
Topic: Vita Friend List

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Now that we all got our shiny new Vita's, how about a couple of friends to play against. I'm VitaSmart on The Vita and PS3 and I'm completely new to PS3 online gaming. See you on the battlefield!!!!!

PS Vita/Ps3/Ps4/PSN: NeoForceExtreme
3DS FC: 3523-3327-7598
Xbox 360: Neoforcedude
PC/Steam: VitaSmart


Just added ya! I believe my PSN is in my signature but if not, it's lewigi2012 =]



I added you both now, in about two months, LBP, anyone? ;D

This signature is an awful waste of time


Ill play LBP when its available add me in my sig.

This is my new account my old one is salty1264. I joined in juin 2010 on my other account so im not a new member. Steam: se' salty1264

PSN: Salty1264

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