Game of the Month July PS4 PlayStation 4 1

We may be into the quieter summer months of 2016 right now, but June still managed to offer up a decent selection of PlayStation titles. However, without a clear cut winner like May's Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, our internal staff vote proved to be an incredibly tight affair. Which game took top gong? There's only one way to find out...

Bronze Trophy: Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-

Not-so guilty cheer

Another gorgeous technical fighter from Arc System Works, Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- may be a pain in the arse to type, but it holds firm as one of the best brawlers on PS4. Fighting game enthusiast Steven Hill gave the latest adventures of Sol Badguy (seriously, what a name) a 9/10 in our review, dubbing it "addictive, frenetic, varied, and absolutely stunning". KO.

Silver Trophy: Steamworld Heist

Diggin' it

Developer Image & Form hopped to yet another genre for its newest Steamworld outing, this time hauling its rusty robots to the realm of strategy. Ever ready reviewer Alex Stinton awarded this latest bucket of nuts and bolts an 8/10, praising the title's "addictive and accessible gameplay". We're left here wondering where this varied series is going to end up next – a Puzzle Fighter clone with light-RPG mechanics fused with a racing game, perhaps? Shrugs.

Gold Trophy: Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Faith for sure

The return of Faith boasts a sandbox world that's a pleasure to run, jump, and climb around, expanding upon the first-person rush that was offered from the PS3 original. Alex Stinton was on hand again for this one, concluding "like Faith herself, this release is at its best when it's on the run, and while the combat, story, and characters do cause it to stumble occasionally, it never actually falls". An assured 8/10 it is.

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir PS4 PlayStation 4 1

Platinum Trophy: Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir

A much improved remake of the PS2 cult classic, Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir is a joy to experience, both visually and with regards to its super slick, hectic combat system. A real fairy tale adventure, Leifthrasir is a fantastic example of how to bring an older game back into the modern day fray.

"Fully deserving of a second chance, Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir is a glorious remake of a fine RPG. Its stunning art style looks better than ever, and the tale it tells is still effortlessly charming," we wrote in our 8/10 review. "It's difficult not to be left thoroughly impressed by Vanillaware's lovingly crafted fantasy – even after all of these years," we concluded. Now we just have to hope that Odin's happy with his Game of the Month trophy – it's going to seem disappointingly tiny in those gigantic hands of his.

And that's that for another month. Dare we ask if you agree with our winner, or even our nominees? Show us which title you'd vote for in our poll and then tell us why in the comments section below.

What was your Game of the Month for June 2016? (32 votes)

  1. Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-%
  2. Mirror's Edge Catalyst%
  3. Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir%
  4. Steamworld Heist%
  5. Other%

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