We knew it was coming and here it is: Berserk's first gameplay trailer. Well, kind of. We only catch a small glimpse of the hack and slasher in action, but we're already liking the look of it, particularly due to the apparent weight of lead character Guts' attacks.
Although there's a lot of blood - an uncommon sight in Omega Force's musou titles - it still seems as though Berserk will follow the typical Warriors formula, pitting powerful player characters against hordes of foes. Now we're just waiting to hear who else makes it into the playable character roster.
Is this gameplay what you were hoping for? Cleave your way through the masses and join us in the comments section below.
Comments 19
I remember this on the Dreamcast! I absolutely loved it and this looks brilliant. Keep bringing the nostalgic remakes.
This is going to be an amazing ps vita game.
It looks soo goood
if i see Griffith and a Horse, then i'm gone
100% sure the graphics gonna be downgraded.... looks too good for a Warriors title...
Massive, thick, heavy and far too rough..
It's like a line in a R-rated Visual Novel. LMFAO
Looks great. Split on Vita or PS4. On one hand I'm sure the vita game will be like £10 cheaper as has been the case of late (+it's a vita game) on the other I much prefer warrior games on the big screen...
First World Problems
I'm a massive fan of Berserk and Musou so this is just awesome!!
i dont see any troll cut in half...... someone remember the ps2 berserk game? Because i never forget the great boss battles of that game.
@Xantre_dareus Pretty sure that Zodd will be in it.
In the official page we have some new images, whith Guts vs Grunbeld and schierke(looks like a playable character ).
and a flying troll head
I wish it more like onimusha rather than dynasty warrior..
I brought this up yesterday, but it's worth mentioning again: this game might fall victim to censorship, at least in Japan, in regards to dismemberment of human characters. We really need to see more gameplay, soon, before putting in any import preorders.
The vita / ps4 split is more pronounced due to characters on screen. If I'm not smashing 3000+ enemies up, then its not worth playing. Vita unfortunately cant cope with the amount of enemies you see on ps4.
Nah, KoeiTecmo and Omega Force don't do that kinda stuff.
You're thinking of Ubisoft.
Just looking at how even Dynasty Warriors 8 on PS4 looked a couple of years ago, and seeing how far their engine has come with Samurai Warriors and Dragon Quest, all the gameplay seen in game can easily be realtime.
Ahh man pretty hyped for this, love berserk . Just hope it lives up yo the violence of the manga!!!
@meppi yeah Samurai Warriors 4 looks really smooth and really pretty on PS4, just as the footage in this trailer. I have no doubt its in-game.
Oh wow, a Berserk Vita title. I'm Excite!
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