Guardians rejoice: the day has finally arrived. Destiny's latest patch buffs auto rifles (again), pulse rifles are getting nerfed, and Titan Sunbreaker subclass is being slapped down to Earth - or what's left of it, we suppose.
Of course, it's not just about balance changes. Announced at Sony's PlayStation Experience 2015 press conference, the Sparrow Racing League is now open for business. The winter event will last three weeks, and we'll hopefully have some impressions for you over the next few days after we've decided whether or not it's an acceptable compromise for the fact that there's no WipEout on PS4.
Other changes include the ability to once again trade planetary materials for faction reputation, and various alterations to both Strike and Crucible playlists. What's more, numerous new and returning exotics are being added to the mix. You can take a look at the full patch notes through here.
Will you be diving into Destiny tonight or at some point soon? Hop on a Sparrow and slide into the comments section below.
[source bungie.net]
Comments 11
Hmm nice, can't wait to give it a go
I'm sad to say right now I'm done with destiny its to repetitive I was with it hours a day until last month , but sad truth is not enough new content is brought in and the world doesn't hold anymore surprises.
I would like the grind to recognise my achievements and reward them taken king removed everything except my shaders
Anyone try this? I love most of what Destiny does but never really felt the urge to race sparrows! Looking forward to hearing how it is.
@kyleforrester87 I plan on writing up an impressions piece tomorrow - hopefully it's informative!
Man, Spooke2k...you sound like you need a vacation buddy. Or holiday as the UKers call it. I played a bit of the sparrow racing today and here's an honest assessment of it (coming from someone who still enjoys a bit of Destiny from time to time): it's fun. Losing a race invokes feeling, mostly anger, because you want to do better next time. It is certainly challenging. My one complaint is that currently--there are only 2 maps. I'm hoping they throw a few more at us before this is over. I'm actually hoping the racing league sticks around afterwards, I have been wanting this for a long time. The sparrow is probably one of the funnest vehicles I've ever driven in a video game. So it's got my vote. Give it a try!
I have no interest in Racing Sparrows! I only ever used it to get to the area I needed to be in as quickly as possible. As I rarely need to 'farm' materials or spend time in the original yr1 areas, I haven't used my Sparrow for months. Its not needed on the dreadnought or Raids!
I have heard that things like this and the 'Halloween' event are what has 'replaced' the Dark Below/House of Wolves content for year 2. If that's the case, I am going to be very disappointed and 'bored' of Destiny for yr2. As it stands at the moment, I am only Raiding once a week at the most!
@cajuncowboy210 I think you are proberly right I think I was well over 1400 hours last count I will go back some point , but as I said don't feel a need rush going through handsome collection at minute. Which is a lot of fun
@Spooke2k Can't knock you there man, always liked the borderlands series.
@Spooke2k I feel like the things I achieved from yr1, Particularly things like the Vex and Necrochasm were made obsolete as soon as the Taken King arrived too. It annoys me that these in particular have no place - especially after the difficulty in achieving them. I think the Nechrochasm is more disappointing because it was practically useless and with patch 2.0 and now 2.1 it could finally be usable - if it was updated of course. After striving to get it, I have hardly used it but would like to.
I think if they brought forward these Exotics in particular, it would give people a reason to play the older Raids. I can't understand Bungies decision to make their best content redundant. I know I can still play these but at th level they are set, they really don't pose any challenge and the rewards are of no use either. I really think they should have added a Light 300-320 version and maybe added some 'random' Taken element - like they did for yr1 Strikes. As much as I would like yr2 versions of a lot of yr1 raid weapons, if that is never happening, then replace these drops with yr2 rewards (engrams - maybe strange coins etc too)
I know for many, certain weapons were there preferred choice - things like Fatebringer, Vision of Confluence, Icebreaker, Gjallahorn etc, but that in part was down to Bungie and their weapon development team. Not blaming them for making these 'strong' choices but blaming them for making subsequent weapons very weak. Even if they brought these back now, I can't see them getting much use in the current Raid for example. Icebreaker wouldn't replace Black Spindle as that can fire a lot faster - even before they nerfed the IB because of the charge time for each new shot. Gjallahorn is unlikely to get used that much either as its uncommon to see RL's - maybe during the Warpriest. With weapons like Hung Jury and the nerfs to Hand Cannons, I doubt many would run Fatebringer other than in Patrols or lower level activity.
I am wanting and needing something more meaningful from Destiny. I have exhausted all of the Taken King content - maybe not so much on my PS4 but as is just items from the Hard Kings Fall Raid I want (I can't or don't get 320 drops), its all I seem to play now.
@BAMozzy yep I took step back played thing things I hope they fix it but I suspect won't until destiny 2 they have a plan squeeze every inch out game and recycle like there saving the planet.
@Spooke2k Unless they do something a bit more substantial, there isn't going to be many people left by the time Destiny 2 comes out!
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