There are two PlayStation 5 models: PS5 and PS5 Digital Edition. However, you may be wondering what are the differences between the PS5 Digital Edition vs PS5. Fortunately, as part of our PS5 guide, we're going to explain how the two consoles stack up, and what sets them apart from each other. Remember, you can find out more information about PS5 stock through the link, which should prove handy once you've made up your mind about which model to buy. For more hardware comparisons, check out the following: PS5 vs Xbox Series X vs Xbox Series S: Full Tech Specs Comparison and PS5 vs PS4: Full Tech Specs Comparison.
PS5 Standard vs PS5 Digital Edition: What's the Difference?
There are two major differences between the PS5 Digital Edition vs PS5: the 4K UHD Blu-ray disc drive and the price.
The PS5 Digital Edition does not include a disc drive, and costs £359.99/$399.99/€399.99. Meanwhile, the PS5 does include a disc drive, and costs £449.99/$499.99/€499.99. It's worth pointing out that there are no differences in performance or power between the PS5 and PS5 Digital Edition.
There are obvious aesthetic differences between the two devices, as the PS5 Digital Edition has a slightly smaller profile owing to the absence of a disc drive. It also means that physical media cannot be played on the PS5 Digital Edition, including PS5 and PS4 games, DVDs, and 4K UHD Blu-ray movies. As the name suggests, it's a purely digital device. For more information, refer to our guide: PS5 4K UHD Blu-rays: Can PlayStation 5 Play Them? You may also want to refer to our PS5 backwards compatibility guide: PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS4 Games on PlayStation 5? And for additional reading, check out the following link: Can PS5 Play Used and Pre-Owned Games?
It's worth remembering that if you want to take advantage of free PS4 to PS5 upgrades, you'll need to use the standard PS5's disc drive to transfer physical PS4 games to the next-gen console. You can find out more information about this through the link: PS4 to PS5: All Games with Confirmed Free Upgrades.
PS5 Digital Edition vs PS5: Which Should You Buy?
Both the PS5 Digital Edition and PS5 are good options, so it'll depend entirely upon your tastes. If you plan to purchase all of your PS5 games from the PlayStation Store, then it may be worth saving money and space with the PS5 Digital Edition. However, it's worth keeping in mind that you'll never be able to purchase and play physical games on the PS5 Digital Edition, including any retail titles you may have purchased for the PS4.
The standard PS5, meanwhile, will give you a bit more flexibility, allowing you to use a combination of physical and digital media. If you own any retail PS4 games then you'll be able to play these, although both consoles will support backwards compatible games purchased on the PlayStation Store.
Will you be buying the PS5 Digital Edition or PS5? Let us know in the comments section below, and be sure to check out our PS5 guide for much more information.
Comments 37
>Which Should You Buy?
A black PS5 Slim.
I don't like NOT having the option of playing all my physical edition PS4 games (which im STILL buying now), so this "PS5: Digital Edition" is simply a no-go for me.
The one with the drive. I have a lot of physical games. Probably around 80 or something. Besides, I would love the opportunity to buy 4K blu ray movies. I just hope this time they also support audio cd's like they did on PS3. That thing can even rip cd's and store them on the hdd. Great, because I still use an mp3 player, and I have a whole lot of music on cd. Generally I just have so much stuff on physical media that it would be dumb of me to opt for the digital version, but I totally understand why some people do!
One of each. With drive for the lounge and without for the office.
I'm probably going to buy the digital if it's cheaper, I only bought like 8 disc based games, but since best buy and Amazon ended their discount programs in 2018, I stopped buying them. DqXi was the last Playstation game I got and SoTR was the last game overall, sucks too because GCU was really useful for Switch games.
Digital for me, and physical for my fianceé later down the line (maybe a limited edition). I don't have many discs anyways and I'm keeping my PS4 Pro.
@Duke_Bubblez it would be great if using your account you could verify that you have a physical copy of a ps4 and than be allowed to download a digital of the ps4 game you own. They should have a setting on the ps4 game which allows u to register your physical copy to your account in case you want to transfer a digital ps5 or the game becomes scratched and unusable. I know they would never do this, but it would be the right thing to do for consumers who support their product.
LMFAO literally what u pure asking for is what every Sony fanboy was losing their mind over Microsoft implementing in 2013 (and why the backtracked and removed it). Like for real Microsoft done tried this and yall roasted them so hard for it. Now here you are asking for it? Smh
Hey remember.... "this is how you share games on ps4" (hands physical game over) "no digital licensing here! Get outta here with that crap!!!"
Heck they were even going to allow you to "trade in" your license (basically like selling used games) but nope the internet fanboys wasn't hearing it!
We were also going to have the ability to share our games library with friends and not just "cheat" to do it with home system vs signing in. We could pick like up to 10 other people to share all our digital stuff with. We would have had it pretty good from a digital perspective. But sadly fanboys just weren't going to let it happen.
Any of the people who said they're buying the digital version changed they're mind recently? If Sony "losing" players digital purchases doesn't prevent people then i dunno what will, lol.
Has there been confirmation that digital PS4 games will work on PS5? I own about 4 physical games, while, including PS+, have a few hundred digital games currently in my catalog. I'd prefer to not have both console.
The original Xbox plan for this was amazing. The only thing it really ***** down was selling used games on eBay and other platforms. In exchange for that, you got to share your games with up to 10 people, you and any one other could play at the same time, and you could still trade it in or give it to a friend. It's a shame it disappeared because people weren't willing to try something new.
@SuperMarino I'm telling you friend Microsoft has been trying to change up the game for a long time and unfortunately they have usually been too far forward thinking.
If only fanboys could open their eyes and use their brains we'd all already be living in a world that today we keep begging for.
The proof is in the pudding with things like Xbox SAD and the ps5 (normal shape) lol
Kidding but still the best thing to happen in gaming this last generation is microsoft losing only because it's really made them push into radical ideas that back then they gave up on due to fear.
Today they don't fear new innovation (because they have less to lose now) and it's slowly pulled Sony kicking and screaming forward with them.
Look at what we have today because of their initiatives -
Cross play
Play anywhere
Cross gen
Smart delivery
Game pass (Xbox)
Game pass for pc
Out of their hands directly but definitely made viable by their progress and success -
Typical Playstation "exclusive" companies releasing on pc (Detroit : BH / Heavy Rain / death stranding / final fantasy vii remake / etc)
Actual Playstation first party titles (horizon zd) releasing on pc
Sony first party titles releasing on Xbox (MLB the show)
We only have all the above because Microsoft was forced to pivot after they fell behind so hard.
And it's been a great thing for the industry as a whole Woth their push towards things like cloud we already know that Sony is following them closely as they re actually partnering with Microsoft to use their technology that they been developing for years with azure and project xcloud.
I own a ps4 pro plan to buy a ps5 but I ultimately think Microsoft is the ones really pushing the industry forward and even though I don't own their hardware thanks to their great strides to open gaming up I don't have to yet I'm still fully invested in ecosystem.
Think I'm going to get the digital only version. I've bought maybe 3 game discs in the last 2 years.
Bought 10 discs. All have been superceded by newer digital editions. Everything else is digital and will be 100% on PS5. My future is digital and I have a PS4 & blueray for movies.
Really wanted the digital edition considering I haven't bought a physical game in probably over 5 years.
All I could get is the disc drive edition, 100 bucks straight in the garbage, but whatever.
@Duke_Bubblez lol only idiots buy physical there isn't one perk to it
@Carlm guess you don't count being able to swap games with friends, the fact you can buy the physical copies cheaper than on the ps store or being able to sell games you are finished with perks then?
@DrChud lol ever heard of game sharing ? The sales on the Xbox and ps stores are usually much cheaper than gamestop or buying physical and happen all the time. If you sell a game you may want it back and then you have to buy it all over again so where are those perks you were talking about ? Oh and not to mention physical copies also have to be installed and take up space in your home as well so again what are the perks only idiots buy physical
So you only buy games on sale? No interest in new releases which are on average £10 cheaper on disc rather than the store? Your selling thing is nonsense, if you sell a game when you don't want it anymore, I have never sold and then re-bought a game as that would be madness. Also pretty sure you have to install games you purchase from the ps store so don't understand that point. I will concede they take up space, I can barely get through my door with all my the games filling every inch of free space I own.
@DrChud I don't care about saving ten dollars when I will always have the game and not have to worry about scratching or stepping on it. and you don't have to get up to change games and I meant that you have to install both so what is the point of the disc but I don't care to have a pointless debate about it I already expressed my opinion on the matter and thats all I was trying to do
Maybe you should stop calling people idiots because they have a different opinion to you then.
UK digital price shown wrong.
I don't think that physical is the future, or the way to go. But at least I have something physical for my cash, and a nicer price. I still have PS4 and UHD Blu-Ray discs, so I have to opt for the standard.
Currently it makes no sense some of the pricing for digital games, considering the reduction in cost to produce them and probably less piracy as a result. And I wish some government would finally step in and create a law for the ownership rights of digital media. As it stands we are likely beholden to a few companies and their pricing schemes as they see fit for years to come, and who knows where that leads. If I technically only own a licence to play a game, then that licence should allow me to purchase it anywhere, either now, or in future.
@DrChud With all due respect, digital games are safer, because if you step one the disc, or scratch it, all of those "perks" go away.
@Papasears But why? When digital games are safer, and you can just gameshare?
@EternalRando I like having Physical Copies. Call me oldschool but its a hobby of mine. Most of the time its for the steelbook limited editions though.
@Carlm only idiots buy digital. I’ve had many times where I didn’t have internet either moving or just local power issues or just internet issues in general. Like when I play red dead redemption I never go online. Also what happens if I get hacked? Nah bro wake up it’s the other way around
I am not a fan of digital games so I'll definitely get the non digital version.
@Papasears I'm with you because in my opinion you don't "own" digital games. I prefer my games on discs so I can play them whenever I like even if that console is no longer supported I can play my disc games.
I still play PS2 and PS3 disc games and I'm glad I have that option.
Its cool to have some physical favorites as a reminder,its like vinyl records.But theres not alot of those favorites so naturally i switched to all digital.And i hate sounds disc drive can make so even better without it.
I will be buying the PS5.
I don't view $400 as chump change so with both being a premium price I figured, eventhough I don't love spending $500 for a console, I might as well give myself the most options when it comes to purchasing games. It doesn't happen often but every once in a while a game gets pulled off the PS Store and the only way to get it is if you can find the disc version.
@Cybrshrk ok Karen
@TheAuthenticEnd so agree with this - Steam do this already - you buy a physical copy of the game, put the code in Steam and it adds it to your account. The only slight issue with this is that there would be nothing to stop you buying the game, registering it with your account and then selling the physical disc on. I know they could have a one time use code that would invalidate the game in future, but if someone bought the game second hand that would put them at a severe disadvantage - it's bad enough that when buying second hand games the special codes aren't transferrable without the entire game not being transferred!
@Cybrshrk Microsoft got accused of having an always online system, meaning no internet no games, Not for a game sharing system. Their plan for xbox one was not well presented. Don't assume I'm a fanboy. I have owned nearly every system since I was introduced to the gaming world with a NES. currently playing cyberpunk (its great, not as glitcy as we see in the internet) on Xbox one x (I have not gotten a new gem system yet).
i mean no one shouldn't feel obligated to buy either console, like if you prefer physical media great! and, if you want the digital edition because you dont buy physical media thats also great, we all want or have a ps5 and no matter which one you buy youre gonna be happy. me personally i bought the digital edition partially because thats the one that was available and because i dont really buy disc media for ps4 i collect mainly ps3, ps2 and, ps1 discs.
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