It's taken a long time to be honest, but the hype for Street Fighter V is finally starting to take hold. With the PlayStation 4 console exclusive brawler out next week, the title's Trophies have leaked online – and the list is a real corker. While its contents include the usual tasks – participate in plenty of matches, win lots of Fight Money, try out the training mode – the trinkets have daring descriptions written by the game's cast.
Take this Bronze pot: "Impossible! You fought in 300 network battles? Well then, the time for you to witness my Psycho Power draws near. Mwahaha!" Or this one: "I am Rashid of the Turbulent Wind! You can change how you feel, just with a title! If you had 30 of them, you'd be set for the rest of your life!" Or this one: "Go try out Training Mode for 30 minutes! 'Bodybuilding never let man down.' I borrowed that one from Master Zangief!"
[source exophase.com]
Comments 18
Best trophy list I've seen in a while.
@get2sammyb aw hated the trophy descriptions for SFIV looks like nothings changed lol
"It's taken a long time to be honest, but the hype for Street Fighter V is finally starting to take hold."
Sorry but anyone who cares about Street fighter at all was already hyped ages ago.
@viciousarcanum It's because Sammy's a filthy casual.
@ShogunRok lol thought so
Cannot wait definitely will be platinum Street Fighter V, to add to my collection. The Platinum looks smart:
Good list. Not sure about getting the levels, but the rest does not sound that hard to get. Except winning ranked matches of course
I've read encyclopedias with less words.
@banacheck Good luck with that. I've always thought fighting games are hard to platinum.
So hyped
@DerMeister they usually are. Ie) win 10 ranked matches in a row, complete hard mode with each round lasting 20 seconds, go undefeated in arcade impossible mode and beat hidden boss etc etc
@ShogunRok @viciousarcanum I think it's been bubbling under the radar outside of hardcore circles pretty heavily since its initial announcement. The comments and stats on our articles alone are evidence of that.
@themcnoisy I know! I fully admit that I'll probably never platinum a fighting game. Winning rank is definitely the hardest of the challenges, but at least the streak trophy only requires 3. Most of these however just require a lot of time and patience.
Kinda similar to Super Street Fighter 4. I like that.
Rarely get hooked enough to plat a fighting game, but this may be the one. I only buy one or two fighting games per console, so maybe this and Tekken (or DOA if that's announced soon enough). Anyway, looking forward to the challenge. Hope the car bashing bonus round is back!
Oh man, this is going to be an hard platinum ..
If it wasn't for the Ranked trophies, I would buy this game. Tis unfortunate. I care nothing for Ranked matches, and getting 100 Ranked Victories is just ridiculous. I'll pass on this game. Sony, you need to provide the ability to delete a trophy list PAST ZERO, or disable trophies on a game specific basis, otherwise you will continue to lose sales from (at least) me; and I know of many others that make purchase decisions based on trophies.
@get2sammyb That's fighters in general though
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