Visually, The Last of Us 2 is an outrageously good-looking game. Even on a standard PlayStation 4 console, Naughty Dog's latest action adventure impresses at every turn. However, while the zoomed out picture is wonderful as a whole, what's amazing is when you take the time to appreciate some of the smaller details. In addition to all The Last of Us 2 Easter eggs and references, there is an obsessive level of detail in this game's world. As part of our comprehensive The Last of Us 2 guide, we've compiled a list of the game's most impressive technical details.
Please beware of potential spoilers below.

Bandages become soaked with blood over time
When you use a first aid kit to heal in The Last of Us 2, the character you're playing as will wrap their arm with a bandage. However, if you look closely, you'll notice that the injury they cover up will continue to bleed, and will gradually turn the bandages red over time.
Glass physics
It's common knowledge that you can smash glass in The Last of Us 2, but the physics applied to this material goes beyond what you'd expect. For example, say you throw a glass bottle at an enemy — shards of glass will embed themselves in their skin. Also, broken glass has real physical properties; just look at the below clip, in which flying fragments of glass knock over a lamp.
Gore physics
This one is gross, but impressive all the same. You have a few explosives at your disposal, and they are of course extremely powerful. Enemies are blown to smithereens, and their remains have physical properties. For instance, in the below video, you can see the flesh of an unfortunate group of baddies sticking to, and then falling from, the ceiling.
Melee strikes can knock teeth out
Melee is vicious in The Last of Us 2, especially if you run at an enemy with an upgraded weapon. If you smash an enemy across the face with a melee attack, their teeth may fly out, a detail you might miss without jumping into Photo Mode. Ouch!

Abby's fear of heights is subtly shown during gameplay
It's established during the game that Abby has a fear of heights. This is voiced in dialogue, and during a particularly precarious section late in the game. However, if you're playing as Abby, approach the edge of an elevated platform. You'll notice that her fear of heights is presented onscreen. The field of view changes, the screen's edges are blurred, and Abby becomes short of breath.
Environments are full of unique details
There are unique elements throughout the game's open areas and buildings. While there are some repeated items here and there, you'll never come across the same room twice, and environmental detail is absurd no matter where you look. One unique example is the below hot tub which, if you look closely, is full of tadpoles. To our knowledge, this only appears once in the game, and you can easily walk right past it.
If your backpack gets wet, the items inside it do too
Naughty Dog has impressed before with making clothes wet in its previous games, but it's taking things a step further in The Last of Us 2. If your backpack is submerged in water, items you carry inside it — notes, maps, weapons — become wet as well. Apparently, if you half-submerge the backpack, items will also only be half wet.

Blood melts snow
There are a few snowy areas in The Last of Us 2, and for these parts of the game, Naughty Dog has gone mad. Blood is warm, of course, and so any blood spilled in snow-covered locations will melt the snow it touches.

Snow falls off trees if you walk into them
While we're talking about snow, you'll see it gathered up on trees in certain areas. If you walk through the branches of these trees, the snow will fall off in a natural way. You can see it in action in the time stamped video below.
What crazy details have you spotted in The Last of Us 2? Tell us in the comments section below, and check out our The Last of Us 2 guide for much more on the game.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 26
Some of these are crazy, I never even noticed the Abby heights thing.
i know the story is not for everyone,but this game should be GOTY just for it's technical achievements alone.
The detail in this game really is amazing. I've seen so many of the videos covering things you might've missed and every time there's something else.
So good
@get2sammyb yeah if you pan the camera around when she Is on a ledge at height, then you can see the terror in her eyes.
The dolly zoom when you look down from the crane nearly made me sick. I hate heights too.
I remember the gore physics. When you first encounter the trip wires, they blew those two walking to pieces. Later, when I climbed the nearby tower I found bits of flesh on the desk in the tower. Goes to show how high those pieces were flung lol.
This is Rockstar level of detail. I love the blood splatter and bits of torn clothing after blasting enemies with pipe bombs and mines. It's horrific but satisfyingly detailed.
The way Mel was climbing and dropping from heights with her bulging belly was unrealistic though.
The sense of grounding your character in the game world is beyond anything else I've played and makes many games feel pretty sterile by comparison. I really enjoyed messing with the glass physics and jumping through the windows to remove the last pieces, plus the mess you can make with the pipe bombs is glorious and disgusting.
This is the technical showcase of the generation without a doubt and a lesson in how to build a convincing sense of place within a game
@DavLFC yeah I noticed that last night, in fact I've found that there are many instances when the characters face is actually reflective of the situation, even if we don't see it most of the time.
This game has so much attention to detail. I love snow levels in games so I spent so much time messing round and the crunching sound when the characters walk is perfect!
I also love the story details like the guy you get the bow from has mannequins for target practise in his garden, if you got into the clothes shop earlier in the level there is a note/drawing named ‘daughter’s drawing’ of her Dad saying something about ‘the best archer in Seattle’. It’s assumed he owns the clothes shop hence the note being there and him having the mannequins at home, there is also a work bench in the shop I guess he worked on his bow there. I think the tadpoles clip above is his house as well and there is a bench in there to.
You shouldn´t use Joel for the picture of this article, he is barely in the game. Why don't you use a picture of 12-hour-detour Abby?
The detail in this game is unreal, ND are pretty much R* when it comes to stuff like this for better or worse. The glass stuff for me is the one i was constantly amazed and amused by, i must have broke every window i saw because of how realistic it is, everything from the sound to how it breaks is just like breaking a real window in real life.
If you forget the exact numbers of a safe combination you can still understand which is the right one since it clicks differently from the wrong ones. (Maybe it's old news, but I haven't read most of the articles about the game)
Ellie's breath steams up the visor of the space helmets. That's pretty cool. Though there are some odd moments with a lack of attention to detail, like when (being vague to avoid spoilers) the dog is in a pool of blood and you see someone's bloody footsteps leading away from it but if you walk through it you don't leave any bloody footprints behind.
Maybe my favourite thing is just how the characters' expressions actually reflect what they're feeling during normal gameplay rather than them always being straight faced other than in cutscenes. Ellie's look of joy when she sees the t-rex model, for example. Or like in this screenshot I took - their expressions are cutscene worthy but it's normal gameplay.
I played about 3/4 of the story and stopped. I don’t no why but I’m simply not enjoying it all that much. I want to like this game. Did anyone else stop after a bit of playing? Or is it just me.
Shame the writers didn't display the same level of attention to detail. Such a beautiful game deserves so much more.
@Mgene15 I've played it through twice. I wouldn't say it's "enjoyable" in the usual sense you'd use the word when talking about games - it's too dark to be that kind of enjoyable. But I found it a pretty phenomenal experience all the same.
I like how you even see clickers' frosty breaths in the cold.
@Mgene15 I had the opposite thing, really. I found it hard to play at first. The story seemed too simple - Ellie is going to kill people for revenge over and over again. I didn't really like the supporting characters like Dina and Jesse. Bizarrely, given how THAT early event made me feel about a certain character, I really loved the 2nd half of the game more. I liked Yara and Lev way more than Jesse and Dina, and now the story was about more than just revenge. I flew through it, couldn't stop playing.
Crazy details. ND were always crazy with their small details.
One thing I noticed was standing next to Tommy and his sniper, when he shot the first time, Ellie jumped!
I could had been standing on a rock and moved slighty.
@Mgene15 if u got that far then carry on. The games story is all over at times, but its still a solid game with some good narratives thrown in with Joel flashbacks so on. But i gave up at the five hour mark played it the day after that and haven't stopped since. The water physics are amazing and the reflections in the water also had elements of tomb raider the water at the sea scene after the boat mission with Owen was epic. I couldn't care who's gay and who's not, on a whole,the game is so much on par with the walking dead series. But u can't take away what naughty dog has achieved with world design. The games a good 7/10 for me.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L that's actually quite funny. Joel being a tiny part. Good one.
@Matroska me to loved playing the 2nd part with yara & Lev , Quality game
@Matroska about the bloody footprints, Ellie can leave bloody prints if she steps in a pool of blood from an enemy. I first noticed Dina step in blood and leave bloody prints (it was in the snow so it really showed up). I tried it later in the game with Ellie and I initially didn't think it worked but I think I just hadn't stood in the right part of the blood pool.
The sound design, for me, was like another character. The music, the intensity of the sound as enemies were looking your way, the crunch of glass, or the tinkle of a wind chime, the sound of gun fire and explosions, people’s voices and breathing, footprints, doors creaking, all add to the level of immersion. This game deserves a big award in sound design.
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