There's a good chance that you're looking at Bloodborne through worried eyes. From Software's latest foray is a critical darling, there's no doubt about that – but despite it being praised as a must-own PlayStation 4 exclusive, the developer has a terrifying track record. Indeed, this may not be a 'Souls' game by name, but it's very much a spiritual successor to the likes of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls – and that may have you conflicted about whether it's for you.
While we can't guarantee whether you'll have the patience to persist with the popular release, we can introduce some of the title's basic gameplay concepts so that you find it that smidgen bit easier to approach. Veterans to the series on the PlayStation 3 will already be familiar with the gameplay loop, of course, so this guide maybe isn't for you – but newcomers are advised to read through all of the following tips before embarking on your journey into Yharnam, as they may just save your life. Well, for a few minutes at least.
Bloodborne Guides
- Guide: Mastering Bloodborne's Brutal Basics on PS4
- Guide: Which Origins Class Should You Select in Bloodborne on PS4?
- Guide: Pick The Perfect Starting Weapons in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Kill the Cleric Beast in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Beat Father Gascoigne in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Beat the Blood-Starved Beast in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Escape Bloodborne's Death Dealer Prison in Yahar'gul, Unseen Village
- Guide: How to Kill Vicar Amelia in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Kill the Witches of Hemwick in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Beat the Shadow of Yharnam in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Kill Rom, the Vacuous Spider in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Kill the Darkbeast Paarl in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Annihilate Amygdala in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Defeat the Celestial Emissary in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Kill the One Reborn in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Kill Micolash, Host of the Nightmare in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to End Mergo's Wet Nurse in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Kill Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Murder Martyr Logarius in Bloodborne on PS4
- Guide: How to Defeat Bloodborne's Final Bosses

What is Bloodborne?
Bloodborne, perhaps in the purest sense, is old-school. Much of From Software's rise to prominence can be attributed to the way in which its games treat players with respect for their intellect, doing away with the hand-holding so common in other areas of the medium. That's not the only reason that the Japanese studio's Souls series is acclaimed, of course – great combat, art direction, and intense boss fights also play a part – but it's certainly a contributing factor.
This means that you need to approach the developer's latest with a different mindset: checkpoints and difficulty toggles are not going to save you here. The important thing to remember is that with patience and perseverance you will progress through this dark role-playing game, so it's all about re-tuning your expectations. You will fail and you will make mistakes, but unlike in other games, this is all part of the learning process.
What are Bloodborne's controls?
Bloodborne may sound like an ancient torture device, but it's actually quite easy to control. Here are all of the inputs that you need to know:
- X: Your action button, used to interact with objects and characters in the world.
- Square: Uses your currently selected item.
- Triangle: Uses a Blood Vial for health recovery purposes.
- Circle: Used for evasion, but can also be held to run.
- R1: Your regular attack.
- R2: Your power attack.
- L1: Transforms the state of your weapon where possible.
- L2: Fires your gun when equipped.
- D-Pad:
- Up: Refills your ammunition in an emergency at the price of health.
- Right: Changes your right-hand weapon.
- Left: Changes your left-hand weapon.
- Down: Switches your item.
- R3: Toggles your target lock when near enemies; re-centres the camera when not.
- Touchpad: The left half brings up gestures, the right half Personal Effects.

What are Blood Echoes in Bloodborne?
As in other Souls games, you'll collect Blood Echoes – souls in all but name – from the corpses of your foes. These represent the primary currency in the game, and can be used to both level up your character and purchase new equipment from the Hunter's Dream, which is the game's main hub world. You will drop these if you die, but you'll be able to retrieve them from the spot that you fell should you stay alive long enough to recover them. Sometimes enemies will pick these up, and you'll be able to spot them due to their glowing eyes; kill them to get them back. The important thing to remember is that you will lose your Blood Echoes at one point or another, so accept this and try not to see red.
When should I use Blood Vials?
In the simplest sense, Blood Vials are recovery potions, and they're mapped to the triangle button on the DualShock 4. This means that you can use them regularly without worry, but you can only carry 20 of these at a time. Fortunately, you can store up to 99 of these in the Hunter's Dream, and if you're already at capacity on your person, these will automatically be added to your stash. You can farm these by killing enemies, and will probably need to if you find yourself stuck on a boss. Don't stockpile them for the sake of it, though; if you need a health boost, make sure that you glug a Blood Vial to avoid that dreaded 'You Are Dead' screen.
Do I need to be wary of stamina in Bloodborne?
Your health bar is important, but so is your stamina. Represented by the green bar beneath your life, this will determine how many manoeuvres you can make before tiring. Both attacks and evasion will drain this, so you can't go into battle expecting to button mash. The best thing to do is to be methodical: wait for openings, carefully dodge attacks, and be patient. Picking an origin with a high Endurance rating will allow you to chain together more attacks, and you'll also be able to focus on this area when you level up. You'll still need to be careful in combat no matter how much energy you've got to burn, mind.

What is the regain system in Bloodborne?
The biggest twist in Bloodborne, the regain system awards you with a small window of opportunity in order to win back some health. When you take damage, a section of your life bar will turn orange, and this represents the health that you can steal back. Fortunately, you don't have to do anything especially "special" to get it – just land a clean, melee blow on the foe that inflicted the damage in the first place. The whole mechanic is designed to encourage a more aggressive play mentality, so while you do need to be patient in order to succeed, this game does reward risk-taking a little more than its predecessors.
What are these Messengers all over the place in Bloodborne?
Perhaps the niftiest thing about Demon's Souls when it released was that it included a notes system, allowing you to share "tips" with the rest of the world. This mechanic was, as you'd expect, abused – and it became a fascinating social experiment. "Is there really a secret down there, or will I fall to my death?" These kinds of questions cropped up regularly, and they'll return courtesy of Messengers in Bloodborne. You'll need the Notebook ability in order to leave your own bloody bulletins, but will be able to read others from the off. Just, er, don't necessarily believe everything that you see.
How can I be successful at combat in Bloodborne?
The key to Bloodborne is paying attention; don't rush into battle sword and shotgun raised, as that's a quick ticket to getting killed. Instead, what you want to do is learn the limitations of your loadout and character: how many attacks can you land before running out of stamina? What's the reach of your current weapon? How many foes do you feel comfortable dealing with at once? In addition to this, you need to know a bit about your enemies, too: their attack patterns, their health, their damage attributes. Soak all of this information up, and through patience and perseverance you will eventually get the upper-hand. It's not going to be easy and you will die, but try not to be disheartened – we're all in the same boat.

How do I level up in Bloodborne?
Here's the thing: Bloodborne is so darn brutal that it won't allow you to level up until you've fought the Cleric Beast boss at least once. Assuming that you die during this battle – you might not, but you probably will – you'll wake up in the Hunter's Dream, where you'll awaken the doll. We won't delve into too many specifics for fear of spoilers, but she's where you'll need to take your Blood Echoes in order to purchase all-important stat boosts. If you're just starting out with the game, we'd recommend awakening the doll as quickly as you possibly can before exploring all of Central Yharnam, as you're going to want all of the Blood Echoes that you can get.
What the heck is Insight and how can I play multiplayer in Bloodborne?
Much like Blood Echoes, Insight is a secondary currency in Bloodborne which you'll earn by beating certain enemies as you progress. You can spend this on the Beckoning Bell, which may – but won't always – invite another player into your game. Similarly, the Small Resonant Bell, which doesn't cost Insight, will offer your services to other players, so if you're feeling helpful, give it a tug. And if you just want to cause mayhem, the Sinister Resonant Bell will find you a competitive match without using up any Insight. One thing to be aware of is that the more Insight you collect, the more the game will change – including things such as enemy attack patterns, and even what you see.
Why do I have so many rocks and pebbles in Bloodborne?
Taking on big groups of enemies is a big mistake in Bloodborne – you'll want to separate them and take them on one-on-one if you can. Rocks and pebbles – which can be equipped using the down button on the d-pad and thrown with square – will allow you to get a foes attention, thus making combat encounters that little bit easier.
Are there any shortcuts in Bloodborne?
Back tracking may sound like the worst thing in the world, but Yharnam is riddled with shortcuts designed to make your journey easier. Make sure that you're exploring the environment fully, and you'll likely happen upon these naturally. Obviously, it's important to interact with any shortcut opening objects as soon as you get the chance, because you never know when an enemy or trap will take you out.
Have you got any other beginner's tips for Bloodborne? How are you getting on with the game so far, and are you enjoying what you've played? Leave us some Blood Echoes in the comments section below.
Comments 42
Holy crap, thanks! I needed this article. Bloodborne is my first time diving into a Souls-style game, so I was pretty lost from the outset. Now I know how to level up. At last!
@Quorthon this is something u ll always have to keep in mind. In this game very few is said. Ur own discoveries, experimentations, discussions with other player is all part of the experience. If u don t see or know something, doesn t mean it is not there...
This game is brutal... 20 deaths already... Getting killed by groups of 4 enemies.. Docking torch guys with axes..
To all those that are new to these games: This is NOT a Devil May Cry kind of game. If you rush into a group of enemies thinking you are going to go all crazy anime style sword action on them, you are going to be disappointed. If you treat it as such you will spend most of you time dying and will probably not get very much out of this game. Be tactical with your aggression. Treat every enemy carefully, as if it could easily kill you, because they can.
@spoonard Agreed, for the beginners just try and pick them off with pebbles to take them one on one.
Thanks! I like it a lot
Thanks very much for this guide!
@spoonard Exactly, it's not a hack and slash game. You need to plan a strategy before encountering any enemy.
Yep the msgs are cool.... even if they don't help me to avoid the Reaper....
And this f****ng Gazza Gascoigne.... is kicking me right in the face all the time....
@arnoldlayne83. Watch ghostrobo on YouTube! He had amazing tips for defeating that guy! Also bloodborn wiki had some pretty good tips!
@Sanquine Tnx, I will!
How did you do yesterday night then? My gf phone decided to get grumpy and I had to stop playing...
@Sanquine wow... he is level 19 before going against Gazza.... I am 14 now... so I guess I have to spend a couple of evening grinding (and avoiding to be killed by falling down ladders! ).
I have also seen he had two walkthrough at least btw boss 1 and 2... so I guess I missed a lot of things on the way.....and I love it... I keep discovering stuff on places I passed over and over....
Destroyed the fat guy with the hammer! Opened the gate which is a shortcut ( thank god) but then i got brutally murdered by 2 fat guys.. Where is the cleric beast... Cant find him... Also got killed by some overpowered werewolfs..
I need to awaken the bloody doll... Before i can grind . Yeah, i think its smart to grind before you take boss 2! He is sooo fast! also read he has a weakeness for fire! use lamb oil and moletovs!
If you are talking about the werewolfs on the bridge (the one you can lure and stuck at the house door), clergy beast is exactly on the same bridge but opposite direction. Before him, on the bridge, you'll find a fatty-hammered guy surrounded by crowds. After that, the nightmare start...
@Sanquine Apparently a Carillon (music box) is somehow his achille's heel. But yep, grinding is good. And I saw (thanks for the youtuber you told me) there are some extra weapons to find around. So for me now will be a bit of farming, levelup and then go for the old boozer. I'll have his skull! Oh yeah I'll have it!!!!
@arnoldlayne83 i need to upgrade asap! Got 6000 blood and i want to become stronger! Going for the sawblade that that youtuber alzo has!
@arnoldlayne83 if you use the music box 3 times he will turn in its monster form... so watch out! When his stuned use R1
@Sanquine You can upgrade once you awake her... to awake her, I believe you have to meet for the first time the Clergy beast...
@Sanquine If you check ghostrobo walk part 5 at 12:30 it shows how to get rid of the werewolves couple
@arnoldlayne83. Saw it! Same like your method!
Once again my prediction was bang-on about Bloodborne getting top reviews 9/10-10/10, as I knew a lot about the game before it released. Cannot wait to get my copy first thing in the morning tomorrow, its the only game I will be playing for months to came.
I had a bit of time last night and finally got into the rhythm of the game. Purchased a surplus of items, upgraded all my gear, and finally able to level up.
Still didn't defeat the Cleric. When you get behind him, the camera becomes your enemy. May grind and explore a bit more instead.
@Quorthon camera is a bit of a problem, i see (but it seems a very frequent issue in the gaming industry), especially when u r on the sides of the bridge. I found the best is let it automatically turn again on ur shoulder and keep going slashing without pressing the r stick
I'll have to give that a shot. I didn't expect to win my first meeting with the Cleric.
And whenever I died, I played Fat Princess on the Vita until the game was finally done loading.
@Quorthon ahahahhahahah good
Bloodborne loading times are good for gaming marathons.... just the right time i need to prepare myself an espresso...
I played Demons Souls and while sort of enjoyable, I didn't really find it my thing.
I think I might finally be willing to give this series a try in the near future.
I just beat the cleric beast on my first attempt, go me, but then I got my arse handed to me by some priest. I lost 8000 too. The humanity...
I would like to note, that if you never find the cleric boss, and end up getting to Father Gascoigne, and you die, you'll spawn in the Hunters Dream with the doll awoken. So you can level up before the cleric boss if you do it that route.
I was looking for the cleric boss and the bridge to fight it, i saw two werewolf's and i couldn't beat them so i thought that wasn't the right way. So i kept looking and found Father Gascoigne and got whooped. Lol.
Thank you. I need this. I’m terrified to start this game.
@Th3solution You're in for the time of your life. Hands down my favorite PS4 game and almost all time. Don't give up, it's worth it.
@Grim-Tuesday Thanks for the encouragement, man. I’ll certainly give it a try. I owe it to the PlayStation brand as a fan. What would you say the minimum time to put into it before it “clicks” for the average gamer who hasn’t played Souls games? 3 hours? 5 hours? 8 hours? I just want to know what amount of frustration time I’m in for before I start to enjoy it.
@Th3solution For me it was about ten hours. I seriously had a hard time getting past the first area and quit. One weekend I watched my brother play and he was fighting the first boss. Made me want to play again. I think it'll click once you beat the cleric beast, the first boss. You feel amazing taking him down.
@Grim-Tuesday @Th3solution I hope you fare well Th3. I got about an hour past the 2nd boss (I think) before I sadly called it quits. I just wish you could respawn outside the bosses room when you die 10000 times instead of having to run back through everything, thats what took it out of me iirc. Still great game, I remembering be in awe of that bloody pig stuck in the sewers, that was creeeepy
I tried to play Bloodborne last year. Ran out of patience as good not get past the werewolf s on the bridge. Made all sort of mistakes may try again this weekend
Could not good
This is brilliant , thanks . Have always been put off these games , I hired the original one years ago on PS3 and had no patience with it at all. I now am married with kid so worry I'll have even less time and patience to commit , this guide will help loads to at least give it a better shot.
@thiz No, just updating an old guide for people planning to try the PlayStation Plus version today. As you'll see from the other comments, some of our readers find this useful.
I guess you're right, though: we shouldn't create content people want to read! Thanks for the advice.
Just to throw a bit of extra advice in for anyone starting out I'd say that the best thing you can do is accept you are going to die and also you are going to sometimes lose your unspent blood echoes. This is not a big deal, there are infinite blood echoes to be gained while playing and you will never lose anything else apart from this resource due to death.
If you are dying to a boss and don't like having to fight your way back to it then learn to run through hostile areas, pretty much every boss can be returned to within a couple of minutes. If you find they can't you've probably missed a lantern or something to open a shortcut up.
Summon allies if you need or want to, don't listen to the elitists who mock every player who summons help. There should be an abundance of potential allies with the game being on plus and co-op can be pretty fun too.
I notice in the article it says you need to encounter the cleric beast to be able to level up, while this is probably the easiest and most likely way for new players to unlock the leveling process, you actually only need to gain insight to access leveling. So either facing the other boss in the area will also unlock leveling (every boss gives you insight the first time you face it) or you can find an item that you can consume for insight before facing any bosses that will allow you to level up.
@bbtothe you gotta step on that elevator!
Still my fav PS4 game!
Huh, so u could lvl up before beating any of the bosses?
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