Spyro: Reignited Trilogy is an excellent PlayStation 4 remake of the original three Spyro games you remember from PS1. We love this retro package, awarding it an 8/10 in our review. In this Spyro: Reignited Trilogy guide, we'll be offering you everything you need to know about the games. We have walkthrough guides on where to find all dragon statues, all skill points in each game, and how to beat all the bosses. There's plenty more to discover below, such as how to unlock all Trophies and get the Platinum, tips for beginners, and more.
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Guide — All Collectibles Walkthrough

As a 3D platformer, Spyro: Reignited Trilogy has a whole bunch of collectibles to find, including dragon statues and skill points. In this part of our guide, we're going to tell you how and where to find all the collectibles you need.
All Skill Points in Spyro: Reignited Trilogy
Below are our guides that explain how to get all skill points in Spyro 1, 2, and 3.
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - All Skill Points and How to Complete Them
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - All Spyro the Dragon Skill Points and How to Complete Them
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - All Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! Skill Points and How to Complete Them
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - All Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon Skill Points and How to Complete Them
All Dragon Statues and Dragon Eggs in Spyro 1
Spyro 1, simply named Spyro the Dragon, has some unique collectibles of its own, including dragon statues and dragon eggs. Below are our guides on where to find all of these.
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - All Dragon Statue Locations in Spyro the Dragon
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - All Dragon Egg Locations in Spyro the Dragon
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Guide — Cheats

As a remake of old PS1 games, Spyro: Reignited Trilogy features some cheat codes. Do the old cheats work with these new versions? Are there any new cheat codes? Follow the below link for the full rundown on Spyro: Reignited Trilogy cheats.
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Cheats - All Cheat Codes, What They Do, and How to Use Them
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Guide — Bosses, Enemies, and Other Useful Info

In this portion of the guide, we've got some useful information that new players should find handy as they get to grips with Spyro: Reignited Trilogy. If you're looking for how to beat each boss fight, or how to feed butterflies to Sparx, look below for some general guides.
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - How to Beat Each Enemy
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - All Spyro the Dragon Bosses and How to Beat Them
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - All Spyro 2 Bosses and How to Beat Them
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - All Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon Bosses and How to Beat Them
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - Sparx the Dragonfly, What He Does, and How to Feed Him Butterflies
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - How to Switch to the Original Soundtrack
- Spyro: Reignited Trilogy FAQ - Everything You Need to Know
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Guide — How to Play

In this section of the guide, we'll be going over some tips and tricks for beginners who might be new to Spyro games.
Spyro's Abilities
In Spyro 1, 2, and 3, Spyro has a few fundamental manoeuvres at his disposal that you'll make great use of when exploring each game.
Fire breath: As a dragon, Spyro can breathe flames with the circle button. This attack is used to defeat most enemies in all three games.
Charge: Holding down Square will see Spyro lower his head and charge forward. Not only is this useful for taking out enemies, it also allows you to move about much more quickly, and is necessary to avoid some attacks or hazards.
Jump and Glide: Spyro can jump with X, as you'd expect, but he's capable of more than that. Firstly, holding down the X button will make him jump higher than if you just tap it. Secondly, if you press X again in mid-air, Spyro will begin gliding. This is a crucial move that you'll be using a lot to cross gaps, travel to far off platforms, and more.
In the first game, pressing Triangle during a glide will see Spyro drop down. However, in Spyro 2 and 3, pressing triangle during a glide will make him hover briefly, giving Spyro a little extra height and distance.
Gems are everywhere in the Spyro games. Also known as treasure, these multicoloured jewels are like Sonic's rings, or Mario's coins. However, you're encouraged to collect as many gems as you can, as they count towards the level of completion for each game. If you want to 100% finish Spyro 1, 2, and 3, you'll need to hoover up every last gem in the Reignited Trilogy.
This means you'll need to search high and low to find them all. It's worth looking in every nook and cranny, as odds are there are a couple of gems or a treasure chest fiendishly tucked away. Enemies will often drop gems when defeated too, so make sure you take out any threats to get the maximum number of jewels in each stage.
In Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! and Spyro: Year of the Dragon, a character named Moneybags will ask for gems in order to progress through the game, so it's essential to find as many as possible.
Luckily, your best pal Sparx can help you find all the treasure. Click in the L3 button and he'll point to the nearest gem.
Treasure Chests
There are numerous types of treasure chest in Spyro 1, 2, and 3. Most of them can be easily opened by flaming or charging them, but some are a little trickier. Those with a padlock on the front will require a key to open, while some can only be opened by firing unique projectiles at them. The means to open each type of chest will be available in the same level, so don't worry if you can't figure out how to open one — just keep exploring.
We have a dedicated Sparx the Dragonfly guide, but it's worth repeating here. Sparx is the little dragonfly that follows Spyro around throughout his adventures. He essentially acts as your health bar, changing colour the more damage you take. When he's gold, you're at full health, but he'll turn blue, then green, then disappear altogether as you take hits. If you take a hit when Sparx isn't there, you'll lose a life.
To replenish Sparx (and thus your health), you need to feed him butterflies. You can do this by killing "fodder" enemies. Most levels have their own variety of fodder, but the first example you come across is the sheep in Artisans home world. When a fodder enemy is taken down, a butterfly will appear, and Sparx will eat it, increasing your health by one point. Every 10 butterflies he consumes, a blue one will appear, which brings him to full health and gives Spyro an extra life. Keep him in top condition to keep Spyro going!
And, as pointed out above, he can help you find those precious gems. Click in the left stick and he'll point to the nearest gem.
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy allows you to turn on a mini-map that shows the layout of the current level and Spyro's position. It appears in the bottom left corner, and works across all three titles. For new players who might have trouble navigating some of the trickier or larger stages, this could be a useful option.
To activate the mini-map feature, bring up the Pause menu and go to Options. You'll see 'Map: Off' at the bottom. To turn the mini-map on, simply highlight the option and press X. Resume the game and the map will show in the bottom left after a second or two.
That's all we've got for our Spyro: Reignited Trilogy guide on PS4. Have you been enjoying this remade trilogy of platformers? Which game is your favourite? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 13
Press X to jump, got it!!
Is this an easy plat? Can you do a plat without starting up the games again after finishing the story?
Also get ready for the huge difficulty spike against Gulp. Hope you've got plenty of lives because you're gonna need them!
@AFCC Yeah, 3 very easy platinums. Took me a month to get all 3 but I was only playing a few hours a week back then
@nicc83 holy heck 3 years later someone replies 😂 I still don't have the plats but I stopped playing after finishing the first game because other games appeared. Will need to go back to it
Why has this been reposted? Plus game 👀
Removed - unconstructive
@AFCC 3 years! I didn't even notice that! This appeared on the main page. I thought the op was just really slow in completing it! 🤣
@itshoggie Assumed it was Now? Nothing on the plus side.
@AFCC Yeah, you should head back if you want the plats. I did them all relatively closely together and it took no time at all, just searching out a gem or two at the end. The yeti hoverboard challenge was annoying just like the old game but oddly enough, it's not even requires for the plat in Spyro 3.
Im in a dream right now , and just time traveled backwards.
Love this trilogy. Wish we could get a patch that would enable 60fps and a higher resolution.
I can’t believe we never got a new Spyro game after this (or even just an announcement).
Did it not sell well or something?
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