Where do you find all Wolf Mountain collectibles locations — including the Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, and Workbenches — in Sniper Elite 5? In Mission 10, Karl Fairburne must seize his opportunity to kill Hitler and end the war for good. As part of our Sniper Elite 5 guide, we're going to reveal all Wolf Mountain collectibles locations.
Please note that Wolf Mountain is DLC, and isn't included with the base Sniper Elite 5 game. However, its collectibles do contribute towards Trophy requirements, meaning by playing the DLC you can skip some of the collectibles in the main campaign.
Sniper Elite 5: All Wolf Mountain Collectibles Locations
This Sniper Elite 5 guide includes all Wolf Mountain collectibles locations, including Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, and Workbenches. There are 19 collectibles in Wolf Mountain in total.
Personal Letter #1: Construction Halted
On the far east side of the map, just before the teahouse, there's a small guardhouse. It's only being protected by one Nazi, so take him out and then head inside. Personal Letter #1: Construction Halted is just on the other side of the door.
Personal Letter #2: Vermin Infestation
In the back room of the garage, just north of the main Berghof building, you'll find Personal Letter #2: Vermin Infestation on a metal table.
Personal Letter #3: Führer's Plans
In the kitchen, on the southern side of the Berghof as it's presented on the map, you'll find a kitchen area on the ground floor. Personal Letter #3: Führer's Plans is on a side table next to a larger wooden one.
Personal Letter #4: Perimeter Problems
In the central part of the map, just before you take the tunnel to the Berghof, next to the winding road, there's a small building. Personal Letter #4: Perimeter Problems is on the table inside.
Personal Letter #5: Führer's Personal Space
On the ground floor of the Berghof, on the north-western side of the building as you're looking at the map, there's a room filled with exotic lamps and decorative furniture. Personal Letter #5: Führer's Personal Space is on a chest of drawers next to a statue.
Classified Document #1: Missing Inventory
Near the anti-air gun on the south-eastern side of the map, you'll find a cluster of boxes next to some tents. Classified Document #1: Missing Inventory is on top.
Classified Document #2: Guest of the Führer
From the Berghof's kitchen area where you found Personal Letter #3: Führer's Plans, head up the stairs on the southern side of the house. Follow the corridor north and investigate a side-office. Classified Document #2: Guest of the Führer is inside.
Classified Document #3: Routine Reminder
Just before the tunnel where you find Stone Eagle #2, there's a building with a safe inside. Either loot the code from a troop or blow it open with a Satchel Charge. Classified Document #3: Routine Reminder is inside.
Classified Document #4: Communication Operations
In the southwest corner of the map, there's a sniper lookout point, just southwest of where you find Classified Document #5: Additional Flak Positions. Climb up, and you'll find Classified Document #4: Communication Operations atop a wooden box on the ground.
Classified Document #5: Additional Flak Positions
Where you complete the optional objective involving the radio equipment, in the downstairs area of a large resort-like building, Classified Document #5: Additional Flak Positions is on the table.
Hidden Item #1: Führermuseum Concept Model
In the foyer of the main of Berghof, in a room filled with covered artwork and other antiques, you'll find Hidden Item #1: Führermuseum Concept Model on a box.
Hidden Item #2: Practice Pose Photography
On the top floor of the Berghof, in Hitler's quarters, sandwiched between a window and a chest of drawers is a safe. Either use a Satchel Charge or loot the code from one of the guards in the house. In the safe is Hidden Item #2: Practice Pose Photography.
Hidden Item #3: Possible Hitler Disguises
On the eastern side of the map, in the tearooms, head to the northern-most room where all the tables are laid and setup. You'll find Hidden Item #3: Possible Hitler Disguises on one of the tables with a white tablecloth.
Stone Eagle #1
On top of the Berghof, where Hitler is living, atop the roof on the side of the house facing out to the east you'll find Stone Eagle #1.
Stone Eagle #2
On the eastern side of the map, as the road bends around and enters a tunnel, just to the side of the depot where you find a safe with Hitler's schedule inside, there's a tunnel that leads to the Berghof. Stone Eagle #2 is clearly visible on top of it.
Stone Eagle #3
Follow the pathway out of the Berghof, up to the lake that Hitler likes to visit in the northern part of the map. Once you reach the pier with the boat, look directly across the lake to a shed in the far away distance. Stone Eagle #3 is on top.
Workbench #1: Rifle Workbench
There's a large building in the very southwest corner of the map. You need to loot a key from a guard or use a Satchel Charge to gain entry. Inside, you'll immediately go down into the cellar, where Workbench #1: Rifle Workbench is dead ahead.
Workbench #2: SMG Workbench
On the eastern side of the map, near where you need to take out an anti-air gun, there's an old abandoned shack. Head around the back and a tunnel has been dug heading into the basement. Slip inside to find Workbench #2: SMG Workbench dead ahead.
Workbench #3: Pistol Workbench
In the armoury of the Berghof, which can be found in the basement opposite Hitler's personal bowling alley, you'll find Workbench #3: Pistol Workbench.
Did you find all Wolf Mountain collectibles — including the Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, and Workbenches — in Sniper Elite 5? Have a glance at our Sniper Elite 5 guide, and let us know in the comments section below.
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