Looking for all Eikons and best Eikon abilities in Final Fantasy 16? By the end of the game, Clive will have access to a wide range of abilities, each one bringing something unique to his elemental arsenal. In this Final Fantasy 16 guide, we're going to cover the pros and cons of each ability in order to try and help you pick the right skills for your style of play.
Based on over 120 hours with the game, these are what we think are the best Eikon abilities in Final Fantasy 16.
Please note, this guide contains spoilers on abilities that are obtained towards the end of the game.
Final Fantasy 16: All Eikons and Best Eikon Abilities Introduction
Before we begin, let's go over the basics of Eikon abilities and how they work within Final Fantasy 16.
- Clive gains access to new Eikon abilities as the main story progresses
- Eikon abilities can be unlocked and upgraded using Ability Points, which are obtained through winning battles
- Each Eikon has its own Core Ability, which cannot be swapped out when that Eikon is equipped
- By the end of the game, Clive can equip up to three Eikons and six Eikon abilities (two per Eikon) at any one time
- Each Eikon ability has an Attack value, determining its base damage
- Each Eikon ability has a Stagger value, determining its base stagger damage
- Most Eikon abilities operate on individual cooldowns in combat (Core Abilities do not have cooldowns, and can be used indefinitely)
- Super Abilities are extremely powerful attacks that have higher unlock and upgrade costs, but are balanced by much longer cooldowns
With those main points out of the way, let's dive right in.

The Phoenix is the first Eikon that Clive gains access to. Its skills are aggressive but balanced and easy to use, and can be a benefit to any style of play.
Phoenix Shift (Core Ability)
Attack: N/A
Stagger: N/A
Description: Phoenix Shift allows Clive to close in on an opponent at an incredible speed, and it can be followed up with a unique sword slash or magic attack.
The Good:
- The best way to close in on an enemy in the game
- Great for traversing a busy battlefield with multiple enemies
- The sword and magic attacks after a Phoenix Shift do decent damage
- Perfect for reaching flying foes
The Bad:
- Clive's basic Lunge skill isn't as fast and it does less damage, but it's a suitable Phoenix Shift replacement and doesn't need to be equipped
Our Rating:
Rising Flames
Description: Rising Flames summons a fiery Phoenix wing to deal damage, and can launch smaller foes into the air.
The Good:
- Activates very quicky
- Deals good damage
- Has a short cooldown
- Easy to use, even mid-fight against bosses
The Bad:
- Outclassed by other abilities in terms of raw damage
Our Rating:
Scarlet Cyclone
Description: Scarlet Cyclone summons two fiery Phoenix wings as Clive spins, dealing damage to all enemies around him.
The Good:
- Great for crowd control in fights with multiple lesser enemies
- Decent stagger damage
- Easy to use
The Bad:
- Outclassed by numerous other skills in terms of damage
- Outclassed by other skills in terms of crowd control
Our Rating:
Description: Heatwave summons a wall of fire which Clive then slashes, creating large projectiles. When used to block an enemy's projectile or magic, Clive counters with more slashes with higher damage, and the ability's cooldown is shortened.
The Good:
- Very high attack and stagger damage when used as a counter to projectiles or magic
- Very short cooldown after being used as a counter to projectiles or magic
- Can hit distant enemies
- Temporarily stops time upon countering
- An extremely effective ability for more advanced players
The Bad:
- Weak when used without countering projectiles or magic
Our Rating:
Flames of Rebirth (Super Ability)
Description: Flames of Rebith summons a storm of fire magic, damaging all enemies in a wide area while also healing Clive's HP.
The Good:
- Deceptively huge range, can hit enemies from across the battlefield
- Stops time during activation
- Solid base damage and stagger damage
- Good for increasing the combo multiplier on staggered enemies
The Bad:
- HP restoration is very slight
- Long cooldown
- Outclassed by other Super Abilities in terms of raw damage
Our Rating:

Garuda is the second Eikon that Clive gains access to. Its abilities focus on dealing high stagger damage, while also granting Clive some additional aerial mobility.
Deadly Embrace (Core Ability)
Attack: N/A
Stagger: N/A
Description: Deadly Embrace is a versatile technique that lets Clive pull smaller enemies towards him, even when he's in the air. When used against larger foes, it spins Clive into the air. Deadly Embrace can also be used to drag bigger opponents and bosses to the ground during partial stagger, rendering them helpless for slightly longer.
The Good:
- Can be used to control the battlefield against regular enemies
- Extends Clive's combos indefinitely against smaller foes
- Can be used as an evasive tool against larger opponents, as Clive rockets into the air
- Great for dealing extra damage to elites and bosses with its partial stagger pull
- Incredibly effective at plucking small, flying enemies out of the air
The Bad:
- A mostly useless ability against especially big enemies
Our Rating:
Description: Gouge summons two Garuda claws that unleash multiple slashes. It can be used in midair, and more slashes can be performed by mashing the assigned button.
The Good:
- Huge stagger damage
- Locks smaller foes in place, and can hit multiple enemies at once with the right positioning
- Good for increasing the stagger damage multiplier
The Bad:
- Weak damage overall
- Long animation leaves Clive vulnerable
Our Rating:
Wicked Wheel
Description: Wicked Wheel summons two Garuda claws as Clive spins into the air, launching smaller foes. Can also be used while in the air.
The Good:
- Good stagger damage
- Good for crowd control
- Great for aerial combos
The Bad
- Low damage
- Relatively long start-up animation
Our Rating:
Rook's Gambit
Description: Rook's Gambit sees Clive perform an evasive back dash before striking with a Garuda claw. It can be used to counter incoming attacks, greatly increasing its effectiveness if Clive evades correctly. Can also be used in midair.
The Good:
- Good damage if used as a counter
- Huge stagger damage if used as a counter
- Fairly easy to use, despite being a counter-based ability
- Evasion window is generous
The Bad:
- Leaves Clive completely vulnerable if the counterattack misses
- Very weak if used without countering
Our Rating:
Aerial Blast (Super Ability)
Description: Aerial Blast sees Clive summon a huge tornado, which steadily tracks his opponents and sweeps smaller enemies off the ground.
The Good:
- Capable of dishing out the highest stagger damage in the game
- The tornado stays on the battlefield for a while after being summoned, dealing continuous damage
- The tornado is so big that larger enemies have a hard time escaping
- Stops time during activation
The Bad:
- Only deals decent damage if the tornado sticks to a foe
- Long cooldown
Our Rating:

Ifrit is the third Eikon Clive gains access to. It only grants two Eikon abilities, which differ greatly in terms of intended use.
Description: Will-o'-the-Wykes temporarily summons a swarm of fireballs that circle around Clive. They deal damage to any foes that they touch, while also negating enemy attacks (up to a point).
The Good:
- One of the game's best defensive abilities
- The fireballs deal surprisingly decent damage if you can stay near your opponent
- The fireballs last a good amount of time
- Can save Clive's life if he's hit by an especially powerful attack
The Bad
- Some very specific attacks seem to cut straight through the fireballs and deal damage to Clive
- Relatively long cooldown
Our Rating:
Description: Ignition coats Clive in fire as he charges across the battlefield. You can control the charge's direction, and it carries smaller enemies off the ground. Ignition ends with a powerful sword slash.
The Good
- One of the best abilities in the game for dealing with smaller foes, as you can catch whole groups of them with the charge
- Great damage if all attacks hit
The Bad
- Leaves Clive completely vulnerable for the duration
Our Rating:

Ramuh is the fourth Eikon that Clive gains access to. Its abilities boast fairly high damage output, while promoting a slightly more technical style of play.
Blind Justice (Core Ability)
Description: Blind Justice shoots a series of lightning balls at targeted opponents. The lightning balls stick to the enemies for a time, causing further attacks (sword swings, magic, and Eikon abilities) to discharge lightning blasts for extra damage.
The Good:
- Great for racking up extra damage
- Good crowd control potential as long as you tag multiple foes with the lightning balls
The Bad:
- Takes a long time to properly set up
- Feels inefficient when you can get comparable (or even better) damage from abilities that are much easier to use
Our Rating:
Pile Drive
Description: Pile Drive sees Clive slam Ramuh's staff into the ground, creating a wide shockwave.
- High damage
- High stagger damage
- Great crowd control
- Comes out very quicky
- Easy to use
The Bad:
- Just a single hit, which isn't ideal for increasing the stagger multiplier
Our Rating:
Description: Thunderstorm summons bolts of lightning down upon your targeted enemy. It can hit other enemies as well, but only if they're close enough.
The Good:
- High damage
- Decent stagger damage
- Locks smaller foes in place
The Bad:
- Long start-up animation, leaving Clive vulnerable
- Relatively long cooldown
Our Rating:
Lightning Rod
Description: Summons a ball of lightning that discharges electric blasts when hit by Clive's attacks. However, the blasts are much more powerful if the ball is struck by an opponent.
The Good:
- Capable of dishing out extremely high damage if everything goes to plan
- Deals great stagger damage
- Surprisingly evasive, as Clive jumps backwards after casting
- So much potential for more advanced players
The Bad:
- Needs to be properly positioned or it's basically useless
Our Rating:
Judgement Bolt (Super Ability)
Description: Judgement Bolt summons huge lighting bolts down on a single target.
The Good:
- Massive damage output
- Great stagger damage
- Time stops during activation
The Bad:
- Long cooldown
- Outclassed by other Super Abilities in terms of raw damage potential
Our Rating:

Titan is the fifth Eikon Clive gains access to. Its abilities focus on defence and raw power.
Titanic Block (Core Ability)
Attack: N/A
Stagger: N/A
Description: Titanic Block lets Clive block incoming attacks by using a summoned Titan arm as a shield. The arm will block any normal attack or magic spell, but it can be broken by more powerful blows, with the absolute strongest hits dealing damage upon breaking through. Using Titanic Block just as an enemy's attack is about to hit will result in a perfect block, which can then be followed up with unique counterattacks using Titan arms.
The Good:
- Adds a whole new defensive mechanic to the game, which is extremely effective overall
- An excellent option when you're finding it hard to dodge certain attacks
- Perfect blocks can negate even the most powerful attacks
- Perfect block counterattacks deal decent stagger damage
- Loads of potential for more advanced players
The Bad
- Perfect blocks take some practice
Our Rating:
Description: Windup sees Clive summon a large Titan arm, which is then slammed into the opponent. By holding down the assigned button, damage can be greatly increased if the button is released on the red portion of the timing circle.
The Good:
- Ridiculously high damage for a standard Eikon ability, if you hit the red portion of the circle
- Decent stagger damage if timed correctly
- One of the most damaging abilities in the game
The Bad:
- May take a little bit of practice to maximise damage
Our Rating:
Description: Upheaval summons a Titan fist that Clive slams into the ground, dealing damage to all surrounding enemies. If used in midair, the impact deals increased damage. The assigned button can be held to increase effectiveness, maximising damage if the button is released on the red portion of the circular gauge.
The Good:
- Capable of very high damage if used while in the air and timed correctly
- Deals very high stagger damage if used in the air and timed correctly
- Great for crowd control
The Bad
- Clive's aerial height impacts overall damage, meaning that maximising this skill's damage output takes an inefficient amount of effort
Our Rating:
Raging Fists
Description: Raging Fists sees Clive use a Titan arm to deliver a storm of quick punches. However, its true potential is unleashed as a counterattack ability. The initial animation, in which Clive steps forward and holds the Titan arm up to block, can be used to counter physical attacks. Timed correctly, the following punch storm becomes much more powerful. Keep mashing the assigned button to throw more punches.
The Good:
- Deals massive stagger damage when used as a counter
- Deals good damage when used as a counter
- Temporarily stops time when used as a counter
- Greatly reduced cooldown after a successful counter
- An extremely effective ability for more advanced players
The Bad:
- Fairly weak when used without countering
- Leaves Clive vulnerable if the counter is activated in the middle of an enemy's combo, and it's not enough to cancel their attack through stagger
Our Rating:
Earthen Fury (Super Ability)
Description: Earthen Fury rips a large portion of the battlefield up with two summoned Titan arms. Smaller enemies are blown away.
The Good:
- Huge damage
- Decent stagger damage
- Stops time upon activation
- Very long range
The Bad:
- Long cooldown
- Damage can be disappointingly low against bigger enemies who don't get carried off by the impact
Our Rating:

Bahamut is the sixth Eikon that Clive gains access to. Its abilities have a strong focus on ranged attacks that deal high damage.
Wings of Light (Core Ability)
Description: Wings of Light gives Clive actual wings, allowing him to slowly glide around the battlefield. While in flight, you gradually build up Megaflare, from level 1 to a maximum of level 4. The longer Clive stays in flight, the higher the level increases, but it'll start to decrease if Clive gets hit by an enemy. As such, you need to dodge incoming attacks with R1, which also builds levels faster. By pressing the button again, Clive unleashes Megaflare at the current level, dealing sustained damage across the battlefield.
The Good:
- Immensely powerful when charged all the way to the level 4
- Clive's dodge while Wings of Light is active is quite effective
The Bad:
- Getting hit after spending a long time charging is a real morale killer
- Can't do anything other than dodge while charging, throwing the ability's efficiency into question
Our Rating:
Description: Impulse fires off a number of projectiles that circle enemies and deal damage over time.
The Good:
- Deals good damage over time
- Deals great stagger damage over time
- Can be a very effective combo-building tool
- Locks smaller enemies in place
- Fairly powerful against singular opponents when racking up damage
The Bad:
- Can't select specific targets
- Long starting animation, leaving Clive vulnerable
Our Rating:
Flare Breath
Description: Flare Breath sees Clive spew fire in front of him. The fire can be aimed, and you can still walk around while it's active.
The Good:
- Great damage if sustained upon an enemy
- Locks smaller foes in place
The Bad:
- Clive is completely vulnerable while active, and larger enemies will attack straight through it
Our Rating:
Description: Satellite temporarily summons up to two light orbs that hover above Clive. They shoot magic at enemies whenever Clive uses his own magic attacks.
The Good:
- Can deal a surprising amount of extra damage if you're always linking magic burst attacks into your combos
- Deals great stagger damage with continued attacks
The Bad:
- Long starting animation
- Simply having a different, powerful ability equipped may net you just as much damage without the fuss
- Only truly useful when you're constantly hitting an enemy with magic
Our Rating:
Gigaflare (Super Ability)
Description: Gigaflare sees Clive fire off a massive beam of light magic. The direction of the beam can be controlled.
The Good:
- One of the most damaging attacks in the game
- Locks smaller enemies in place
- Stops time upon activation
- Skyrockets the damage multiplier on staggered enemies
The Bad:
- Slightly low stagger damage
Our Rating:

Shiva is the seventh Eikon that Clive gains access to. Its abilities are offensive, but quite tactical in how they can be used during battle.
Cold Snap (Core Ability)
Attack: N/A
Stagger: N/A
Description: Cold Snap lets Clive perform ice-based dashes across the battlefield. It's essentially an elongated dodge. Pressing the button again while dodging places an ice crystal that freezes nearby foes, but only for a second or so. Dodging an enemy attack at the last possible opportunity triggers Permafrost, which sees Clive fully freeze all nearby opponents for several seconds. The freezing works on all enemies, even bosses.
The Good:
- Permafrost is ridiculously powerful in the hands of more advanced players, freezing any and all enemies for a surprising length of time
- Frozen foes take additional damage
- The dodge is very generous, allowing Clive to slip through any attack with the right timing
The Bad:
- Getting used to the dodge's timing can take some time
Our Rating:
Ice Age
Description: Ice Age summons a line of ice that smashes smaller enemies away. Its damage can be increased by holding and releasing the assigned button when the timing circle reaches the red mark.
The Good:
- Long range
- Fairly short cooldown
The Bad:
- Deals disappointingly little damage, despite its attack rating
- Very low stagger damage
Our Rating:
Description: Mesmerize fires several shards of ice at nearby enemies, which are then pulled towards Clive if they're small enough.
The Good:
- Decent crowd control
- Fairly short cooldown
The Bad:
- Low damage
- Low stagger damage
- Better off using just about any other damage-dealing ability against elites or bosses
Our Rating:
Description: Rime summons a large ice crystal that stays in place for a set period of time. Smaller enemies that touch the crystal get caught inside of it and take sustained damage.
The Good:
- Deals great damage over time
- Good for crowd control
- Good for building combos
The Bad:
- Needs to be positioned correctly, or it's useless
Our Rating:
Diamond Dust (Super Ability)
Description: Diamond Dust unleashes two huge blankets of ice that skewer enemies from the ground up.
The Good:
- Massive stagger damage
- Stops time upon activation
- Good damage
- Covers most of the battlefield
The Bad
- Long cooldown
- Outclassed by other Super Abilities in terms of raw damage
Our Rating:

Odin is the eighth and final Eikon that Clive channels (in the base game). Its abilities all feed back into its Core Ability, which is designed to deal high damage in bursts.
Arm of Darkness (Core Ability)
Description: Arm of Darkness replaces Clive's sword with Odin's blade. Clive's basic combo changes, and slashes with Odin's blade fill up the Zantetsuken bar, which can have a maximum of five levels. Holding down the attack button unleashes Zantetsuken, which deals more damage the higher the level. Also changes Clive's precision dodge counter. Attacks while Arm of Darkness is active do not fill the Limit Break bar.
The Good:
- Zantetsuken can be immensely powerful at level 4
- At level 5, Zantetsuken has a chance to instantly kill the enemy (but the overall damage is lower than level 4)
- More advanced players can build the Zantetsuken level quickly by using associated skills and performing precision dodge counters
- Zantetsuken has huge range
- Clive's standard combo with Odin's blade is quick
The Bad:
- Standard attacks with Odin's blade deal very little damage
- Depending on your familiarity with Odin's attacks and abilities, actually building your Zantetsuken level can take a long time, to the point where you're better off just using more traditional abilities to deal equal or more damage overall
- Hard to properly master and maximise its potential
- Doesn't contribute to the Limit Break gauge at all
Our Rating:
Description: Gungnir summons a dark magic spear that Clive uses to unleash a flurry of attacks. All successful hits build the Zantetsuken level.
The Good:
- Locks smaller foes in place
- Builds the Zantetsuken level quickly
The Bad:
- Long animation that leaves Clive vulnerable for the duration
- Very low damage
- Only useful for building the Zantetsuken level, pointless without having Odin equipped as an Eikon
Our Rating:
Heaven's Cloud
Description: Heaven's Cloud sees Clive slash through multiple enemies, or a single enemy multiple times. Press the assigned button after each successful hit to keep the chain going.
The Good:
- Very fast animations
- Surprisingly evasive as Clive zips around the arena
- Surprisingly good crowd control if you keep the chain going
- Good stagger damage if multiple hits connect with a single enemy
- Multiple hits fill up the Zantetsuken level very quickly
The Bad:
- Low damage
- Only truly useful for building the Zantetsuken level, pointless without having Odin equipped as an Eikon
Our Rating:
Rift Slip
Attack: N/A
Stagger: N/A
Description: Rift Slip lets Clive immediately cancel out of any action, including abilities.
The Good:
- Easily the most versatile ability in the game
- Time temporarily slows when used during attacks, allowing you to greatly extend combos or chain abilities together
- Immense potential for more advanced players
- Very short cooldown
The Bad:
- Can take some practice to learn its many potential effects, and how it can be used to chain actions together
Our Rating:
Dancing Steel (Super Ability)
Description: Dancing Steel sees Clive summon a second Odin's blade, before unleashing a rampage of slashes. Every successful hit increases the Zantetsuken level by a large amount.
The Good:
- Increases the Zantetsuken level more than any other Odin ability
- Covers a very wide range
- Stops time upon activation
The Bad:
- Very low damage
- Only truly useful for building the Zantetsuken level, pointless without having Odin equipped as an Eikon
Our Rating:

Leviathan is the ninth Eikon that Clive can channel, but it's only unlocked through the Final Fantasy 16 expansion, The Rising Tide. It specialises in ranged attacks and abilities, allowing Clive to deal damage from a safe distance.
Serpent's Cry (Core Ability)
Description: Serpent's Cry sees Clive summons an aspect of Leviathan to his left arm, which is used like a water cannon, with shotgun-like projectiles and wide-range special moves. Clive can't attack with his sword while the aspect is summoned, but he can perform a double dodge.
The Good:
- Easily one of the game's best Core Abilities
- Despite its lower star rating, Serpent's Cry attacks deal high damage
- Despite its lower star rating, Serpent's Cry attacks deal huge stagger damage
- The double dodge covers a lot of ground
- By far Clive's most effective method of dealing good damage at a distance
- Shots completely stagger smaller enemies
The Bad:
- You need to refill the 'Tidal' after using a number of attacks, like reloading a gun
Our Rating:
Description: Deluge lets Clive fire off a barrage of water projectiles, which can be manually aimed at a target of your choosing.
The Good:
- High stagger damage if most projectiles hit
- Decent overall damage
- Staggers smaller enemies
The Bad:
- Clive is left vulnerable while firing
Our Rating:
Cross Swell
Description: Cross Swell creates two two crashing waves that drag enemies together in front of Clive.
The Good:
- Great for gathering groups of smaller enemies in one place
- Decent overall damage
- A safe, fast attack
The Bad:
- Not much use against larger foes or bosses
- Low stagger damage
Our Rating:
Abyssal Tear
Description: Abyssal Tear sees Clive summon an orb of water, which swells as he performs successful attacks and dodges. Activating the ability a second time unleashes the stored water as projectiles, which become more powerful based on the Abyssal Tear level that Clive has built up.
The Good:
- Deals good overall damage at level 3 and level 4
- Can hit multiple enemies at once
The Bad:
- Low stagger damage
- Takes time to build to level 4, to the point where you could just be using other abilities
Our Rating:
Tsunami (Super Ability)
Description: Tsunami sees Clive unleash a huge torrent of water that hits all enemies in front of him multiple times.
The Good:
- Deals high damage
- Deals decent stagger damage
- Stops time upon activation
The Bad:
- Long Cooldown
Our Rating:

Ultima is the tenth and final Eikon that Clive can channel, and is only available after completing The Rising Tide expansion. It gives Clive access to a winged form, along with several incredibly powerful abilities.
Ascension (Core Ability)
Description: Ascension literally gives Clive wings, allowing him to glide across the battlefield. It also changes all of his basic attacks into powerful wing and shockwave strikes, effectively transforming him into a different character.
The Good:
- The most powerful overall Core Ability in the game
- Provides an entirely new moveset for Clive
- Provides unmatched mobility
- Clive's basic attacks have long range, and can strike multiple smaller foes
- Clive's charged attacks and magic attacks deal good damage
- All attacks stagger smaller enemies
The Bad:
- Almost feels too powerful
Our Rating:
Description: Proselytize has Clive tear open the fabric of space, blasting enemies with an arch of divine energy.
The Good:
- One of the best offensive abilities
- High damage
- Huge stagger damage
- Long range
- Can hit multiple enemies
- Can be used in midair combos
The Bad:
- Slightly long startup time
Our Rating:
Description: Dominion summons pillars of divine energy, which erupt from the ground in a circle around Clive. Smaller enemies are sent flying into the air.
The Good:
- Great for pushing enemies away when surrounded
- Good damage
- High stagger damage
The Bad:
- Most of the pillars will miss singular targets, like bosses
Our Rating:
Voice of God
Description: Vice of God has Clive call upon a devastating beam of energy from the heavens. Once summoned, you can move it around the battlefield manually.
The Good:
- Huge damage if you can keep it tracked on a singular enemy
- Decent stagger damage
- Clive is removed from the battlefield while the beam is summoned, and can't be damaged
The Bad:
- Very long startup time, leaving Clive vulnerable
- Long cooldown
Our Rating:
Ultimate Demise (Super Ability)
Description: Ultimate Demise unleashes an eruption of divine energy, blasting all enemies in a large circle around Clive.
The Good:
- High damage
- High stagger damage
- Huge range
- Blows smaller enemies away from Clive
- Can be used in midair
The Bad:
- Long cooldown
- Lacks damage against singular targets, compared to other Super Abilities
Our Rating:
Did you find our guide on the best Eikon abilities in Final Fantasy 16 helpful? Unleash your inner Eikon, and be sure to take a look at our huge Final Fantasy 16 guide for much more help with the game.
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