1The3DSisMINEThu 23rd Feb 2012 Now that we all got our shiny new Vita's, how about a couple of friends to play against. I'm VitaSmart on The Vita and PS3 and I'm completely new to PS3 online gaming. See you on the battlefield!!!!! PS Vita/Ps3/Ps4/PSN: NeoForceExtreme 3DS FC: 3523-3327-7598 Xbox 360: Neoforcedude PC/Steam: VitaSmart
2DELETEMEPLEASEFri 24th Feb 2012 Just added ya! I believe my PSN is in my signature but if not, it's lewigi2012 =] DELETEMEPLEASE
3SupereorSat 25th Feb 2012 I added you both now, in about two months, LBP, anyone? ;D This signature is an awful waste of time
4fpssovietMon 27th Feb 2012 Ill play LBP when its available add me in my sig. This is my new account my old one is salty1264. I joined in juin 2010 on my other account so im not a new member. Steam: se' salty1264 PSN: Salty1264
Topic: Vita Friend List
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