PS5's controller DualSense is one of the biggest innovations Sony is bringing to next-gen. Naturally, there are lots of questions floating around about the PS5's pad, including its features, price, and battery life. As part of our PS5 guide, we're going to tell you everything we know about the PS5 controller so far. However, if you're looking for information on PS5 backwards compatibility, check out the following guide: Can You Use a PS4 Controller on PS5?
PS5 Controller: What Is It Called?
We were almost certain the PS5 controller would be called DualShock 5, following in the footsteps of all Sony's other pads. However, we were proven wrong. The official name of PS5's controller is DualSense.
PS5 Controller: What Does It Look Like?
Again, we believed Sony would stick to its tried and tested design, but DualSense breaks the mould with its flashy appearance. You'll see all the official images so far within this guide.
The first thing you'll notice about the PS5 controller is its two-tone colouring. Usually, Sony's pads stick to one colour — typically black — but with DualSense, white is the dominant colour, while black is the secondary colour. The grips, face buttons, and touch pad are all a pure white, while the shoulder buttons and the lower middle of the pad are black.
The DualSense controller is also a little bigger than we're used to, resembling the design employed by the Xbox Series X controller. Thumb sticks remain symmetrical where they've always been, while the touch pad has been expanded slightly. The face buttons — Triangle, Circle, X, and Square — are largely the same, although have lost their iconic colouring in favour of a sleek grey. The PS button is no longer circular, but takes the shape of PlayStation's logo. The light bar, which used to sit atop the DualShock 4 PS4 controller, has been moved and refined around the touch pad.
The Share button has been renamed the Create button, and the Options button has a new symbol too. L1 and R1 remain largely unchanged, but L2 and R2 have been smoothed out to a degree.

PS5 Controller: How Much Will It Cost?
Sony's confirmed the DualSense controller will cost $69.99 in the United States, €69.99 in Europe, and £59.99 in the UK.
PS5 Controller: What New Features Does It Have?
Sony has officially detailed some of DualSense's next-gen features.
Firstly, the PS5 controller will replace regular rumble with far more advanced haptic feedback. Instead of the whole controller vibrating as we've all become accustomed to, it will be capable of providing a wide range of different tactile sensations. For example, if you're playing a platformer and you're running around on ice, you'll be able to "feel" that the surface is slippery. Testing out a version of Gran Turismo Sport running on a PS5 dev kit, Wired's Peter Rubin explains he could feel the difference of two different surfaces simultaneously. "Driving on the border between the track and the dirt, I could feel both surfaces," he said. Haptic feedback should make for much more effective immersion.
Next up is adaptive triggers. The L2 and R2 buttons on a PS4 pad are fine, but what if you could feel the resistance of a taut string on a bow, or the clink of pulling the trigger on a gun? That's what the DualSense PS5 controller will be able to provide. The triggers on the PS5 controller will "offer varying levels of resistance" to further cement you in the game's world. This combined with the haptic feedback should achieve some pretty amazing results.
DualSense also replaces the PS4 controller's Share button with the Create button. We don't know too much about the difference here, but Sony says it will provide "new ways for players to create epic gameplay content to share with the world".
The PS5 controller also has a built-in microphone, located at the bottom of the pad. This will let players communicate with each other in online games even if they don't own a headset. We imagine you'll also be able to use this microphone for voice commands. Don't worry — there's also a mute button in case you don't want your pad picking up your vocals.

PS5 Controller: How Long Does Its Battery Last?
The DualSense controller has a longer battery life than the PS4 pad does, but it depends what you're playing. A game like Astro's Playroom, which uses lots of features, will last about five to six hours, but it's possible to get more than this in less demanding games. It also has a more up to date charger cable; you'll charge the PS5 controller with a USB Type-C connector.
Are you looking forward to getting your hands on the PS5 controller? Check out our PS5 guide, and then let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 42
PS5 gonna be a beast
Its going to be the best console ever built
I've never noticed my PS4 dualshocks being batter hungry, depending on the game I get upto 10hrs from them.
I'm curious if there's a regional difference?
Between the 3D audio provided from the PS5 (and the controller speaker), the haptic feedback, and the trigger tension, the immersion level is going to be sky high. I can't wait for a full reveal and pre orders to go live. So stoked for this console!
I hate when these currently useless guides get pushed to the top of the page.
What is the point of this article?
"Everything we know about PS5's controller: nothing".
It's funny the only real new confirmed feature is stealing Nintendo's HD Rumble.
@Dan_ozzzy189 place holder
@Dan_ozzzy189 None whatsoever.
@Mintie People seem to love exaggerating just now bad the DualShock 4's battery life is for some reason.
@THGhost agreed but totally pointless articles irritate me far more!
@invictus4000 It could be the same, it could be more improved. Time will tell.
But yes, the adaptive triggers are something entirely different, they too are confirmed and entirely new to any controller.
I wouldn't care if the battery life was zero hours!!! A wired controller would be awesome if it had NO STICK DRIFT!!!! In the last 3 months I've purchased three DualShock4 controllers due to stick drift. The most recently bought controller lasted all three weeks before MAJOR DRIFT occurred on the left stick. Meanwhile the right stick was just beginning to wonder. I'll admit I'm a bit rough on controller so I made sure to be extremely gentle with my most recent controller! Gentle didn't help at all. Hey Sony before you add all these new features that may or may not be helpful please consider addressing the old problems and Beef up the analogue sticks on the DualShock 5.
@Mintie I don't know what region you're from, but my UK battery lasts about 4 or 5 hours.
@ShaiHulud Also the UK, have you turned the brightness of the lightbar down?
@Mintie You've got to be kidding me, I didn't even know you could do that Cheers!
@ShaiHulud Some games that are rumble heavy will still drain the battery like crazy, but that isn't the gamepads' fault. But yeah, turning the light down should make your charge last a fair bit longer.
i bet this PS5 controller will cost $79.99
I quite like the look of this; and does anyone else think it resembles the suits the Avengers wore during Endgame? Or is that just me ... ?
all mine 3 DS4 controllers (lightbar dim, speaker muted, no headphones) lasts 10-12 hours of gaming.
Gotta say I’m a little underwhelmed, although maybe that’s because I don’t like the name change.
@ShaiHulud same. I reckon I get 4-5 hours out of mine and always have. I set the lightbar down to minimum brightness as soon as the patch came out but as it’s LED it makes little difference unfortunately...
Are they ever gonna move that damned left analogue stick to the correct positions. Nintendo and Microsoft have done this for years and I don't get why Sony won't.
@Boldfoxrd I actually prefer them this way as it allows for much better controls with 2d platformers and I don't really mind the position of the left stick for 3d games.
@Mintie I'm also in the UK, and don't ever really notice my controller giving out on me? I have 2 and charge 1 while the other is used, swap them between plays and can say that I seldom, if ever, find they run out on me. My 1st ds4 from late 2014 is still going strong!
@ShaiHulud and fighting games, also! I actually much prefer ps placement on the sticks
@Neolit anyone who played borderlands 2 and got Moxxis 'special' gun will know for certain that a constant rumble will kill your controller real quick.
But it does make moxxi a happy lady!
@J2theEzzo Absolutely! Can't play Street Fighter with my Switch Pro controller.
Controller is looking awesome, love how they have changed it, but kept some things the same.
Sorry your headlines suggests you have info like battery and price yet you have nothing but a guess what's the point of this article
Do we know if the controller will be compatible with the PS4 as well?
I prefer the recharge to be use on pad just like smart phones used. No more charger cable. Its so old!
Yeah mate I get your drift. Lol. 😉I have also had the problem of stick drift. The funny thing is thou, my first controller lasted 5 years but since then I have got through 2 in quick succession 😩 The positive is that I got replacements off Sony as they was still in warranty. Happy days ☺️
I love the new features of the PS5 duel sense controller, can’t wait to see what the developers do with them🎉
@harchibald @Cocky_Mike
You guys are probably doing something to get these issues so rapidly. I’ve had 1 controller do this and it’s because my niece accidentally sat on it and something broke. Outside of that I’ve owned 6 DualShock 4 (that many because I buy new ones if I like the colors) and only that one I’ve mentioned has had any issues whatsoever.
Oh there is no doubt it is perfect for 2D games. But both thumbs should be level. Can you imagine picking up a Sega controller in the early 90s and having your left thumb be away from the other buttons. It wouldn't make sense. I still don't get why having everything be symmetrical is so important to Sony.
Same here! Almost! I got almost 3yr from the ps4 controller that came in the box with my ps4 system. I wonder if the manufacturing quality has fallen off in recent years? All manufacturers eventually produce a few lemons! Maybe I'm the lucky guy that always manages to grab the one lemon while leaving behind 49 other perfectly built and long lasting DualShock4 controllers!! While doing some serious research on the DualShock4 I've found about 1 in 10 ps4 owners have the same stick drift issues!! They are also experts at identifying, picking, and purchasing multiple lemon controllers!
Are "The Stick Drift Kids" unlucky lemon picking losers?
Has Sony been hiding a serious problem with the DualShock4?
Do "The Drifters" use and abuse the DualShock4 way more than most causing catastrophic joystick failure?!?!
The only thing I can be sure of is how bored I must be to leave this long and useless comment. I really need to get a life or a working DualShock4 controller.
@Boldfoxrd I've never noticed any difference in using the sticks of an Xbox or Pro controller compared to a Dualshock - I don't care either way - so I guess it's a personal thing.
Maybe it's me, but this design looks like an XBOX controller and I'm not feeling it right now.
This honestly sounds really good and i hope this site keeps us updated with some of the missing specs
@Mintie I’ve noticed if I leave the controller changing too long then it screws up the battery in the controller so I always set alarms on my phone to time how long I charge it. That way I get more than like 8 hours out of it lol
@Far_Cide Its a natural evolution of the controller. Nothing has change in the general sense but the few buttons that don't really matter ex home button. It being a bit rounder and larger will add a bit more weight and make for a more comfortable holding experience. I dont like Xbox or Nintendo button placement, but they contour nicely in the hands. So all in all i fell its going to be a welcome change.
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