![PS4 Exclusives E3 2015 PlayStation 4](https://images.pushsquare.com/fa8b0e747ab9e/ps4-exclusives-e3-2015-playstation-4.900x.jpg)
This ain't Game of the Show yet folks – though that's coming, don't worry. This is more: we've got a nifty new tool here at Push Square Towers so let's find an excuse to use it. Sony had lots of PlayStation 4 exclusives on display this week, so we figured that we may as well poll you on which ones you're planning to buy – and which ones you're not.
There are five options: Must Have, Want, Maybe, Don't Want, and Not For Me. This should be relatively self-explanatory, but just in case you need a little additional guidance on those latter two: Don't Want reflects a title that you may otherwise have been interested in but aren't happy with the execution, while Not For Me should be used for releases outside of your wheelhouse.
Without further ado, we present to you the polls. Tell us what you think of this new feature and what your most anticipated exclusives are in the comments section below, and we'll be back soon with our proper Game of the Show. Boom!
Comments 57
Horizon, FF7, TLG and UC4 for me
Oh and I think the new poll tool is another great little addition!
Thought Shenmue would be part of this list.
Oh well, most of these are maybes to me. I only put SFV and Tearaway (plus the obvious Uncharted 4) as must haves or wants.
FF7 is the only absolute must have for me, but who am I kidding I'll probably end up buying 90% of those in the list.
The only day 1s that I voted must have was TLG & Uncharted 4. Horizon & SFV could get there and I'll pick up Until Dawn at some point so those 3 got want.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi All of the first impressions I've read of RIGS have been super positive. I think it's one of those ones you maybe have to try, 'cos it seems quite generic otherwise.
@get2sammyb Watching the trailer it actually looked like it would be a ton of fun with the headset on.
Protip: actually try and use your imagination when you're watching it!
Surprised that FFVII isn't better rated, and interested to see the big split between the best result and worst result for SFV. Uncharted's popularity is surprising - that might sound odd, but I've had every Sony device and haven't played Uncharted once, and neither has anyone I know. On gaming forums I visit, it's never really mentioned; the release of a new game comes and goes. Even in Sony threads.
But I have to ask, what's the difference between "Don't Want" and "Not For Me"? Surely they overlap? In a way, the latter actually sounds MORE positive since it's like you're acknowledging it has a place, it's just not for you.
<==== KH3!!! Not exclusive, but still!
As for exclusives, Horizon and maybe UC4, if I make it through the first three. Not totally convinced the Last Guardian will be out next year, nor do I understand the hype for it, but that's just me. I've decided to still wait for KH3 to come out before making the plunge, unless Sony wants to add BC. Come on Sony, everybody's doing it!
Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection and Uncharted 4 are the only games I want and are 'Must Haves' too - in fact Uncharted 4 is already pre-ordered. I do feel that the Nathan Drake collection is a little expensive at the moment considering I have all 3 and not interested in U4's MP Beta. November is looking an expensive month for me with 4 games due out so will need to see how my finances are looking and the price closer to release.
I know it's not an exclusive, but honestly, that 8 minute DOOM demo got my blood pumping more than anything else at E3 this year.
Oh, and that Mass Effect Andromeda trailer isn't far behind. 2016 is looking so sweet already!
I'm with you @larry_koopa, will definitely be in the Game of the Show vote!
My must haves are Ratchet & Clank and Uncharted 4. Horizon and SFV are want, and maybes are FFVII, Last Guardian, Dreams and Uncharted NDC.
I don't want GOW 3 because I'd rather get GOW Saga on PS3. I haven't voted for the rest.
These are the 25 E3 2015 titles that I'm looking forward to playing eventually. Yes I realize that only a few of them are PS4 exclusives.
My E3 2015 Wish List:
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (PS4)
Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)
Beyond: Two Souls Remaster (PS4)
Dark Souls III (PS4)
Fallout 4 (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
Heavy Rain Remaster (PS4)
Hitman (PS4)
Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)
Just Cause 3 (PS4)
Kingdom Hearts III (PS4)
Mad Max (PS4)
Mass Effect: Andromeda (PS4)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
NieR New Project (PS4)
Persona 5 (PS4)
Project Setsuna (PS4)
Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness (PS4)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole (PS4)
The Last Guardian (PS4)
Tom Clancy's The Division (PS4)
Transformers Devastation (PS4)
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
World of Final Fantasy (PS4)
Horizon, Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank, Tearaway Unfolded and maybe God of War III.
But Persona 5 is my most waited exclusive game for PS, where is it on the list @get2sammyb?
I've noticed a pattern in this poll, the more newer more AAA and less out there the more it's a most have title. Hence Wattam and Dreams proving divisive.
@ferrers405 I think it may not be on there because Persona 5 has been rather neglected at E3
@adf86 I voted Maybe on dreams, i think i just need to hear more about it before i decide I want to splash my hard earned on it. Wattam doesn't interest at all though to be honest
Why does it say ps4 exclusives and ff7 isn't a ps4 exclusive? The new uncharted and maybe horizon are the only good games list.
@Mrskinner no really, Atlus made a mention about the launch on 2015 and Nier for example wasn't on Sony Conference but it's on the list...
@ferrers405 Yeah Im not too sure why Nier is on the list, is that even an exclusive?? However i really do wish more Persona was shown
@Mrskinner I'm pretty sure they said "for PS4" and no other platforms were mentioned, and every news site I can find it reporting as it just being for PS4.
@Sinalefa same here. A good deal of that list was maybe and don't want for me (as seemed to be almost everyone else's sentiments)
@DerMeister Rachet & Clank?
Pretty much all were dont want.
U4 and the Drake collection are a must have though!
Also, Nathan Fillion should be Nate Drakes voice!
@jbeezy2 It is for now. I would have included Shenmue III, too, but I'm fairly sure additional consoles will be announced during the Kickstarter.
two maybes and the rest are don't want.
Still can't figure out why people are saying Sony killed it this E3.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi It was pretty corny but just imagine wearing a head set running round that environment.
Huh I only want 2 games in this poll, looking forward to more but not first party or indie stuff.
@sonicmeerkat What are the two you did pick?
@freaksloan Because they did, they showed what people wanted. Rivals like Microsoft are only interested in IP's that sell (Another Halo, another Forza, another Fable and another Gears) and Nintendo's only form of innovation is sticking Mario's face onto another genre. At least Sony allow games like Dreams, Drawn to Death or Wattam to get made.
A lot of maybes for me but one of my must have's was for Journey because I never played it on PS3 for some unknown reason.
@get2sammyb Nier and until dawn, I think until dawn will probably be hated by most but the campy horror feel is something I could really get into, just said maybe on last guardian because I won't believe it's not vapourware until it's on store shelves.
Can somebody explain the poll to me b/c I don't understand it's premise?
So far E3 hasn't convinced me to buy any game. All the ones I want to buy I already knew about beforehand - U4, R&C, FFVII remake, TLG, Dreams if you count the marionette demonstration during the PS4 reveal.
And there are 2 games I'm interested in - Horizons and Neir - which I need to see alot more about.
The only games here I would buy a PS4 for is U4 or FFVII. But I would also buy a PS4 for FFXV or KH3 but they aren't on the list b/c they aren't exclusive.
What's everybody's hang-up w/ exclusives? Some games we buy consoles to play, some games we buy b/c we already have the console. More games are better than fewer games.
If a game isn't coming to a console then I can see that being a big deal - I know, I own a Wii U - but Wii U owners don't care if a game is "Exclusive" to X1 or PS4 or it's a multiplat, the only thing is that Wii U isn't getting it. So yes, if your console does NOT get a game that is a big deal, (but damned if I can think of a word for that), but as long as it's coming, why care?
Do the survey results change if the word "exclusive" is changed to "games" in the title?
I don't get it.
And MGSV, just b/c.
Until Dawn is the only thing in that list I'm really looking forward to. Tear Away was good on the Vita, but I feel like it would lose a lot without the Vita's features/ inputs... That one is a wait and see. Uncharted 4 is, well, more Uncharted. I'll pick it up when its on sale, but can't say I'm terribly excited for it. Not saying any of the other stuff looks bad, just not for me.
My wallet is gona cry this and next year...I also didn't have PS3 so GOWIII, Uncharted trilogy and Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two souls combo (why didn't you put this i poll?) incoming!!
Also: Horizon, Uncharted 4, Until Dawn, Tearway, FFVII, Ratchet & Clank and The last guardian (if it eventualy comes out )...Sony what are you doing to me??!! I'll need to sell my kidney to buy all of these gaems
None of them interest me, Final Fantasy is one of those titles where you either love it or hate it and no in between, I'm on the side of hating it, thinking it's crap and pointless, never got into the uncharted games either, and most of those other games look like games designed for babies, now if they had done a remake of the entire Dead Space trilogy, that's something I could get behind
@rjejr If I didn't focus on exclusives the poll would have been about eight pages long. You're thinking about this way too much... Let me rephrase it: NOW THAT E3'S OVER WHICH OF THE ABOVE GAMES ARE YOU GOING TO BUY?!
The FF VII remake, NIER sequel, The Last Guardian, Uncharted 4 and Horizon are all must-haves for me when I get a PS4, which should hopefully be soon.
I'm still holding out hope for a price cut to ~£250 closer to Christmas, although I'm guessing that's fairly unlikely to happen now considering Sony's brilliant E3 showing.
@get2sammyb - "If I didn't focus on exclusives the poll would have been about eight pages long."
I know you're kind of joking, but that actually makes sense.
Sorry for over thinking, but the whole exlcusive thing does seem like a real hangup to me. Not yours, just gamers in general.
Batman and MGSV will sell more PS4 than most of the games on that list though.
Must haves:
Uncharted 4/Uncharted collection
The Last Guardian
Horizon Zero Dwan
Ratchet & Clank PS4
Journey PS4
God of War 3 PS4
Street Fighter 5
Untill Dwan
Tearaway Unfolded
Drawn to Death
FF7 remake
@Sir_JBizzle Haha. What can I say? Big fan here, and I think it'll be pretty good.
Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4 all the way!!!
Besides the Uncharted's an maybe Horizon I doubt ill play anything else here.
Neat poll. Shouldn't Unraveled be on it though?
@get2sammyb Isn't it doubtful Shenmue 3 will end up on Xbox since Sony's funding it?
Might as well lock the thread because you nailed it with the first comment.
Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy 7, The Last Guardian and Uncharted 4. LOCK IT DOWN!
Rofl... Dude your comments have me rolling man
@ToddlerNaruto This
Must haves: Uncharted 4 (duh), Horizon, Street Fighter V.
Maybe: Ratchet & Clank
The rest aren't really games I'm looking forward to but something like the FF VII remake or NieR I may give a chance to.
@TVRFLY Thanks for agreeing with me :3. My wish list might reduce in size after more gameplay videos and details have been shared, but for now it's been a bountiful E3 ^_^.
Not a single a want or must have. Impressive list. Personally speaking all this E3 has done is make me question my gaming hobby even more. When people are getting overly excited about remakes of the most returned game of all time, games that are just prettier clones of other titles, more of the same games and nothing at all new or fresh then you see how bad this thing I once truly loved is becoming. Besides No Man's Sky - purely as it intrigues me to see how open it is - there is absolutely no PS4, Xbox One or Wii U game I am even half intrigued about until Shenmue 3 eventually drops. Very expensive paperweights.
sigh Final Fantasy VII is NOT a PS4 exclusive, so it does not belong in this poll. The trailer for the game said "Play it FIRST on PS4", NOT "Play it ONLY on PS4".
Sorry if I'm coming across as kind of a jerk, but I've had to point this out like 3 dozen times already, and I'm wondering if I'm the only person that understood it wasn't exclusive to PS4.
Please watch the language -Tasuki-
I can't believe that Drawn to Death and Fat Princess Adventures are only sitting at 10% for must have/want combined. Drawn to Death is Free to Play! Doesn't hurt to download it and see it how goes. Not to mention it's being created by Jaffe. And Fat Princess Adventures seems like a great online multiplayer game with lots of humor.
@adf86 dd you watch the microsoft press conference? Why does sony remake every game that sold well on ps3? Should microssoft not make games that sell well? I thought.thats what.they are in the business for. I like both consoles. I hate fanboys who talk out of their a$$!
@JaxonH - "Exclusives" is one of my "buttons".
@zeldagaymer93 It's typical of some people on this site, anything that has an unusual artstyle or is deemed F2P or dare I say "indie" is a massive turn off. Some even complained about Shadow of the Beast been a side scroller.
@jbeezy2 Microsoft should be taking risks with new IP's instead of churning out Masterchief for every opportunity they get. On the 360 Microsoft made 6 Halo games while Sony created Uncharted, Infamous, The Last of Us, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance and Heavy Rain. Yes it's a business but Sony have proven time and again that you can have a successful console while having a balance of established and new IP's instead of focusing on the same demographic all the time.
@zeldagaymer93 free to play otherwise known as pay to win is possibly the worst gaming model of all time. Drawn to death is made by cliff blezinski who's also a super Muppet and the it looks awful.
@themcnoisy Watch their e3 interview. They've already said it's not pay to win. Anything you buy is purely cosmetic. And the weapons you can buy aren't more powerful than free ones, just different.
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