What are the best RPGs on PS5? In this hopefully helpful guide, we're going to list the best RPGs on PS5 — as rated by the Push Square community.
Over the years, the term 'role-playing game' has evolved to cover an incredibly wide range of experiences. From text-heavy, choice-driven RPGs like Disco Elysium and traditional, turn based adventures like Dragon Quest, to open world action titles such as Elden Ring, the genre is incredibly vast. Typically, though, they all feature player choice, character progression, levelling up, quests, and numerous other hallmarks.
So, what are the best RPGs on PS5, then? Again, this list is based on user ratings. If you'd like to have a say in which games end up on this list, then you can simply click on the user score that's at the top of each game's heading and select a score of your own. You can also use the following search bar to find and rate other games.
But remember: a game will need at least 50 ratings before it's added to this article. If there are any obvious RPGs that we're missing, chances are that they don't have enough ratings yet — so be sure to find your favourites and rate them appropriately.
Without further ado, let's begin our quest. Below, you'll find a list of the best RPGs on PS5 — as voted for by you.
20. Lost Judgment (PS5)
A sequel to superb detective thriller Judgment, Lost Judgment doesn't quite hit the dizzying highs of its predecessor in terms of storytelling and character development, but it's still a great action RPG. Packed with intense plot twists and carried by an excellent cast, Lost Judgment is a typical Yakuza-style thrill ride — but it's actually the ridiculous amount of impressively varied side content that drives Yagami's sophomore case. An expanded, satisfying combat system is worthy of note as well.
19. The Nioh Collection (PS5)
Team Ninja's answer to the popular Dark Souls series is Nioh, a punishing but satisfying action RPG based on Japanese history and folklore. The Nioh Collection on PS5 brings the two titles together in one package. Fortunately, both games are excellent — fairly linear but featuring fast, deadly melee combat that has you swapping between stances to gain the upper hand. The pair of games are remastered for the up-to-date hardware, running at up to 120 frames-per-second on the right display, and support DualSense's haptics and adaptive triggers. Two cracking action titles for the price of one, and looking and playing better than ever on PS5? A no-brainer.
18. Disco Elysium: The Final Cut (PS5)
Disco Elysium stands as a truly great achievement in role-playing. Attempting to crack a dangerously suspicious murder case as an amnesiac cop, you're tasked with interrogating the locals while trying to work out just who the hell you're supposed to be. Engrossing from start to finish, Disco Elysium is built on a foundation of fantastic writing and brilliant characters, as you carve your own unique path through the atmospheric city of Revachol. Its methodical pace won't be for everyone, but if you're looking for a deep and brain-bending RPG, you won't find anything better on PS5.
17. Persona 3 Reload (PS5)
As far as faithful remakes go, Persona 3 Reload is right up there with the best you'll find on PlayStation. The original Persona 3 is an undeniable classic, but Reload greatly improves the experience by modernising its turn-based combat and expanding its storytelling. What's more, it's an utterly gorgeous revival, boasting incredible art direction and some of the most stunning presentation you're ever likely to see in an RPG. A must for existing fans, and for newcomers, a perfect introduction to the Dark Hour.
16. Star Ocean The Second Story R (PS5)
Star Ocean The Second Story R is a fantastic remake of a classic RPG. It remains faithful to the original game's tone and atmosphere, but brings so many quality of life improvements to the table alongside an impressive visual overhaul. As a result, this is the best version of a beloved adventure — the core gameplay of which holds up shockingly well after all these years. A huge win for both nostalgia-driven fans and newcomers alike.
15. Final Fantasy XVI (PS5)
The Final Fantasy series has never been one to sit still, and with Final Fantasy 16, it's moved away from its turn-based traditions entirely. The first true action RPG in the mainline games, it's quite the departure from the norm, but it's an excellent entry nonetheless. Featuring a gripping story delivered by brilliant performances, incredibly fun combat, and some of the most spectacular scenes imaginable, this is a fantastic game that pulls out all the stops.
14. Yakuza: Like a Dragon (PS5)
Yakuza: Like a Dragon barely feels next-gen as it’s very much rooted by Ryu ga Gotoku Studio’s dated engine and game design principles, but it’s bursting with personality and one of the most varied releases on this list. At its core, it’s a traditional, turn-based (a first for the franchise) role-playing game built around an engaging and relatable party of core characters, but it’s so much more: this small but densely populated open world harbours go-karts, an entire business management minigame, and more wacky side-quests than you can shake a massage wand at. This is one of the most unique and time consuming titles on PS5.
13. Kingdom Come: Deliverance II (PS5)
The first Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a demanding historical RPG that slowly became a cult classic over the course of years — and this sequel sticks rather rigidly to its predecessor's blueprint. Having said that, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 improves on just about everything; it's a bigger, much more dynamic open world adventure, stuffed with captivating side quests and fantastic characters. It's also a deeply immersive experience, forcing players to survive and eventually thrive within a punishing recreation of 15th century Europe. If you can gel with it, Deliverance 2 is easily one of the most engrossing role-playing experiences that you'll find on PS5.
12. Unicorn Overlord (PS5)
"Vanillaware doesn't miss" — a statement that grows more and more meaningful with every game that the talented Japanese studio releases. Unicorn Overlord takes the developer in yet another new direction, channelling the spirit of strategy RPGs like Fire Emblem to create one of the finest examples of the genre that you'll find in modern gaming. Growing a huge army of characters and finding unique ways to squad them up is the crux of the experience, and it only gets increasingly addictive as the adventure continues. Couple that with Vanillaware's amazing, trademark art direction, and you've got a surefire recipe for role-playing success.
11. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (PS5)
With the best turn-based gameplay, the biggest and best cast of characters, and the most gripping story in the series so far, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is comfortably the greatest Yakuza game to date. Ichican and Kiryu hit up the new destination of Hawaii in search of the former's long-lost mother, but their quest really is just the tip of the iceberg. Improved combat makes fights more engaging than ever, upgraded graphics bring new life to classic locations like Kamurocho, and deep and fascinating characters both new and old mean you won't want to stop playing until the credits roll. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth really is RGG Studio at its peak.
Comments 48
Just a subtle reminder that this list is ranked by readers, so don't blame us!
You can add your own scores to the games by clicking the little star icon on each game's header. Great fun for all the family!
Seems like classifying some of these are RPGs is a bit of a stretch, but they’re great games so who cares. I would add Atelier Ryza 2 to the list, which was great fun, if not quite as good as the first game.
Yakuza 7 is not better than 6, but at least 7 is an RPG.
Elden ring is a masterpiece.one of the greatest games ever made.word up son
This list is missing “Battle Brothers”
Amazing game, good writing. Beats many on the list as an RPG.
It's awesome to see that Demon's Souls and Elden Ring are regarded so highly by the readers.
I'm also looking forward to going back to Horizon Forbidden West at some point and experiencing the moment where is suddenly switches into an RPG. I had no idea 😝
I assume Horizon is #1 because not a lot of PS5 owners played it
@Mauzuri Do what I did and play them all
(this is partially a joke because it took me over a year of playing just Yakuza non stop and I am still not done. The games are fantastic but I do not recommend it if you're a busy person)
Some good games on that list.
In general, these are the type of games that keep me playing videogames as I get older.
@Lem1697 I jumped in on Yakuza from 6 and I've bought a lot of them (I imported every PS4 game prior to 7, and I have Lost Judgment on PS5, but no PS5), but I haven't finished getting through the backlog. I find it painful to play the older titles because of the lack of animation and voiced story and sub-stories. I was planning on getting through 3, 4, and 5 and maybe playing 6 again, but 7 going turn-based put me off my mission of playing through the entire series. Apart from 6, for which I got the platinum, I haven't finished any of the other games. After a certain point I just mainline the stories and vow to get back to clean up the sub-stories and get most of the tophies. Instead, they keep on bringing out games faster than I play them. I'm very busy, but I'm trying to get back into 4, then I will definately play 5 after a break. When I finally get a PS5 Lost Judgment will probably capture me in a way that 6 orignally did.
I'm looking forward to the new direction that the new team will take the series or maybe just make something new.
A bit surprised Forbidden West is #1 atm, considering the hype bubble surrounding Elden Ring since launch.
It's not a bad list of games (too many Soulslikes for my liking, but whatever), but almost everything here is cross-gen. Just another reminder that I don't need to rush out and buy a PS5 any time soon. We're quickly reaching the point where new Playstation and Xbox consoles will be tech upgrades and little else, as the gap between generations seems to keep getting smaller. The switch to SSDs will probably be the last great differentiator between console generations.
@ShogunRok thanks !
As much as i enjoyed immortals i'm not convinced its actually a rpg..its more like the god of war games to be honest..horizon at number 1? Its rpg lite and more of an open world brawler and before i'm burned at the stake i'm not saying its not an awesome game just not a bona fide rpg compared to the likes of skyrim,elden ring etc..
@Apfelschteiner You are missing out then. Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 2 are god tier
@Lem1697 I've played both and almost completely finished the sub-stories and side content in 0 and have a bit left to get to in Kiwami 2.
Interesting list, but I wouldn't class many of these games as an RPG, maybe the goal posts have moved!
I do roughly agree with the order though - with the exception of Valhalla which has finally ensured I'll never play another AC game despite having hundreds of hours in the previous games!
If nothing else, this list shows there is a lot of good content around
Christ! PushSquare and Yakuza.
Its quite clear you have not played on PS5 as its a definite step up in many ways way beyond having an ssd. From the menus and functions through the dualsence and haptics through to 60fps gaming, its a huge step up from my trusty old PS4's. Your loss!
I'm not so surprised that horizon finished ahead, despite the fact I'm loving Elden ring.
Horizon has a much more universal appeal. Elden Ring is not for those unprepared for it, its deliberately hard to get into and goes out of its way to be unwelcoming to anyone (not even a pause game ffs!). This appeals to the 'hardcore' gamers and souls freaks who like their games to feel more 'exclusive', but its a shame as its a big barrier to many others who will never be able to experience the magic of what they created, the majesty of their creature design and the finely tuned and honed combat experience. I spend half my time with it combing sites and guides for answers, and whilst this is part of the appeal to many, you should not need to do this for a properly designed game! What it does get so very right though is SO GOOD, you feel like you can excuse the silly stuff... hard to explain till you are in it.
Horizon on the other hand is the exact opposite and its appeal is therefore more universal and it caters to players of all ability types, so its likely to be liked more. It also tells a fine story, which is something you don't get in ER, at least not in a traditional way with characters emotions and humanity you can relate too.
They are so different, but they are both 9/10 games to me.
Horizon only edges it because it has more universal appeal..
Will hop back into Yakuza when I'm over losing a chapter's progress on powering down.
Happy to see ESO on the list. Still my go-to game. I’d put Elden Ring behind Forbidden West though. But that’s my opinion.
Your cons on elden ring are BS, push square. Side content is amazing. Frame rate is great when playing the ps4 code path on ps5. And besides demons souls remake, the load screens on this game are not nearly as bad as the other souls games.
@AgentGuapo the side content being “amazing” is a matter of opinion. The pop-in I can’t really say I’ve had a problem with though. And there are far too many load screens. And saying that they aren’t nearly as bad as other Souls games isn’t really an argument against what’s stated.
I don't really understand the " disappointing side content" the game literally have million paths to ignore so what define side content ? I can kill 2 lords to progress are the other lords "side content " now ?
I wouldn't count some of these as RPGs tbh.
Calling Horizon a RPG is such a stretch.
Alright list, although there are a few games here that I would hesitate calling it a RPG, like Immortals. Thats just me though.
Great list and concise summary. You can’t go wrong with most!
@TheArt They should give Yakuza 7 a negative point for not having fully-voiced dialog. Japanese developer still feel like they can get away with cheap production values. They should have used the money for the English voices to pay the Japanese actors to voice all of the dialogue.
That's what I thought too. Horizon is cool and all but I always considered it more an action adventure game than an RPG but oh well.
Is this just a republished list from last month?
Cyberpunk... am i missing something?
@Ultrasmiles it’s actually pretty good now. But I know what you’re getting it. It’s rpg’s for Ps5 which hasn’t been out long so it’s a shallow list
what does it mean "tedious legwork" in disco elysium cons?
Horizon and FF7 better than Elden Ring? Nah.
LOL Not even a true rpg is the best rpg? Omfg
Hopefully soon to join the list, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous.
I'd rank Tales of Arise so much higher. I've been playing a ton lately and it's my favourite RPG since Dragon Quest XI S Definitive
Some of those games are not RPG. Souls games are action adventure. Elden ring is a stretch too because there is not much story again action adventure.
Horizon maybe a rpg there is allot of story.
I expected the list was updated because persona 5 royal was added but apparently not.
Putting aside that some of these not really being RPGs, I generally agree with the order for those I’ve played. Although I did enjoy the Judgment games more than Like a Dragon overall, especially Lost Judgment. I know I’m in the minority on that though.
Now that the final update for Valhalla has been released , time for me to get it.It's Ideal for my gaming style, as I don't have a lot of time for gaming.Yes it's apparently big , but I usually dive in for a story at a time , complete that, dive out , then back in for the next story arc when i get some more free time.In a nutshell , Just like my play through of the Witcher 3 , one story at a time , it'll probably take me years to complete in between life and other games.
No Elden ring in the chart?
Are you f.. kidding me?
@Mauzuri highly unlikely.
But, no matter, really.
Really strange list. It doesn't even make sense. HFW was really good but #1, come on. Demon's Souls but no Elden Ring? What about GOT?
@ShogunRok Why has Elden Ring been removed from the RPG list? 8.6 user score would put it 4th/5th and tagged RPG in the Push Square DB. Assuming this is a glitch right?
UPDATE: Cyberpunk 7.7 on PS5 also not in there, assuming there are others. Seems something is wrong with the Matrix, send in Neo
@themightyant Elden Ring has been restored (was an error in our database) and Cyberpunk is there!
@Blacksmith1985 See my above comment!
@darkswabber P5R on PS5 doesn't have enough user ratings to be included. If people want to see it, they'll have to get rating.
Man, there are several games on this list that aren't even RPG's, and the list also leaves out a number of the absolute best RPG's out there. It just goes to show that lists like this should have titles like "most popular rpg's," not "best rpg's."
Where's Kingdom Come: Deliverance? One of the most criminally underrated games out there? Where is Divinity: Original Sin 2? Undeniably the best CRPG available on consoles? And what about Atom RPG? A modern-day love letter to the original Fallout CRPG's, and a fantastic ACTUAL RPG! What a letdown gamers can be sometimes. Gamers just can't distinguish quality from popularity anymore...
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