How do you steal the Ember of the East in Red Dead Online? Of the new Opportunities added as part of the Blood Money update, this heist in Annesburg is by far the most difficult. The mining town is not only heavily guarded, but there are three potential locations the gemstone can be. Depending on the spawn you get will completely transform your approach. As part of our Red Dead Online guide, we're going to explain how to steal the Ember of the East. You can also find out How to Steal the Covington Emerald and How to Steal Il Sovrano.
Red Dead Online: How to Steal the Ember of the East

Before you can learn how to steal the Ember of the East in Red Dead Online, you'll need to have enough Capitale to launch the mission. You can find out How to Earn Capitale in our guide, which explains where to find the currency and what you need to do to accumulate it. The Ember of the East Blood Money Opportunity costs as follows:
- Standard
- 15 Capitale
- Hard
- 20 Capitale
- Ruthless
- 25 Capitale
You can launch the mission by interacting with any of the Blood Money quest givers, so set a waypoint for the likes of Sean Macguire, James Langton, Joe, and Anthony Foreman on your map. There'll be a brief cut-scene which will play before the mission launches, and then you'll begin the Ember of the East Blood Money Opportunity just outside Annesburg.
How to Find the Ember of the East

There are three locations you will find the Ember of the East, and it'll be determined randomly each time you run the mission. The three locations are: the Sherriff's Office, the Foreman's Office, and the Mine. Playing stealthily is possible, although it's much more difficult than the Covington Emerald or Il Sovrano.
Either way, when you arrive in Annesburg, do not enter the middle of the town. Instead, follow the train track around to the beach and take the long way around. Your first objective should be to find the location of the Ember the East, which is written on a letter inside the Hotel or near to the Foreman's Office.
You can enter the Hotel through the backdoor opposite the beach. As long as you sneak inside, you won't be spotted. There's a guard inside the room on the left, so quietly take him out and on the dressing room table behind the door should be a letter which will pinpoint the location of the Ember of the East.
Alternatively, take the long path around the Foreman's Office, behind the Annesburg and up the hill towards the mines. Sneak into the area where the coal is being transported from the mine, and head down a small staircase. The letter should be on a table in here. Wherever you discover the document, the location of the Ember of the East will be marked on your map: the Sherriff's Office, the Foreman's Office, or the Mine.
Sherriff's Office

The Sherriff's Office is perhaps the easiest spawn point for the Emerald of the East. It's located right at the front of Annesburg, and can easily be accessed with a small amount of stealth. Unfortunately, it's locked, and you'll need to get the key off the Sherriff. You can kick the door down, but this will attract attention, so make sure you're stocked up on Tonics if you do decide to follow this route.
The best strategy is to go to the beach area, behind the back of the Hotel described above. Wait for the Sherriff to walk through the Hotel, which is part of his routine checks. When he comes out on the other side, you'll have a clear opportunity to kill him. You can then steal his keys, infiltrate the Sherriff's Office, and steal the Ember of the East.
Foreman's Office

The Foreman's Office is a little more complicated to infiltrate than the Sherriff's Office, but it can be done in complete stealth. Effectively, you need to make your way to the location where the second letter spawn is, as detailed above. The Foreman will eventually stand in front of the table where the letter is located, and if you silently kill him, you can steal his keys. You then need to kill all of the enemies in the area, and make your way down the left side of the walkway transporting the coal.
There are signs everywhere pointing out the Foreman's Office, and now you have the keys you can easily make your way inside. Assuming this is your Ember of the East spawn location, you'll find the chest located next to the Foreman's desk. Simply open it to loot the gemstone, and quietly make your escape.

While the Mine is significantly easier to infiltrate, retaining stealth is practically impossible. You can set off some charges inside the Mine to clear out a few enemies, but keep in mind that you're effectively consigning yourself to going loud here. To be honest, you're probably going to be alerting guards anyway, though.
Our advice is to just take it slow, working through one corridor of the Mine at a time. If you've got a shotgun handy, then you're going to want to arm yourself with it, as it'll be devastating in these close quarters gauntlets. Do keep in mind, however, that some enemies are also armed with shotguns, so take it slow and make sure you use Tonics to keep your health fortified. Once you reach the Ember of the East's locations, loot it and get the hell out.

If you did happen to alert anyone during the mission, you'll be both ambushed and chased as you take the Ember of the East to the drop off point. Keep your health topped up and use Dead Eye to take out any enemies who attack you. Once you reach the drop off point, you'll be rewarded for stealing the Ember of the East for Guido Martelli.
Do you have any tips on how to steal the Ember of the East in RDR 2 Online? Check out our Red Dead Online guide, and let us know in the comments section below.
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