In this Dying Light 2 Trophy roadmap, we're going to reveal how to unlock the Platinum Trophy in Techland's latest open world game, Dying Light 2. In this Dying Light 2 guide, we're going to reveal all the Trophies, their descriptions, and strategies for unlocking all of them. We'll also include a Trophy roadmap, which will share how you should approach the Trophy list and what you should know at the start of the game.
Dying Light 2: How to Unlock the Platinum Trophy
It's possible to earn the Platinum Trophy in Dying Light 2 in just a single playthrough, but you need to be aware of 5 Missable Trophies and engage in some save manipulation. The first is the Boot Licker Trophy, which requires you to reach City Alignment rank 7 with a single faction. There aren't enough opportunities in the game to boost your faction rank to 7 with both factions, so know which one you'll fully align with before starting the game.
Ironheart and Fit as a Fiddle are two others, which are tied to fully upgrading your Health and Stamina. There aren't enough Inhibitors in the game to do both in one playthrough, so you'll either need to start a second one or collect 78 Inhibitors without spending any of them. Then you'll want to upload your save to the PS Plus Cloud, spend the Inhibitors on one of the stats, then redownload your save and fully upgrade the other one.
The final two are tied to Collectibles, Archivist and Audiophile. There are two missable Mementos in the short prologue area, and other Collectibles are tied to side quests. These optional missions can disappear off the map, so be sure to finish them as soon as they're accessible.
Every other Trophy can be earned either during the story or after the credits roll. You can reload your most recent save after completing the game and continue exploring the open world.
You'll need to find and complete every icon on the map, and you can find guides for all of them through the following links: Dying Light 2: All Windmill Locations, Dying Light 2: All Metro Station Locations, Dying Light 2: All Bandit Camp Locations, Dying Light 2: All Airdrop Locations, Dying Light 2: All GRE Anomaly Locations, Dying Light 2: All Facility Locations, and Dying Light 2: All Nightrunner Trial Locations.
There are also some combat-related Trophies like perform 50 takedowns, kill 50 enemies with a spear, and use the UV flashlight to kill a Viral. Read through our Trophy breakdown below to get a better idea of what the Trophy list asks of you, and then use our Dying Light 2 guide if you need further help and information.
Dying Light 2: All Trophies
There are 58 Trophies in Dying Light 2. Below you'll find all the game's Trophies, their accompanying descriptions, and strategies for unlocking them.
Pilgrim's Path
Platinum: Unlock every Trophy
Simply obtain the other 57 other Trophies in this list and the Platinum Trophy will automatically unlock, marking 100 per cent completion.
Into the Unknown
Bronze: Reach Villedor
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
First Shot
Bronze: Use an Inhibitor for the first time
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Herzlich Wilkommen!
Bronze: Enter the Bazaar
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Under Pressure
Bronze: Activate your first Water Tower
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
On the Trail of the Enemy
Bronze: Learn Waltz's location
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Light in the Darkness
Bronze: Activate your first Electrical Substation
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Get Outta My House!
Bronze: Defeat the Renegades attacking the Fish Eye
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Debris and Ashes
Bronze: Reach the Observatory
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
We Will Be Heard!
Bronze: Restore the radio broadcast tower
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Known Associate
Bronze: Learn the whereabouts of Veronika Ryan
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Brush with Death
Bronze: Survive the missile strike
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Going Down
Bronze: Enter the X-13 elevator
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Family First
Bronze: Find your sister
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Your World, Your Rules
Gold: Complete the game with any ending
Finish the main campaign of Dying Light 2 and you'll automatically unlock this Trophy. As the description states, you'll get this trinket no matter which ending you get. Therefore, feel free to make the choices you want.
Municipal Services
Bronze: Assign all Facilities
Refer to the following guide to learn the locations of all Facilities in the game: Dying Light 2: All Facility Locations.
Tunnel Entrance
Bronze: Activate your first Metro Station
Metro Stations are marked on the map with a train. To activate one, you must first find one out in the open world. Once you do, you'll need to complete a series of objectives that involve turning on backup generators. Once power has been restored, the Trophy will unlock.
Tube Map
Silver: Activate all Metro Stations
Refer to the following guide to learn the locations of all Metro Stations in the game: Dying Light 2: All Metro Station Locations.
Sancho Panza
Bronze: Activate your first Windmill
Windmills are all over the place in Dying Light 2. You'd find it tough not to activate at least one of these during your playthrough. Simply look out for one and climb to the top and interact with the fuse box up there.
Tickets, Please!
Bronze: Use a Metro Station to fast travel
Once you've activated two Metro Stations, you can unlock this Trophy. You must go into a Metro Station itself and find the interactive board — it'll look just like any regular tube map. Select a fast travel destination and the Trophy will unlock. You won't unlock this Trophy by simply bringing up the standard map and fast travelling from there.
Don Quixote
Bronze: Activate all Windmills
Refer to the following guide to learn the locations of all Windmills in the game: Dying Light 2: All Windmill Locations.
Can't You Read the Signs?
Bronze: Collect all Inhibitors hidden in GRE Quarantines
GRE Quarantines are marked on the map with a biohazard symbol, and it's strongly recommended you explore them at night when the undead patrol the streets. Each GRE Quarantine generally contains three to four Inhibitors, and you must find them all to complete the objective. Activating all Radio Towers (seperate from Windmills) makes finding all GRE Quarantines much easier since the radio waves marks all Inhibitors on the map. Look for a cluster of them and there's likely a GRE Quarantine there.
Find Anything Interesting?
Bronze: Open all Airdrops
Refer to the following guide to learn the locations of all Airdrops in the game: Dying Light 2: All Airdrop Locations.
It Wasn't That Hard, Was It?
Bronze: Defeat your first GRE Anomaly
GRE Anomalies are special infected you must fight in arenas spread throughout the open world. You can discover their locations during the day, but they can only be fought at night. They are marked on the map with a skull. Once you kill your first GRE Anomaly, the Trophy will unlock.
Silver: Defeat all GRE Anomalies
Refer to the following guide to learn the locations of all GRE Anomalies in the game: Dying Light 2: All GRE Anomaly Locations.
Flag Burning
Bronze: Clear your first Bandit Camp
Bandit Camps are locations run by local thugs that you must take back for either the Survivors or the Peacekeepers. Objectives generally revolve around emilinating lieutenants and the camp leader before raising your own flag. Complete these tasks and you'll clear your first Bandit Camp.
Ban Hammer
Silver: Clear all Bandit Camps
Refer to the following guide to learn the locations of all Bandit Camps in the game: Dying Light 2: All Bandit Camp Locations.
You Never Forget Your First...
Bronze: Craft your first iem
In the menu screen, scroll through to the Crafting tab. If you have enough parts to craft an item, do so and the Trophy will unlock.
Oh, So This Is How It Works!
Bronze: Modify your weapon for the first time
In the menu screen, scroll through to the Inventory tab. If your weapon can be modded, it'll have a small circle inside its icon. Press the Triangle button and modify it if you have a mod on your person.
A Friend In Need...
Bronze: Help 50 survivors in Encounters
Encounters are the blue objective markers that appear randomly on the map. You must complete 50 of these that involve helping a survivor. Scenarios include being attacked by zombies or Renegades, down injured somewhere, or hanging from a lamp post in a locked cage.
Parkour Master
Silver: Achieve maximum Parkour Proficiency
This Trophy is unlocked by obtaining every Parkour ability in the Parkour skill tree. There are 24 Parkour skills to unlock, and you can gain upgrade points by simply doing the actvity. For help working out which Parkour skills to get first, refer to the following guide: Dying Light 2 Best Skills: The Abilities You Must Unlock First.
Combat Master
Silver: Achieve maximum Combat Proficiency
Just like Parkour Master, you must now unlock every Combat ability in the Combat skill tree. There are 24 Combat skills to unlock, and you'll obtain upgrade points by getting in fights and defeating both the living and the dead. For help working out which Combat skills to unlock first, refer to the following guide: Dying Light 2 Best Skills: The Abilities You Must Unlock First.
Boot Licker
Bronze: Reach City Alignment 7 for any faction
This is the only missable Trophy in the game. Once you complete the objectives associated with a Facility, you're able to assign it to either the Survivors or the Peacekeepers. You're only able to do this 10 times throughout the story, so if you're not aware of the Trophy, you could get into a situation where you've spread Facilities evenly enough to where one faction can't reach seven.
Therefore, we recommend prioritising a single faction until you've unlocked this Trophy. For more information, refer to the following guide: Dying Light 2: Should You Assign Facilities to the Survivors or the Peacekeepers?
Who Wants To Be a...
Bronze: Collect 1,000,000 Old World Money
Refer to the following guide to learn how to collect 1,000,000 Old World Money: Dying Light 2: Unlimited Money Glitch Explained.
Man On a Mission
Silver: Meet all your Sparker love interests
Strategy coming soon.
Bronze: Travel at least 960km
There's no real strategy to unlocking this Trophy: you just need to keep running. You'll accumulate more kilometres every time you play, so focus on everything else the game has to offer. Hopefully, you'll have travelled far enough before completing all the content.
After the Fall
Bronze: Fall from a combined height of at least 10,994 metres
Just like Ultramarathon, this is a cumulative Trophy that you'll always be working towards. However, you'll unlock this one much sooner. Whenever you jump off a building, you'll be getting closer to unlocking the Trophy.
Good Night & Good Luck
Bronze: Survive your first night
Simply making it through the night without dying outside of the main story. When the sun rises, you'll unlock this Trophy.
Can't Touch This!
Bronze: Kill 20 enemies in a row with melee weapons without taking damage
We recommend attempting this Trophy very early on in the game, when the zombies are at their weakest. Make sure you've got a few weapons handy and keep your distance from the undead at all times. Dash in for a couple of hits and then dodge back out to make sure they don't reach you. Stamina management is very important here as you don't want to be stuck in a situation where you can't run away. Take it nice and steady and you'll eventually have 20 zombies down without any damage taken.
Night Hunter
Bronze: Kill a Volatile
Automatically unlocked through story progression.
Death From Afar
Bronze: Kill a Spitter using a ranged weapon
Spitters are the special infected seen at night that, well, spit acid at you. Once you've got a bow and arrow, find one of them and shoot them from a distance and the Trophy should unlock.
Tanning Salon
Bronze: Use the UV Flashlight to kill a Viral
The UV Flashlight is unlocked over halfway through the game and is best used at night to fend off zombies. When you find a Viral out in the open world under the cover of dark, activate the UV Flashlight to kill it.
Terminal Headache
Bronze: Perform 50 headshots with a ranged weapon
Once you have either a bow and arrow or crossbow, kill 50 enemies with headshots. They can be living or dead — it doesn't matter.
Slow Poke!
Bronze: Lose the maximum level of Chase
Your Chase level is displayed on screen at all times once you've initiated one during the night. To do so, let one of the special infected see you and it will commence. The maximum level is 4. In order to reach that, always make sure you're in sight of zombies so the meter continues to fill. Keep your distance from them, but don't completely run away and break the line of sight. Once you reach Chase level 4, the Trophy will unlock.
Being All Social
Bronze: Join a co-op session
Just as the Trophy description states: simply join any co-op session and the Trophy will unlock.
That's Teamwork!
Bronze: Kill 100 enemies while playing with at least 2 other players
You must now be in a co-op session with two other players, forming a party of three. Once you've all joined, simply go on a killing spree and the Trophy will unlock once you've reached 100.
Lightning Reflexes
Bronze: Perform a Perfect Block 10 times in a row without taking damage
A Perfect Block is when you time your block at just the right time and the game goes in slow-motion for a short while. In order to make unlocking this Trophy easier, find a group of enemies and kill all but one of them. With the final enemy, follow their attack patterns and Perfect Block 10 of their attacks.
Bronze: Modify your weapons at least 50 times
Follow the strategy set up for the Oh, So This Is How It Works! Trophy 50 times and you'll also unlock this one.
Fit as a Fiddle
Silver: Max out your Health
You can increase your health by collecting thee Inhibitors and exchanging them for an upgrade. 78 Inhibitors are needed to enhance your health meter all the way. Doing so will unlock the Trophy.
Silver: Max out your Stamina
Just like Fit as a Fiddle, you'll need to collect three Inhibitors and this time exchange them for a stamina upgrade. 78 Inhibitors are needed to enhance your stamina gauge all the way. Doing so will unlock the Trophy.
You're Going Down!
Bronze: Perform 50 takedowns
A takedown is a move only available on enemies you sneak up on behind. It's a quiet one-hit kill, and successfully performing 50 of them unlocks the Trophy. They're most easily done on zombies.
Don't Look Up
Bronze: Perform Smash on enemies at least 50 times
Smash is an ability unlocked late in the Combat skill tree. You'll first need to have Vault Kick unlocked and then upgrade your health to 200. The Smash skill allows you to destroy an enemy's head by pushing it into the ground once you've jumped on top of them from a height. Do this 50 times and the Trophy unlocks.
Get the Point?
Bronze: Kill 50 enemies with a Spear
Spears are referred to as Opportunity Weapons, and can only be used once. You'll generally find them out in the open world, stuck into zombies that have already been killed. Find 50 and kill zombies with them to unlock the Trophy. They're easier to spot at night thanks to the green neon lighting next to them.
True Nightrunner
Bronze: Complete all Nightrunner Trials
Refer to the following guide to learn the locations of all Nightrunner Trials in the game: Dying Light 2: All Nightrunner Trial Locations.
Bing Bang Boom!
Bronze: Perform an Air Kick after a Double Wall Run
In order to unlock this Trophy, you'll first need to unlock three abilities: Tic Tac and Wall Combo from the Parkour skill tree and Air Kick from the Combat skill tree. Now look for gaps between buildings where you could easily jump from side to side. There should also be some zombies nearby. Start a wall run on one side, then jump across and begin wall running on the other. Jump off this second wall and land a dropkick on a zombie to unlock the Trophy.
Bronze: Find all Collectible Notes
There are 117 Collectible Notes to find. On the menu screen, they're referred to as Mementos on the Collectables tab. They are generally books or pieces of paper with writing scribbled on them. Activating your Survivor Sense highlights any ones nearby in orange.
Bronze: Find all Collectible Recordings
There are 63 Collectible Recordings to find. On the menu screen, they're referred to as Tapes on the Collectables tab. They generally look like cassette tapes. Activating your Survivor Sense highlights any ones nearby in orange.
Street Art Aficionado
Bronze: Find all Graffiti Tag Collectibles
There are 70 Graffiti Tag Collectibles to find. On the menu screen, they're referred to as Graffiti on the Collectables tab. You can find them out in the open world on the sides of buildings, depicting art and pictures. Activating your Survivor Sense highlights any nearby boxes containing spray cans, which is what you need to interact with in order to find the Graffiti Tag.
Have you unlocked the Dying Light 2 Platinum Trophy? Boast away in the comments below and check out our Dying Light 2 guide for much more help and information.
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