If you figured that you’d seen the last of the PlayStation 4 until E3 in June, then think again. A source close to technology website PCMag.com is teasing that Sony will hold a second conference for its next generation console in late April or early May. The move, the publication speculates, is designed to build buzz for the system right through to release.
Of course, the company could also have something much more strategic in mind. For months now, it’s been rumoured that Microsoft will hold its own Xbox announcement within the exact same time frame. As such, it doesn’t seem implausible that Sony would be hoping to steal some of the headlines away from its main competitor.
But what could the manufacturer possibly show this soon after February’s hotly anticipated PlayStation Meeting? Well, the firm was chastised by some parts of the media for not revealing the console’s exterior earlier in the year, so it’s possible that it could set up a separate event to uncover that. Doing so would also leave E3 free for the company to focus on games.
Naturally, this all remains little more than speculation for the time being, but PCMag.com is a solid source. What would you like to see at a second PS4 event? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source pcmag.com]
Comments 30
I'm not sure we'll get another big streamed event like February, so I personally feel like the console chassis reveal is out until E3. But I could totally see Sony announcing more about the PS4 at E3. What if they showed new footage of the games? We still haven't got a proper look at Knack, DriveClub, and inFAMOUS. Killzone: Shadow Fall is the only game we've seen a good chunk of so far.
I'd like to see more of the interface, future plans, hardware options, Vita integration, and maybe some of the supported applications.
They'll probably leave the hardware design and pricing to E3 followed by a bunch of games we've already seen and maybe a couple surprises. Maybe an 8 second Vita montage.
@nathanuc1988 I'm sure we'll get some Vita at E3. However, I think the criticisms going to swing the other way this time. "Shut up about Vita, I want to see PS4." The interface would be a good thing to show at a separate event, though.
This is the one where they announce that the PS4 is actually free, you just pay for games.
That or Angry Birds featuring Nathan "Drake"!
My initial reaction to this was - "Sony is trying to kill the WiU like they did the Dreamcast w/ the PS2 hype", but then I realized Nintendo is already killing the WiiU with it's lack of games so more than likely Sony sees the writing on the wall for home consoles so its pulling out all the stops to keep from suffering the same low sales as WiiU.
Personally, I want to see the interface, but my expectations are low.
@rjejr As soon as Mario, Zelda and other Nintendo franchises are out the Wii U will be sound. Also Sony didn't kill the Dreamcast at all, Sega were down with the Saturn. A glorious machine but ridiculously hard to develop for, hence everyone abandoning it for the PlayStation. If Sega hadn't been so arrogant then I don't think we'd still have Sony in the game.
As for this "reveal" I still think something big will be announced the day before the 720 reveal.
@rastamadeus I'm not so sure that Nintendo franchises will be enough to save the Wii U. It didn't work for the Gamecube.
I just don't see it happening. They'll save all their bullets for E3.
I can see this happening, make XBOX seem incredibly stupid for not announcing something sooner, get all the attention towards the PS4. I just wanna see the consoles look before E3, than all the info and such can be left for E3.
@hamispink true, but it seems that when Nintendo went back to their roots (making 2D platformers and such) they kinda had a huge resugence, so it's really hard to say if the Wii U will do well or not, only time will tell?
@hamispink The GameCube only failed in contrast to the amount of PS2's sold which was a freak, similar to how the Wii and DS have blitzed the PS3/360/Vita/3DS.
As for Wii U I honestly think the PS4/720 will sell around the sake amount (maybe a tad more or less) in the first half a year. Casuals just will not go out and buy a new console when there are phones and tablets cheaper. Sad but true. Another factor is GTA 5, MW4, Battlefield 4, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag and the next FIFA (the ones that will sell more than any others this year) are all on PS3/720 so why would the casuals pays £300+ more to get them on another console? And they'll probably be on the consoles in 2014 too so don't expect any of the three new consoles to do well for at least 18-24 months. I will bet my white Japanese Vita on it.
if they did i think it would just be to announce some exclusive games
i think they will save all the big stuff for E3
@rastamadeus I disagree about the Gamecube's and Wii's relative success. The Gamecube was an abysmal failure compared to any successful console, selling only 22 million units. Also, the Wii didn't trounce either the 360 or PS3. the Wii has only sold 25 million more units as either console so everyone did well this generation.
Edit: I would like to point out that I want the Wii U to succeed, though I can't imagine that I'll ever buy one at this point. Though there is a part of me that wishes Nintendo would drop out of hardware and make games for other consoles. I like Nintendo games, but I hate to buy their consoles.
@rastamadeus I have to agree with hamispink on this. On Facebook I never see anyone talking about the Wii U. Whenever a console is talked about it's either the PS3, PS4 or 3DS.
The new Wind Waker remake and Mario may be able to save the Wii U, but it's not looking that way right now.
This really wouldn't bring all the attention back to the PS4. It would be a nice side event but most of the press would still be on the xbox train depending on what's announced.
Also this wouldn't take away from the xbox Hype since we would be following both consoles all the way to e3. Then right after E3 Microsoft is hosting the three day Build conference that's rumored to have a ton of developer stuff for the next xbox.
At this point i'm not sure if having a second event this close to E3 would be a good idea. Press conferences are usually booked months in advance and trying to pin a vague date to compete with Microsoft seems foolish.
This could really backfire with the Sony 2nd conference being buried not only by the Xbox event (lets be honest Microsoft has the momentum in the USA and will have the advantage of the new shiney in terms of media) but Google I/o is in may as well.
On one hand it keeps the hype train rolling. On the other, Sony might do best to keep all their surprises for E3. A lot of this depends on when Microsoft announce - it would be wise of Sony to attempt to drown them out by keeping the momentum going.
@TheRealBatman True. But there are no real MUST HAVE games for the Wii U yet. How many did PS3/320 have at first? I can't think of any. As for FB I dunno, don't have one, hate the site.
@hamispink Did the Xbox fail then? Only 2m extra were sold. As for the Wii, Nintendo hasn't supported it in 18months (Skyward Sword was their big last game for it) and in that time the PS3/320 sold more. But up until then it was embarrassing how far behind they were. Don't wanna keep talking about Nintendo though, was trying to stress that the "failure" of WiiU is exactly what will come of the next consoles. Oh, they'll never go multiplayform. Ever. The day they did this industry would be seriously screwed. Love them or hate them they are the company that sets the trend others follow (and arguably make better, depending on how you see it).
The Hype train will run regardless since its a new console. Best to hold off till E3 to get maximum press coverage. Trying to drown out Microsoft has the possibility of backfiring.
I hope at this ear's e3 sony has separate events like Nintendo does for the the vita.
I like my Gamecube game collection better than my Wii sports/dance/fitness game collection. I was alot more hyped for Starfox Adventures and Rogue Leader and Luigi's Mansion than anything on the Wii (though SMG is better than Sunshine), and certainly anything on the WiiU. Where's my japanese garden bird demo game?
I don't see how Sony can have too much hype, marketing or advertising. The WiiU isn't getting sales and they don't advertise or market it. I don't think Sony cares if they "win" E3, whats important is selling consoles and games, which you do buy consumer awareness. The PS4 isn't even out yet and it is already marketing more games than the WiiU, and I'm a big Nintendo game fan. I'm just not a big fan of that company right now.
And really, is any Sony fan afraid of the KinectXbox720? MS may have unlimited money, but they seem to have limited games. The PS3 finally caught the Xbox360, which had a 1 year head start. If they release in the same year Sony should have nothing to worry about.
@rastamadeus That is a pretty good point, but even so, no one is even talking about the WW remake or the new Mario. I never see any conversations about Bayonetta 2 or the new Smash Bros either. Which is sad, because I really want the Wii U to succeed.
Then again, the Vita was doing pretty bad, but look at it now. Hopefully it doesn't take Nintendo a year to really dig in and support the Wii U.
Sony doesnt need to advertise as much as nintendo does though, because a PS4 is a PS4, People can figure out its a new console, where Wii U a lot of people thing its an attatchment like wii motion plus or something
Hey guys 1st post/comment on the website, which is awesome BTW, can't wait for more.
On the subject, I'm already excited about the PS4. If this turns out to be true, just take my money now LOL.
@astroshamu You are absolutely right about that. Fans tried to warn Nintendo. Lots of people tried to tell them it was a horrible idea to name it the Wii U. Wii 2 would have been much wiser. And now I run into many people who think the Wii U is a new controller for their Wii and many more who don't know it exists. These are friends that play video games from time to time and are generally in-the-know, and they had no idea the Wii U exists.
I think this will end up being more of an E3 preview. Sony is probably just going to give people a taste of whats to come to get everybody talking before E3 and hopefully steal some of Microsoft's thunder in the process. They probably won't try to completely steal the show, just draw a little attention away. They might also reveal some things they don't plan on showing at E3, either to make more time for other things or things not of any interest to anyone attending E3.
I think that this is both good and bad. Good because this could completely get the focus on playstation and leaving Microsoft to not have very much attention. However it's bad because, unless there's a lot of surprises/games that we don't know about, then they could reveal the console itself at this event and a couple of gameplay video or even new games, but then not much would be left for E3, and if they do it the other way around this event would kind of be pointless. I honestly think they should hold off the console reveal for E3 and leave the more details for games at this thing
I think Sony will wait until the new Xbox event, then immediately announce price/release date/console pictures. And i predict launch day add sept 17 2013. Side by side killzone vita/ps4 launch.
Deep Down announced as a real ps4 exclusive
I'd agree with those saying Sony would probably just be better off waiting to try and 'win' at E3. Whatever event they'd have before E3 wouldn't be as big as the PS4 event was and certainly wouldn't be enough to top the announcement of the next Xbox. Best to just wait, let MS play its hand and then tear down the house at E3.
Sony is marketing very smart with PS4.
Yep, and I was talking to a guy at gamestop about it and he said 2 in japanese is pronounced Ni (I dont know how good his japanese is so im not 100% sure about this) so in japan it would be prounounced Wii Ni, which would not end well haha, but still theres a better name out there than Wii U
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