PS Stars, or PlayStation Stars, is a free loyalty program for PS5 and PS4 which enables you to earn PS Store credit, free games, and Digital Collectibles. If you're a PS Plus subscriber, then you'll earn additional Points based on each PS Store purchase you make.
In this PS Stars guide, we're going to explain all Campaigns and solutions and outline all Rewards and how to get them. Please note that, while our best efforts have been made to ensure this page is always accurate, PS Stars is an evolving program so some details may be subject to change. Additionally, there may be regional differences depending on where you live.
PS Stars Guide: All Campaigns and Solutions
In this part of our PS Stars guide, we're going to introduce all Campaigns and solutions. Campaigns are time-limited objectives that can be completed in return for rewards, often Points or Digital Collectibles. Tasks may take on a variety of different roles, including playing a specific game, using a particular feature, or even participating in a tournament.
Below we've included a list of all Campaigns and solutions currently available in PS Stars. Where applicable, you can click on the name of a particular campaign for more information on how to solve it:
March Monthly Picks
- Description: Games we've been enjoying and think you will too. Purchase any one of our suggested titles below to find a new favourite and score some Points!
- Reward: 50 Points
- Expiration Date: 31st March, 2025
PlayStation Plus Game Catalogue
- Description: Ready for a new adventure? Check out these PlayStation Plus Game Catalogue games, and you might just find a new favourite. Play any one of them to score some sweet Points!
- Reward: 50 Points
- Expiration Date: 31st March, 2025
Your PlayStation Plus Monthly Games Await
- Description: It's our favourite time of the month: new monthly games time! Add this latest batch to your collection and play any of the exciting games in it to get some Points!
- Reward: 50 Points
- Expiration Date: 31st March, 2025
PlayStation Tournaments
- Description: It's time to step up and win it all. Join PlayStation Tournaments to compete for fun, prizes and (of course) eternal glory. Find a game, sign up and compete to get started and earn some Points!
- Participate in any PS5 PlayStation tournament to get your Points.
- Reward: 25 Points
- Expiration Date: 9th April, 2025
Narrative Adventure Game Club
- Description: These narrative games are all about laid-back gameplay and brilliantly unique visuals. Sit back and play any one of these colourful adventures to get a new literary digital collectible.
- Reward: Celestial Dreaming
- Expiration Date: 16th April, 2025
Narrative Adventure Game Club Picks
- Description: Your next narrative adventure is here! Purchase any one of the colourful, comfortable indie games below to experience stories of friendship and community and get some Points!
- Reward: 50 Points
- Expiration Date: 16th April, 2025
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
- Description: Don't Nod's latest cinematic adventure is here! Play this throwback '90s tale, available on PS Plus Extra and Premium, and earn the Trophy below to get an epic digital collectible.
- Earn the 'Directorial Debut' Trophy to get your Digital Collectible.
- Reward: Swann's Camcorder
- Expiration Date: 18th April, 2025
As You Wish
- Description: Get in on the next big thing by checking out this month's most wishlisted games! Purchase any one of the popular games below to join the hype and get some Points.
- Reward: 250 Points
- Expiration Date: 30th April, 2025
Next Turn | Sports Fighting Games
- Description: Grab your fight card and weigh in, it's time to fight. Warm up, then play any one of the sports fighting games below to earn a new digital collectible.
- Undisputed WBC Edition
- UFC 5
- AEW: Fight Forever
- MFC - Midnight Fight Club
- Reward: Golden Dukes
- Expiration Date: 30th April, 2025
PlayStation VR2 Showtime
- Description: Unleash your true heroic potential with all-new PSVR2 games, and live the life of a video game icon! Play any of the games below to get your Points.
- Reward: 50 Points
- Expiration Date: 30th April, 2025
Play Destiny 2: Heresy
- Description: The Dreadnaught has returned, powered by a mysterious Echo and bringing with it turmoil and ruin. As a Guardian, you are the bulwark against chaos. Play Heresy to unlock the Tablet of Ruin Artefact Digital Collectible.
- Play Destiny 2: Heresy (PS5, PS4)
- Reward: Tablet of Ruin Artefact
- Expiration Date: 6th May, 2025
Monster Hunter Wilds | Start Hunting
- Description: The Forbidden Lands await. Gear up, grab a weapon and prepare for the hunt with Monster Hunter Wilds! Celebrate the launch with us by playing the game, and get an adorable Palico digital collectible!
- Play Monster Hunter Wilds to get your digital collectible.
- Reward: Palico | Monster Hunter Wilds
- Expiration Date: 31st May, 2025
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Trophy Hunt II
- Description: Rise as Rook, Dragon Age's newest hero. Be who you want to be, play how you want to play. Fight back and lead your team of seven companions, each with their own rich story, to earn this trophy and get a digital collectible.
- Earn the 'Part 7: Fire, Feather and Fade' Trophy in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
- Reward: The Full Veilguard Deck
- Expiration Date: 4th December, 2025
PS Stars Guide: Rewards
For this section of our PS Stars guide, we're going to focus on Rewards. As you continue to interact with Sony's loyalty scheme, you'll amass Points which can be exchanged for rewards. These rewards include PS Store credit, free games, and Digital Collectibles. You can earn Points by completing Campaigns and by purchasing games from the PS Store when you're a PS Plus member
PS Stars Guide: FAQs
For the final section of our PS Stars guide, we'll be answering any lingering questions you have about Sony's loyalty scheme. This includes topics such as how to join, how much it costs, and how to get Points.
That concludes our PS Stars guide for now, but we're committed to keeping this page up-to-date with all of the latest information on Sony's loyalty scheme. Feel free to check back regularly for updates on campaigns, digital collectibles, and rewards. And if you'd like to know anything else about the program, let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 199
well if your into showing look what achievement i got this will be up your street, achievements????? na im not fussed i play games for the story content achievements not interested at all. looks Photoshopped the whole thing s telescope and t-rex i think this will go by the way side in 6 months.
why do they have a loyalty program when they aren’t loyal to their customers ..
oh that’s right , baby $ony late to the party from what M$ does better , oh jimbo . 😂😒
So does streaming not work? I streamed mk11 and it didn't unlock
I still can't believe Nintendo have a better reward system, they give more currency points per purchase and now offer new avatars every week as well using coins earned from playing games or uploading save data etc. Whilst Sony have got rid of avatars altogether
Come on sony, you can do better than this.
@UltimateOtaku91 Do they? For a 60€ Game I get 0,60€ in Points on Switch. That 1% you get back and only for 1 year after the Game came out
@IonMagi it's 5% for digital purchases and 1% for physical purchases. I recently bought fire emblem warriors three hopes and got £3 in points back.
PlayStation are offering 1% back on digital purchases and nothing on physical.
@UltimateOtaku91 like Microsoft don't ? U can get a achivement in any game a day and still get points ...hell u don't even have to get achievements, u can just do daily searches and /or answer questions like which 5 of these ppl are astronauts and still get money
@Martsmall I know Microsoft do, but I used nintnedo in my comment as they are the one who are behind in everything, in terms of subscription, online, hardware, digital store sales etc and people always call them out on it, yet they have a better reward system than playstation lol
@Martsmall you get points on xbox just for turning it on once a day lol
@UltimateOtaku91 I've not tried Nintendo's but looking at Sonys rewards I'm not impressed, $5 for every $125 spent wow
@get2sammyb for the campaigns where you have multiple choices and only need to boot one/some, can you add the game sizes so people know which is the smallest one to download, boot, and delete?
Is there anything Sony does that doesn't get the usual moaners out of their caves?
Is it being added to the actual console menu at some point? I rarely use the app.
@AdamNovice Nope
@uptownsoul scheme is same as program in English, just has multiple meaning/uses
@SplooshDmg yeah I got the double gold coins for buying splatoon as well, I think I bought 3 games over the last two months and have £12 in coins which I'm going to put towards the xenoblade chronicles 3 season pass.
Another thing I like with nintendo is the game vouchers for 2 games for £84, something like that on playstation would be great, make the £70 games seem less of a problem and probably bring more digital sales overall.
@AdamNovice Would be nice to get some points if i buy a physical release i dont buy digital so the points wont be added to my account.
Better not call it a loyalty thing but at the our store and you get something. A company like Bandai Namco adds codes which you can trade in thats a lot nicer then this.
And loyalty i only have had Playstation consoles and i always bought my games even imported the games and payed for them in the legal way on every console.
@SplooshDmg there's vouchers on the switch eshop, all you need is to be a NSO member.
I just don't understand why this was implemented. It'll take ages to get enough points to get a free game. May as well just wait for the Plus offerings. And yeah... I have the digital TRex and PS3 "collectibles". I just don't get it.
@SplooshDmg ah I see, must just be an European thing then 😕
Its been available since the launch of NSO in the UK.
@Uncharted2007 Well maybe the whole thing isn't about getting free games quickly. Personally I'm more interested in the digital collectibles, because it's something more unique then just an avatar or a wallpaper that other services do.
@uptownsoul They got me to download the app, sign up for the program.. and gave me a challenge to buy a game from a selection of some pretty poor choices.. like.. Last of Us, the third release of a fairly modern game almost everyone played that they're charging $60 for.. a couple yearly sports titles, Saints Rows which has gotten negative reviews everywhere.. a collection of old ninja turtles games that you probably either bought on release or are waiting for a sale due to the price.. (I'm the latter, the reward your getting is no where near worth the money you'll save) ..it does kind of come across as a scheme.. I guess if you'll get a reward if you keep it up for one thousand months.
Does anyone know how to get the PS3 collectible??
@uptownsoul Time is money friend.
how much does 50 points equate to in money?
I dont care about digital tat its worthless
Sounds from what people have been getting for purchases like for pre-order of GOW for $74.20 they get 742 points so 0.10 per dollar spent. So you have to spend $1750 to get enough points to buy newer games like the query which require 17500 points.
This is a joke, compared to MS reward points it looks like absolute tosh. I don't have an xbox but I still earn about 10 quid a month on their system (which I use for cloud gaming on PC) by simply using bing instead of google and clicking a few links each day, if you want you can even redeem MS points for amazon gift cards! Sorry sony keep your digital tat and measly 'stars' it's not even worth the effort
You get the equivalent of 4% back on Sony’s system, which is pitiful given the relative cost of digital games to physical (which aren’t rewarded).
How is MK11 or Tekken honoring "hadouken"? These "rewards" Nintendon't make any sense
@AdamNovice its getting pretty pathetic now isn't it? This site stoked it, now we all have to live with it...
Not that this article isn't a good one, I appreciate the work that went into it to help people enjoy a new program, even if the comments are the usual cess pool of muck slingers..
I got a challenge that isn't included in the guide. It's called "PS VR BRB" and it awards 50 points for playing any one of six specific PSVR games. (Astrobot Rescue Mission, Walking Dead Saints & Sinners, Wipeout Omega Collection, RE7, Until You Fall, and The Persistence) Completed it by playing Astrobot.
I haven't seen anyone else mention this challenge online.
@Barrel_Roll @get2sammyb
If you copy Sammy in on this info, he will likley add it after checking
Thanks for letting us all know!
@Titntin @get2sammyb
Thanks! Just realized I have a second challenge that isn't listed above.
It's called "PlayStation and You: PS3." The challenge is to "Play any game on PS4 or PS5. Doesn't have to be vintage!" The reward is a PS3 console Heroic collectible. I'm a US user, so maybe that makes a difference.
@Barrel_Roll Thanks for this!
@AldusRavencorn That's what im wishing. let me see it on the actual playstation instead of the app.
@Barrel_Roll I have the "PlayStation and You: PS3" campaign as well. My friend doesn't have the campaign though, and we're both in Canada. Neither of us have the "PS VR BRB" challenge. So seems like there are campaigns that aren't rolled out to everyone.
Do I have to play a particular mode in SFV to unlock the Novelty Toy Fight Trophy?
Also noticed that the "October Check-in" didn't register for me even though I've already played some games yesterday and today.
@bpomber @get2sammyb
Maybe the challenge campaigns are somehow tied to your play history or trophies. A friend of mine (also in the US) doesn't have the "PS VR BRB" challenge, but he doesn't have the VR headset, whereas I do.
Maybe the PS3 challenge is for people who have a lot of PS3 trophies. Just spitballing here.
@Barrel_Roll @get2sammyb Who knows? We may never know. We all know about Sony's communication skills, or lack thereof.
There is a twenty dollar gift card in the reward program that can be purchased for 5000 points.
@trev666 So fifty points is equal to twenty cents. That is laughable when you see the list of games eligible for the reward. Except for Inscryption, most are sixty dollar games on the PS4 and seventy on the PS5.
A seventy dollar purhase gets you twenty cents of credit.
I bought TLOU P1 just before the Stars program, so now I can’t get the bonus points….
@uptownsoul ? Define scheme.
@Stevemalkpus thanks for working that out for me not got stars here in uk yet and by the sounds of it unless you want some digital tat the monetary rewards are negligible at best
@Netbean totally agree I would recommend Microsoft rewards to everyone you dont even have to have an xbox to get points.
All those game I paid for...now I can't get the points because I already bought them.
Man all you people do is complain, be grateful they even offered this. If you don't like it play a different gen console. Touch grass
I spent 200 pound today I'm in the uk, will it count? Totally forgot about this eeurgh
@uptownsoul Okay, when I said define scheme.. I was kind of expecting to actually look up the definition. I think you're mixing up scheme with scam.
@Kramzie I have every console and a good gaming PC.. like.. I honestly don't really care all that much, this is a marketing scheme, it should get better, right now they're misstepping. It's not something worth insulting people over.
@Orcish , welcome to the industry all companies do it. It is also not a "marketing scheme". You are not required to buy them it's pure cosmetic besides the rewards system. I own all gen consoles including PC with over 850+ games on Steam. You obviously are bothered by it in some way since you are mass responding to people. Just play games and move on it's not a big deal. Also telling people to touch grass is not insulting, just indicating. Have a good day lol.
you only seem to get points if you spend money
Anybody else has the 50 points purchase bonus marked as expired? I'd like to buy inscryption but I don't know whether I'll get the points or not.
"Please be patient as we accept new members on a rolling basis. Youll be notified by email when your off the waiting list in up to two months. Note that your place in the waiting list will be the same even if you cancel and sign up again"
mind you ive no interest in digital tat and I buy physical games so i probably wouldn't get anything out of it anyway
@uptownsoul a scheme is a large scale plan to attain something or put something into effect. @Orcish is 100% correct that this rewards program is a marketing scheme to get people to engage more with PlayStation by buying games from the store and playing specifically curated games. If you play more you're ultimately more likely to spend more. Sony has said before that they want to boost player engagement back to peak covid levels.
So any word on whether anything majorly changes at different levels? 2/3/4?
I've seen this for what it is, now. It's an attempt to get you to overpay for digital games from their store.
I own TLOU:P1 on disc. Why shouldn't I get the points for having bought it?
@UltimateOtaku91 I won't buy anything digital if I can help it. You don't really own anything like that and if they shut it down you lose access to those games. I learned with myspace and yahoo back a long time ago. Lost a bunch of pictures that were digital and music and movies I bought. Then Amazon, Vudu, and Sony shut down some on my libraries when streaming started taking over. And in the time that I stopped doing digital I always hear of something shutting down or copyright laws keep it from being used.
I like the idea of the collectables.... But does anybody know what to do with them please?
@fridida yes you can flex and digitally clean them,that's about it
@naarmi Then my collections are going to be sparkling and flexed to the maximum! 😂
Thank you. 👍🏻
It's just an extra added benefit. Cool to some stupid to others. But some are acting like Sony owe them money in return for purchases. They don't. So entitled.
I didn't even need to play a game, they just gave me the cinnasnail. I wonder if it's because I sent a complaint in the app about no notice for the banana campaign.
I see I now have a day to get a cinnamon bun by playing a game. Cool. Keeps people logging in I guess. But really hoping for some more imaginative and challenging tasks (that don’t involve buying specific games).
Wow. All I see are people moaning. Its a free thing to sign up for.
Are they late to the party? Yes
Did they all do trashy point making at the beginning? Yes
Are they all a bit useless? Yes.
Why is it everyone wants everything for free.
If you want to sign up, sign up. If you don't. Don't.
Or why don't people just sign up and play like normal and in the end you may get a free game out of it, which you wouldn't have if you don't anyway.
Its not like it effects anyone.
@J-smash it's a bit of a proverbial kick in the teeth if you ask me. Like, seriously, we bought your premium priced remake at launch but can't be grandfathered in here? Like those 50 points, absolutely worthless on their own, are gonna break Sony or something.
The banana boomerang collectable idnt unlock for me when i defintely played a ps5 an ps4 game within the time limit and now the snail wont unlock even though i launched games yesterday i dont understand
I've already lost interest in this.
Hello..I’m in the US (Pacific Zone Time) and I’ve gotten all the digital collectibles thus far, but I don’t have the PlayStation and You: PSVR digital collectible available to me right now. I’m level 2 on the PS stars, and I’m wondering how do I get it? When I watched the video for the PS stars when it first rolled out, I saw a PS3 digital collectible and a walkie talkie looking thing, but I don’t have those either and I read all the comments in this post, and some people “supposedly” have them. Am I not in a region where the Digital Collectibles are not available to me, or do I have to level up in the PS stars? Thank you
@xrayzak47 you mean the PS and You campaign doesn’t even show up in the app for you? I’m also I. The US (EST) and I got it the day it was put up. As for the Walkman and PS3 collectible, I haven’t seen them so I think they’ll show up later. Unless you mean the one where you have to play certain games in order. I think some things are region specific also like the banana one because I never saw it in the app.
I missed the cinnasnail one. It’d be nice if they would push notifications to your phone letting you know when new campaigns appear. I don’t feel like checking the app every day for new campaigns.
@CrispyMango92 no it doesn’t. Do you have a VR headset?
@xrayzak47 I don’t. I just played a regular game and was able to get it.
@CrispyMango92 wow ok. Thank you 👍🏻🤘🏻
Getting 75 points just for using remote play a few times? Will knock that out on the toilet lol
@xrayzak47 not everyone gets the same campaigns. Some people even have different requirements for them. I'm afraid it simply won't be possible to get every collectible.
I must admit, forgot this even existed until now. Got the first couple of bits then just forgot it.
Why can't I see "You Did It! You Defeated Phrike" in US app yet?? I can see the "Play Wherever" and I have one called "November Check-In" that isn't even on the list above for November. its an "autumn themed Tech Demo Tyrannosaurus Rex" to go along with last months.
@commanderclif have you beaten Phrike in Returnal? You can try to do it now, but no guarantee the campaign will show up.
Got a message on my ps4 from Sony weeks ago saying they were going to add a campaign for pre ordering modern warfare 2 or God of War Ragnarok & never happened lol
@thefourfoldroot1 the remote play one won't register for me
I pre-ordered Call of Duty, where are my rewards?
@Bez87 We moan because we are the customers, and when the customer is not happy this means you do not run your business well. If you focus on nonsense like this instead to provide better quality games then that's just desperation. And lastly, why we can't say what we think about it, do we don't have a right of option?
Strange, it did for me. In fact, despite what others have experienced, at worst my campaigns registered when they were supposed to. A few before. With this one I got the first part register when I first connected and the final part as soon as I connected for the last time, so I don’t think the 5 minute stipulation is actually necessary, but I kept them all logged in for 6 minutes anyway just to be safe.
For reference, I was connecting to a PS5 using the app on iPhone, and I’m in the U.K.
@Would_you_kindly yeah I tried it for a good ten minutes several times yesterday and nothing registered. It's whatever, I kinda only care about the points but not so much I wanna commit hours trying to figure out how to get this to register.
Also annoyed that I just recently started Returnal to try it out and defeated Phrike like literally 2 days ago but that campaign isn't available to me so I guess certain campaigns will forever be unavailable should you do something after the campaign exists. And, well, that's kinda dumb.
@WizzNL registered when I got a ps5 wouldn't when I used it on my ps4 though
PlayStation and You: PSVR + playstation eye doesn't work.
Also you can't complete fighting month games with streaming mortal Kombat 11, it doesn't register that game unless you actually play PS5 version.
God of war preorder is a scam, I didn't get any figurine and I see people getting thousands of points yet I got nothing for it. Scam.
Has the remote play campaign disappeared for anyone else? I did the first remote play requirement at the beginning of the month with no problem, but now I can't see in the app.
@WCB That campaign finished awhile ago. Never got 1 remote play to work for me. Very weird.
@WCB that happened to me as well
@KaijuKaiser what? I got nothing for the preorder, just de 800 of the game
Annoying I get no recognition for pre ordering / purchasing PSVR2. Unless this will get added later once the money is taken.
@KaijuKaiser oh I see, thanks for the explanation. Never got the ps stars collectible either :/
@SoulChimera oh, I thought it was a longer timed thing. I could have done it that first day then lol
I’m still waiting to get my 50 points for Call of Duty! Guessing it will track at the end of the month
@KaijuKaiser check you out! I preordered Ragnarok and only got the 700 points with purchase.
Slightly frustrated
Still no GOW preorder collectible. "The share the fun " isn't even showing up...
@Bamila same...
I'm against the PS Store Picks one. I purchased one of the games on the list a week prior and never got the reward of 50 points. It only gives you the reward if you purchase the game in that timeframe. Makes me now hesitate on buying anything from now on until I check this.
'November Check In: Play your favourite game on PS4 or PS5!'
Does anyone know how to find out what your 'favourite game' is according to PlayStation?
@Digit2021 Likewise. In fact, it would one huge improvement if the requirement was "Playing the game" to get the rewards. Not only implies you bought the game (or you got it from a PS Plus tier, which is not free either). Even a small reward would be preferable to paying full-price for a game just because of a limited time period.
@AK4tywill , I assume you just need to play any of your own game at least once.
Why is there a Genshin Primogem going around the PlayStation logo?
Of course like everyone else I pretty much got my free PS5 version of Witcher 3 as soon as it was available. However now I would have got 5 valuable points if I'd waited until Jan, and there appears to be no way to get them retroactively. Bummer!
@trev666 you get 10 points for every dollar spent i now have 977 points. so for 50 points its 5 bucks
@Stevemalkpus uh your sorely misinformed. you get 10 points for every dollar spent. not what you said. ive been keeping track i now have 977 points myself.
@SerJosh97 er that doesnt seem right i asked how much is 50 points worth not how much you have to spend to earn it.
50 points is worth 20p
so you have to spend £125 to make 1250 points for £5 credit
god your dense. i answered your question if you even bothered to read my answer i told you 50 points is 5 dollars. that's what its worth and how much you have to spend to earn it. learn to read. i hate talking to stupid ppl god its infuriating being the smart one of everyone ik.
@SerJosh97 Don't forget being the most modest too!
I don't mind it, except for the Purchase a game reward ones. Tonight I will just load Sackboy and Demons Souls to get the points, thus giving me my 7,500 points which is a nice $30 PS wallet. Every little bit of savings help in these financial times. Not going to play the games since already finished them, but it's enough to quickly just load a savegame and then instantly close to get the reward.
I just got the Shardbearer challenge today from Elden Ring. It says there is 32 days left to complete it. Anyone else received this challenge?
@WizzNL I don't have access to this campaign at the moment, but thanks for the intel.
So i bought dead Space three days ago or something and now it is part of points?
That sucks
@Ashkorsair They do this literally every month. Bought god of war on release in November and they put the points for it in December. It’s a pattern they do. Put the big game from the previous month as a campaign the next month. Guess it’s to try and convince those who don’t buy day one to get it sooner rather than later? But for 50 points, it’s not really a big deal. This program is cool to have but the part where you get money back is embarrassing. Got an Xbox back in November and they give you points like crazy. In these last 2.5 months, I’ve racked up enough Points to pay for game pass for the next 4 months. That’s $60 right there. Been using PS Stars since release and I’ve got just a bit over 2000 points which is just shy of $10. Sony is stingy for sure
Currently missing the 'Feel The Love' campaign for February, which, by the by, seems to have the tracker for one of the games glitched. I can boot up Life is Strange all I want but it won't register.
Prime Rib won't pop for me.
Anyone else having issues with that? Do you just have to launch the game or do you need to win a match?
The most irrelevant system sony has implemented to date. It's like it's not even there.
@AdamNovice It's almost like we want sony to do better than worse unlike some people.
@RedRiot193 Yeah like Sony will listen to bunch of comments on a random site. Also get with the times my comment was last year.
@AdamNovice The comments isn't the point as that flew over your head. The comments show what people are feeling about certain things and shows what has happened. This program is nothing but a flop and has under performed severely.
Your comment is only 4 months old lol you act like it was actually a year.
@LazyLombax Thank you, bit bizarre that one but hey ho, it is what it is.
@Golem25 I can't get any of them to register I've tried them in order and randomly too.
Life strange I already had trophies on before and wondered if that could be an issue?
@stBoa I am certain it does not register based on Trophies - I had no problem registering Yakuza 6 and others despite having their respective Platinum Trophies, while others registered after I had deleted the Trophy list the moment I opened the game.
Probably best to put it down to Sony's wonky infrastructure.
@Golem25 I think you might be right!
@Golem25 it finally worked after new stars update
Ah crap, deleted Last of Remastered, which I downloaded for the other campaign, already...
... Wow another 50 points, maybe I'll get the 5 eur voucher until the end of the year... In the meantime I'm pretty sure I already collected my 4th or so voucher on MS Rewards this year...
This program is such a joke, for physical customers like me, it takes forever to get something out of it.
With XBox, you can get 10€ currency each month without buying anything.
got 45 pound back so well happy
This is still a thing?
Damn, so I don't get any points for pre-ordering Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak last month?
Couldn't care less about PS Stars lol
I have more than 100 friends on PSN and i have asked some of them if they check profiles of their friends and look at their avatars and that collectible exhibits and nobody does that.
And that those challenges forcig You to play many games (often games that you don't like) for few points to get some discount is lame af.
Ps stars is a pile of garbage compared to what Microsoft and Nintendo offer. The same goes for Sonys membership scheme. They really need to do better for the fans loyalty..
I've been using the PS5 for half a year now and I don't think I've even once come across this service.
@Mythologue I saw it but I don't feel like doing the work for it I want to play what I want and when I want to play it.
Removed - trolling/baiting
i got since it started over £80 so its bought me a few games were before never got anythink so i cant complain
Removed - flaming/arguing
Removed - flaming/arguing
I got some free $$$ without even trying.
This is a great little way to get some return for your pay & play, I get my lad some Minecraft tokens fairly often from just downloading and playing the odd game
Surprised sony hasn't shut down this failiure of a system yet.
Quick question, do you still get points on store purchases if you purchase a game using money from a wallet top up?
@UltimateOtaku91 Not sure if it's treated exactly the same, but I used my top-up credit to renew my sub last year and it gave me points as normal.
@UltimateOtaku91 yup!
So can I literally just boot up a game for five seconds to earn the star (unless stated otherwise like multiplayer, etc..)?
@Donjuanton even a split second works
The Sea of Stars one for Sept 2023 is completely glitched. I got all three trophies and none are registering. Maybe it's for the PS4 version only?
For whatever reason I don't have the "PS Plus Game Catalogue: Must-Play This Month" one. Those 50 points would be nice.
Super new to the rewards programme, but do I really first have to start every campaign in the app, in order for it to be eligible?
I just came to the comments to see people argue about the definition of “scheme” like they always do in every single one of these articles. 🤣
I've actually had a £20 wallet redemption recently from all the points I've collected. Not bad really.
Some of the redemption offers are ridiculous, though. 20,000 points is either a £20 wallet card or a £15 game? You may as well get the card and buy the game (netting you more points) and have £5 left over.
In the UK, 1250 points gives you £5 wallet funds, so 1 point equates to 0.4p.
50 points is therefore 20p basically.
I can't get either psplus month one or fight club one to unlock.. tried on both PS4 and ps5 😞
What I wanna know is WHY does the system take so long to award you? "Play any PS4/5 Game To Receive Award", it's the 9th of the month already. Play every morning for 4 hours before work, and still haven't been given the award....
It sucks that you can’t just boot up a game to get points. You have to purchase them, even if you already bought it. It sucks.
My gosh this seems way too convoluted........
This is a decent system that gives me an extra £5 in vouchers every couple of months for nothing really, but the non point rewards are, well, pointless. At least let us view them in VR up close in our own custom environments or something.
@get2sammyb Did they really add “Buy FF7 Rebirth” the very next day AFTER it released? Nice way to punish people who preorder, which I did.😝
You probably spend more time updating this article than people spend on the rewards program. Gotta admire your dedication to your craft.👍
So if you've already bought a game, it doesn't count for the "buy one of these games" things? Because it's really annoying to see Rebirth on there now when you (and presumably millions of people) pre-ordered it.
@rjejr Ah, I just asked about this before all the comments were displayed. Yeah. That's really annoying. It should be retroactive.
What is a PlayStation Tournament? What games does that support? I'm so confused
As above, how do i/we enter tournaments?
@Matroska It wouldn't bother me too much if it were an old game like Horizon or GoW, something in the sale, but to post this exactly the next day after it releases is just going "nah nah na nah na" into their customers faces. All dozens of us who care about this stupid reward system that takes EDIT: 1,250 (NOT 2,500) gold coins to get $5 PSN credit. 😝
@Jill_Sandwich googling playstation tournaments brings you to the details, there's quite a lot to read so I can't summarise it, it doesn't really interest me. Sports, fighting games and uhh sackboy seem to be the games.
@Matroska Some purchases should be retroactive especially for games that aren’t even a month old.
@rjejr Is that what it is in the US? Here it's 1250 points for £5, which is $6.33. Could the UK actually be getting a better deal than the US for once? 😲
@Matroska OK now that you mention it 1,250 does look more realistic than 2,500. Now I gotta figure out how to check on PC as it's something I do in the app. hmm...
OK gave up on PC, checked the app and you were right it is 1,250 for $5. Guess it just seemed like a lot as Gold points on Switch are 1 point per 1 cent, so 500 points is $5.
My last 2 purchases on PSN have not gotten me any star's. It says you don't have to have plus but mines ended and now not getting coins for purchases
I feel a little stupid accumulating rewards that I can only see in my mobile app.... Still doing it nonetheless....
I dream for Sony some day implements a cool functionality in the ps5 to use all this rewards....
@IonMagi I have an 1:1 rate, 500 CZK is 500 points, don't know how it's on Nintendo. I like that PS Stars is easier to navigate.
Do you lose the stars each month ? I'm about 300 away from claiming a £5 wallet fund
@Nakatomi_Uk no they carry ove. Ive been working towards the £20 for a few months now. Guessing they do fall off eventually but id imagine its 12 months atleast. May be wrong tho.
Why don't they give points for games you already have purchased? It's always the same, in some cases you can't add points because I already have them all.
Anyway, it's totally ridiculous to buy a game just to get 50 coins which is 0,20 €.
Ok. A free 150 points. Which I think is about 60p or something. Every little helps I guess
You can download the trial for Minecraft without buying it and you get the points
I was under the impression you always needed plus to get coins for purchases. Which is a bit rubbish but hasn’t changed I don’t think.
@thefourfoldroot1 I have done a few but im not wasting more time on it.
Not really wasting time. Maybe using a few seconds to get on a stream of a game isn’t worth it for you to get 60p, but it would bug me after a few months knowing I’d just thrown money away🤷♂️
The only thing that annoys me now is not being able to get rewards for trophies I’ve already earned. Should just be given to anyone who has the trophy (although I guess that wouldn’t create the FOMO they are looking for when “encouraging” people to buy games at release, rather than on sale)
@thefourfoldroot1 I hate it that they ignore our people that buy physical copies. And i completely agree with your point but Sony does drop the ball on a lot of special actions.
@thefourfoldroot1 yeah that's what it was. I assumed as it was separate to plus so didn't realise it was needed to get coins
Still not up in Sweden...
Why repost this when the service is still down??
(A month now and counting).
why post this service still down
@Mad001 It's not far from two years and it's still going strong 😂
Still not up here in the us, and the other rewards service is now discontinued, so sony currently has no rewards system. (Which is why i buy all multiplat on xbox or switch for now)
Stars isnt terrible though, when it works.
Bit of a weird program, but got Exit The Gungeon out of it for free, so not complaining. Still bamboozled about the 3D digital sculptures being a thing, but it is a nice free side thing going on with Stars - why is this not on console though???
I never got the hang of it and didn't want to make the effort to get the rewards.
50 points are 20 cents, who's going to buy a game for 20 cents?
And paying real money for a digital collectible seems like the stupidest thing in the world to me.
@Milktastrophe Why can't you look at the file sizes yourself before downloading one of them?
@Fritz167 Who's paying real money for collectibles? People pay real money for games, that gets them points to redeem for collectibles if they choose to do so.
The thing that pisses me off about this stars programme is that its all out of sync. Was looking yesterday and one of them was to purchase Wukong but as the objective was obvioustly released after the launch of the game, which is when i purchased it i didnt get the extra gold coins for completing the objective. Next time i wont buy a game on launch and just wait a week or 2 to see if they add it to the stars program.
I've got the trophies for the Quidditch launch one but it's not unlocking. I played it the day it came out but I'm just now realising this. So as well as the purchase-based ones not being retroactive, the trophy ones aren't either? It doesn't matter as it's just for one of the collectibles but it's still stupid if true. They should at least align the Stars thing with the launch of the game.
The coin related ps stars challenges do not currently activate. I've been trying for a week, doesn't work.
Also, why shouldn't I get coins for physical purchases. Works on the switch. Oh yeah, Sony wants to kill physical because they're not making enough money in the bluray business.
Stars not unlocking and purchased games not counting. How can they make this suck so bad?!
Stupid PS Stars ain't working. Uninstalled and reinstalled it to try to get it working, but it's broken.
Downloaded a monthly game and started it up, played it for a bit. Did I get my 50 points? Did I heck. I also tried three different games to get some Roll Player's Guild Card digital collectable trash. Did it work? Did it heck.
What a waste of time.
Edit: Achievements came through 5 hours later. 🤷♂️
Money vouchers still don't show for me in the app I am on ps+ extra are they only tide to a premium subs ???
PS Star is not working for me too
@get2sammyb Hi, can you earn PlayStation Stars points from purchasing in-game virtual currencies?
@WanderingBullet If they get purchased from the PSN store, then yes. If the game has it's own in-game shop separate from the PSN shop, then no.
@Almost_Ghostly I see… Thanks.
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