How do you get more Scouts in Assassin's Creed Shadows? A vital component for narrowing down your objective areas, the Scouts system allows you to scan a certain area for targets and quests when the hints and tips are not enough. In this Assassin's Creed Shadows guide, we're going to reveal how to get more Scouts.

How Do You Get More Scouts in Assassin's Creed Shadows?

Assassin's Creed Shadows: How to Get More Scouts Guide 1

At the start of the game, you begin with 3 Scouts. They can be used from the World map screen in the pause menu, and they scan a small area of the open world to see if your chosen objective is located there. Once you have used one, they generally don't come back until the Season changes. As such, they're a finite resource that should be used carefully.

Because of this, you'll be wondering how to get more Scouts. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Build a Study at your Hideout and upgrade it — By constructing a Study, you gain an additional permanent use of a Scout. You can upgrade the Study twice, and every time adds another Scout for you to use, up to a maximum of 6.
  • Recruit more people to your Hideout — By meeting new allies as part of the main quest, some will join your cause and take up residence at the Hideout. This will increase how many times you can use Scouts before they must be replenished.

How Do You Replenish Your Scouts in Assassin's Creed Shadows?

If you run out of Scouts and find a need for one searching for an objective, there are two options you can explore to replenish them:

  • Unlock and use Kakuregas — Spread across the map, you'll notice icons with a hooded figure on them. You need to pay Mon to unlock them, but they act as a fast travel point and a place to use some of the Hideouts features from afar. In here, you can pay 200 Mon to refill each individual Scout slot.
  • Wait for the Seasons to change — When the Season changes in-game, all your Scouts slots will be refilled, allowing you to use them again.

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