PlayStation Plus September 2015 Free Games PS4 PS3 Vita

Surely it can't be September already? We suppose that the calendar doesn't lie. Still, it doesn't feel like a week since we were celebrating the start of a new year, and now we're limping towards the end of it. But while the passage of time can be uncomforting, it does at least mean that there are new PlayStation Plus freebies around the corner. Here's our lengthier look at what you can look forward to starting next week.

PlayStation 4

Grow Home

Grow Home PS4 PlayStation 4

The inaugural Vote to Play winner, and, in our opinion, a worthy victor at that, Grow Home is easily the most imaginitive game to – ahem – grow out of Ubisoft since the Valiant Hearts and Child of Light double whammy last year. This title sees you play as a botanical bot that must scale a gigantic plant. It's essentially Assassin's Creed for fans of Alan Titchmarsh, then.

Super Time Force Ultra - Cross-buy with Vita

Super Time Force Ultra PS4 PlayStation 4

Yes, it may have pixel art like all of the kids hate these days, but Super Time Force Ultra is looking real rad. In addition to sporting PlayStation icons such as Shuhei Yoshida, Sir Galahad, and that dude-what-wears-a-scarf from Journey, this title packs a real snazzy time manipulation mechanic, which sees you building up an army of your former selves each time that you die.

PlayStation 3

Twisted Metal

Twisted Metal PS3 PlayStation 3

A series that should need no introduction, Twisted Metal is one of the founding franchises upon which PlayStation is built. This PS3 reboot – helmed by series creator David Jaffe – lacked the kind of budget it needed to really bring car combat back in a big way, but has some excellent multiplayer modes, and is buoyed by some unorthodox but well executed controls.

Teslagrad - Cross-buy with PS4

Teslagrad PS3 PlayStation 3

The obligatory puzzle platformer that no PlayStation Plus lineup is complete without. Teslagrad may leave you rolling your eyes, but we looked upon this side-scroller very favourably when it deployed last year, describing it as "incredibly unique" in our review. The game itself augments you with ancient Teslamancer technology, which you'll need to use to navigate a rather hazardous tower.

PlayStation Vita

Xeodrifter - Cross-buy with PS4

Xeodrifter PS Vita PlayStation

Already available on Nintendo systems, Xeodrifter is the latest from popular indie outfit Renegade Kid, which puts you inside the scuffed space boots of an astronaut who finds himself shipwrecked and on the hunt for repairs. You'll scale four planets during this old-school adventure, where you'll gather power-ups and battle larger-than-life bosses in order to ensure that your vessel is shipshape.

La-Mulana EX

La Mulana Ex PlayStation Vita

A game which was hotly anticipated at release, La-Mulana EX is a devilishly difficult platformer which sees you play the role of a spelunker in search of treasure. You'll explore underground caverns, where you'll fight monsters using your trusty whip and solve devilish puzzles. Basically, it's Indiana Jones for your Vita, and it's well worth a look.

What's hot like a cheerleader and cold like an ice cream cornet this week, then? Pick your highs and lows in the comments section below.

Which PS Plus title are you most looking forward to in September? (55 votes)

  1. Grow Home44%
  2. La-Mulana EX7%
  3. Super Time Force Ultra33%
  4. Teslagrad4%
  5. Twisted Metal7%
  6. Xeodrifter5%

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