
Topic: Soul Sacrifice demo

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I see why people think it's dull really. It takes a bit of a time investment to understand the value and addictive properties to the game.

It's not all THAT different from Monster Hunter in that sense. I've had MANY people quit MH early on because they couldn't kill the Kut Ku and their choice of gear was so limited.

All that said, does anyone fully understand how the system works to acquire skills? Are they set rewards from mission ranks or is there any random chances? I'd like to start farming before the game comes out, but it seems I get the same rewards almost every mission.

try to create better spells. and kill ceberus

From what I can tell, I've made most of all the spells on the list. I'm just not sure if more spells get added to the fuse list as you acquire more unique spells or what.

I've not finished Ceberus (gotten close I think), but I was hoping to farm enough to the point that I can "divine sorcerer" him because I'm told you get a beastly time spot spell if you can.

[Edited by NathanUC]

To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!


I'm officially addicted. According to the little log do hicky on the LiveArea, it says I've already played 10 hours. My girlfriend and I (along with two randoms) finally took down Cerberus with divine ranking although I didn't get his essence to use that 50% dmg -25% def arm mod since I was sacrificed.

It's SOOO easy to just keep doing "one more" in order to upgrade a spell. I am working at getting my main neutral, ice, fire, poison loadouts all level 3. At first I didn't care much for the spell system but it really really grew on me and now I love it. It's such a cool idea how skills build upon each other!

The only aspect I still don't completely understand or care for is the arm modifications. I understand what the bonuses do, I understand how to equip things properly, and I understand the ideas of essence, but I don't understand how to unlock more mods or to know for sure which essence belong to which monster.

@sanqetic: He's pretty cool and useful. I've gotten it to level two and might try farming a bit more tonight to get a level 3 one. the Timestop spell or w/e is annoying to get though.

To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!


I have a question! :3 I'm probably going to download the demo tonight, and lets say I like it and buy it; how does the save transfer work? Do I HAVE to keep the demo installed? Cause space is precious and it's a pretty freakin' big demo.

Only I know your pain.
Your uncertainty...
Your loneliness...
If only we could be together forever.

I'll say it as many times as you wish.
I will not betray you.


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