jinshi alt skin is outrageous. If it came with an additional character upgrade node I may have bought it. These lot don't know how to entice semi f2p players lol.
@themightyant Yea you could even trial it and it was way too much pink for my eyes. I couldn't even see any of the frames that my eyes were already accustomed to anymore.
@z0d15g0d That additional character upgrade node you mentioned sounds very similar to something Tower of Fantasy had been doing for their A3
Sometimes they have gacha'ed some of the skins, but we don't talk about that~ 😁
@themightyant We'll see, we'll see..
Don't worry if you do, we'll keep it on the hush 🤫😉
Previously I've only paid exactly a full game's worth through Genshin's Welkin and exchanged 3 skins with some change.
Personally, that was my stopping point for supporting the devs.
I wouldn't buy it straight-out if I can forgo what I can all the time, so far..
Though I wouldn't be sure of my situation if something does align with what I really want, that abstain from obtaining some limited things only once in a while. I'm content in having less things than having more, otherwise I should've listened to others' recommendations to buy a discounted PS5, on the Pro launch week.
Kuro seem not to shy on pumping characters that each everyone couldn't resist not getting.. that it's almost impossible to get everything without a secondary
In any case don't have time for that/want to.. , but I know I'm not going to shy away from a Changli skin that's for sure 😌
Topic: Wuthering Waves
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