The Last of Us 2, or The Last of Us: Part II as it’s officially named, is the sequel to Naughty Dog’s critically acclaimed survival horror game, The Last of Us. We awarded the game a 10/10 in our The Last of Us 2 PS4 review, describing it as an "essential sequel".
In this The Last of Us 2 guide, we’re going to share our beginner’s tips and tricks to help you to survive the PlayStation 4 exclusive’s harsh post-apocalyptic world. We’re also going to reveal the location of all collectibles, including Artefacts, Trading Cards, Coins, Journal Entries, Workbenches, and Safe Code Combinations, as well as the Strange Artefact and Engraved Ring.
This page will also include some Trophy guides, revealing how to put a hat on your companion and how to visit every location in downtown Seattle. Please note that, despite our best efforts to preserve the plot, there will be The Last of Us 2 spoilers in this walkthrough due to the nature of its contents. Therefore, please browse carefully if you don't want to know anything about the sequel's story.
The Last of Us 2 Guide: All Collectibles
The Last of Us 2 has an incredible 266 collectibles for you to find. You can view any collectibles you've discovered by pushing the touchpad when you're in-game, and using the R1 button to browse to the collectibles sub-section.
- Artefacts are generally written notes and other pieces of lore-related ephemera you'll find in the world. They're typically represented by an icon showing a sheet of paper, signifying that they can be collected.
- Trading Cards function similarly to Artefacts, though they have their own symbol within the world and are categorised separately in Ellie's backpack. They are Ellie's main form of collectible.
- Coins are similar to Trading Cards, however they represent Abby's primary form of collectible. They're represented in the world by two overlapping pennies.
- Journal Entries are generally added automatically to Ellie's notepad, however there are a handful of moments where you'll need to interact with parts of the world in order to ensure she scribbles her thoughts down. These are considered one of the game's collectible types.
- Workbenches are where you can upgrade your weapons using spare parts that you scavenge from the world. You simply need to look at these in order to "collect" them, however we recommend interacting with them just to ensure they get added to your checklist. You're also probably going to want to upgrade your weapons each time you find one anyway.
- Safes are storage units that contain key valuable items, but you'll need to know the correct safe code combination in order to open them. Typically, the clues are written in Artefacts that you'll find nearby, but be prepared to use both the environment and your ol' grey matter in order to solve the puzzles.
The Last of Us 2 has a total of 11 acts, divided into 45 chapters, although not all of them have collectbiles in them. Below you'll find guides to all The Last of Us 2's collectibles in the order that you'll discover them in the game.
Jackson: All Collectibles Locations
- The Last of Us 2: Waking Up - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards
- The Last of Us 2: The Overlook - All Collectibles: Artefacts
- The Last of Us 2: Patrol - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes
- The Last of Us 2: Packing Up - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Journal Entries
Seattle Day 1: All Collectibles Locations
- The Last of Us 2: The Gate - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries
- The Last of Us 2: Downtown - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes
- The Last of Us 2: Eastbrook Elementary - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards
- The Last of Us 2: Capitol Hill - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Workbenches, Safes
- The Last of Us 2: Channel 13 - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards
- The Last of Us 2: The Tunnels - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches
- The Last of Us 2: The Theatre - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards
- The Last of Us 2: The Birthday Gift - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries
Seattle Day 2: All Collectibles Locations
- The Last of Us 2: Hillcrest - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes
- The Last of Us 2: Finding Strings - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries
- The Last of Us 2: The Seraphites - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes
Seattle Day 3: All Collectibles Locations
- The Last of Us 2: Road to the Aquarium - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches
- The Last of Us 2: The Flooded City - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes
- The Last of Us 2: Infiltration - All Collectibles: Journal Entries
The Park: All Collectibles Locations
Seattle Day 1: All Collectibles Locations
- The Last of Us 2: The Stadium - All Collectibles: Coins
- The Last of Us 2: On Foot - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Coins, Workbenches, Safes
- The Last of Us 2: The Forward Base - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Coins, Workbenches
- The Last of Us 2: Hostile Territory - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Coins, Workbenches, Safes
- The Last of Us 2: The Forest - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Workbenches
- The Last of Us 2: The Coast - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Coins, Workbenches, Safes
Seattle Day 2: All Collectibles Locations
- The Last of Us 2: The Shortcut - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Coins, Workbenches, Safes
- The Last of Us 2: The Descent - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Coins, Safes
- The Last of Us 2: Ground Zero - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Coins, Workbenches
Seattle Day 3: All Collectibles Locations
- The Last of Us 2: The Marina - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Coins
- The Last of Us 2: The Island - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Coins, Workbenches
- The Last of Us 2: The Escape - All Collectibles: Coins, Workbenches
Santa Barbara: All Collectibles Locations
- The Last of Us 2: 2425 Constance - All Collectibles: Artefacts
- The Last of Us 2: Pushing Inland - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches
- The Last of Us 2: The Resort - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches
The Last of Us 2 Guide: Checklists, Hints, Help, and FAQs
In the next part of our The Last of Us 2 guide, we'll be covering further information, such as collectible checklists, weapon locations, Easter eggs, and puzzle solutions.
- The Last of Us 2: All Artefacts Locations
- The Last of Us 2: All Trading Cards Locations
- The Last of Us 2: All Coins Locations
- The Last of Us 2: All Journal Entries Locations
- The Last of Us 2: All Workbench Locations
- The Last of Us 2: All Safe Code Combinations
- The Last of Us 2: How to Find the Engraved Ring
- The Last of Us 2: How to Find the Strange Artefact
- The Last of Us 2: How to Find All Training Manuals and Learn All Player Upgrades
Safe Solutions
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Employee of the Month Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Westlake Bank Vault Door
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Gate West 2 Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Courthouse Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Find Staci's Phone Number and Open the Thrift Store Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Garage Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Wedding Anniversary Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Find and Open the Weston's Pharmacy Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Fenced Off Safe When Exploring by Boat
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Big Win Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Jasmine Bakery Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Cruise Ship Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Find Sam and Julia's Apartment Numbers and Open the Safe
- The Last of Us 2: How to Find the Hotel Wi-Fi Code and Open the Gym Safe
- The Last of Us 2: All Trophies and How to Get the Platinum
- The Last of Us 2: How to Visit Every Location in Downtown Seattle
- The Last of Us 2: How to Put a Hat on Your Companion
- The Last of Us 2: How to Win the Marksmanship Competition
- The Last of Us 2: How to Earn the High Score in the Archery Game
Combat Strategies and Puzzle Solutions
- The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Main Gate and Get Dina Inside
- The Last of Us 2: How to Beat the Rat King Clicker Boss
- The Last of Us 2: Does It Have New Game +?
- The Last of Us 2: How Many Chapters Are There?
- The Last of Us 2: How Long Does It Take to Beat?
- The Last of Us 2: How Long Do You Play As Abby?
- The Last of Us 2: What Difficulty Should You Select?
- The Last of Us 2: Are There Any Missable Trophies?
- The Last of Us 2: Can Listen Mode Be Disabled?
- The Last of Us 2: How Do You Enable Gyro Controls?
- The Last of Us 2: Will It Be on PS5?
- The Last of Us 2: Does It Have Multiplayer?
- All PS5 vs PS4 Differences
- The Last of Us 2: All Easter Eggs
- The Last of Us 2: All the Tiny Details You Missed
- The Last of Us 2: All Faces Ellie Can Pull in the Mirror
- The Last of Us 2: Full Cast List
- The Last of Us 2: Spoilers - Who Lives and Who Dies?
- The Last of Us 2: FAQ - Everything You Need to Know
- The Last of Us 2: Full Story Recap
The Last of Us 2 Guide: No Return
Exclusive to the remastered PS5 version of the game is a rogue-like mode called No Return. Below you'll find our guides covering the mode and its contents.

The Last of Us 2 Guide: Tips and Tricks for Beginners
The Last of Us 2’s wide-array of difficulty options mean you shouldn’t have too much trouble finishing the game, regardless of your ability. However, there are some universal tips and tricks that we’d recommend to all players. Read through these carefully to ensure you’re prepared.
Always Reload and Craft During Downtime
You should endeavour to reload and craft any materials during moments of downtime, as these will ensure you’re always prepared for conflict. There are moments during The Last of Us 2 where you’ll be ambushed by Clickers or rival factions, and sometimes these encounters can catch you off guard. Keep your weapon magazines as full as possible and your backpack well supplied with key items, such as health packs and explosives. You’ll regret not utilising these periods of peace effectively if you don’t.
Never Face Danger Head On
Under no circumstances should you ever run towards danger, as you’ll be taken out immediately. Rival humans’ aim will improve when you run towards them, and the stopping power of their weapons means you’ll struggle to make meaningful progress anyway. It’s better to run away from potential conflict; use stealth to get the jump on your enemies, saving valuable resources and utilising the element of surprise to your advantage. Ensure you’re always moving, but try to attack enemies from behind or from the side. Similar rules apply to Clickers, although discretion should be your main focus when fighting the infected, so try to restrict the use of your firearms to emergencies only – at least until you’ve thinned their numbers.
Crouch to Dampen Your Footsteps
If you want to remain quiet, then you’re going to want to crouch as much as possible. Delicately pushing the thumb stick while in a crunched position will ensure you’re virtually silent, but remember you can also go prone if you need to hide either under cars or in tall grass. Remember, concealing yourself in foliage doesn’t make you invincible like in other games, but you’re much more difficult to spot and this can buy you time if you need to use health kits or take a breather for a few minutes.
Use Distractions to Your Advantage
Bottles and bricks are great for smashing glass and stunning enemies, but they can also be used to push and pull enemies around. Use these items to create distractions and diversions, or lure infected into areas where there are human foes. If you can successfully pit Clickers against gun-wielding gangs, then you can significantly thin their numbers, reducing the amount of resources you’ll require to finish them off entirely.
You Don’t Always Have to Engage
Fighting is fun albeit harrowing in The Last of Us 2, but one tip is that you don’t always have to attack. If your resources are low and your energy levels are depleted, consider using stealth to slip past your enemies undetected. While there are some encounters where you’ll have no option but to fight, many others can be approached completely clandestine, and if you’re successful you’ll never have to use a single bullet. If you struggle at stealth then remember that you can craft silencers for your pistols, allowing you to pick off select enemies without attracting any attention.
A Collectibles Tracker Can Be Enabled
If you’re playing through The Last of Us 2 on New Game + and you’re searching for any outstanding collectibles, it’s worth switching on the Collectibles Tracker in the Settings menu. This allows you to keep track of which collectibles you’ve found in previous runs, so you know which ones you need in order to unlock that all-important Platinum Trophy.
And that brings our The Last of Us 2 guide to a conclusion. Hopefully, this has helped you to get the most out of Naughty Dog’s touching post-apocalyptic tale. If you have any further tips and tricks to share, please post them in the comments section below, and be sure to also check out our The Last of Us 1 guide.
Comments 7
Hey everyone! If you find anything that's missing in the guide or you need help with anything else, please let me know and I'll be happy to either update the guide or reply to your queries here.
Wow, I'm always amazed by these kind of guides, especially when released on game release day. Did you basically just spend the last couple of weeks platinum'ing the game while the entire world has been waiting for its release?
@thefirst I'm playing on hard and honestly i'm glad i am, one of the best things about the series is that feeling of constant improvisation and changing tactics on the fly due to never having enough ammo and resources, its made the game more tense and really helps with the immersion like it did the first game on harder modes.
Is it possible to miss training manuals?
Can anyone tell me how to get the points you use to get 3d models and concept art?
I have platinum TLOU2, so when they came out with this new update I looked in the gameplay modifiers and I only had 26 points to spend. My friend who didn't platinum has 789 points.. l just want to know why this happened. Has anyone else experienced this?
Thanks for the awesome guide. I would never have found some of those collectibles without the help.
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