The weekend's here already, which means that your regular host, the illustrious Sammy B., is probably on his way back to Push Square Towers right now following a well deserved summer break. We know that the boss often has trouble figuring out what to write about when it comes to this introduction, so we'll just take this opportunity to show our support for Germany in tonight's Euro 2016 quarter final.
Robert Ramsey, Germany Fanboy
When I'm not cheering for the World Champions, I'll be looking to sink a few more hours into Fallout 4 - but before you judge me, I honestly have a perfectly good reason as to why I'm still finding excuses to play Bethesda's post-apocalyptic title. About 30 hours into my game, Nick Valentine disappeared from existence - no matter what I did, I could never find him, and I eventually gave up looking. Now, after a further 200 hours of exploring the Commonwealth, the mechanical misfit has returned without warning - he just walked up to me one day without a care in the world, like he'd never been missing. In short, I have to make up for lost time and finish his personal quest!
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
This weekend, I'll be playing a bit of Overwatch here and there, and will give Gone Home a whirl before it's retired from PS Plus. Aside from that, I've been in a retro mood lately, so I may just dust off my Mega Drive collection and play some good old fashioned platformers.
Jade Sayers, Reviewer
This weekend I'll be glued to Zero Time Dilemma, exactly the same as every evening since its release. It's been a really long time since I've been this addicted to a game, and every second with it is like an emotional rollercoaster. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's my game of the year so far, and it's going to take something pretty special to take that title away in the second half of the year. I'm looking forward to spending the whole weekend with it!
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
I managed to pick up a copy of Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year edition on a rather fantastic deal a few days ago, so I'll be slaying Orcs (or is it Uruks?) this weekend. Just in time, too; a group of us have been making our way through the The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings extended editions on Blu-Ray. It's all about Middle-earth for me right now.
John McCormick, Reviewer
Without any new releases tickling my fancy I've decided to take this opportunity to work through my increasingly ridiculous backlog of games. After finally polishing off the platinum for Gravity Rush last week, I've moved on to God Of War 3. I'm an hour into the game and I've seen more jaw-droppingly violent deaths than in the entire last series of Game of Thrones. Good lord.
Ken Talbot, Reviewer
I'm going to take the plunge and have a look at the newly updated Street Fighter V - I haven't touched the game since launch. Hope it was worth the wait...
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
This weekend I hope to finish up my first playthrough of Until Dawn, which I am enjoying a lot. In between that, some matches of Overwatch and Black Ops 3.
With our plans out of the way, what will you be playing this weekend? Do you have any special sessions in mind, or will you just be polishing off some unfinished titles? Keep us up to date in the comments section below.
Comments 59
Overwatch when I don't have to keep an eye on the kids. Got 5 wins on the competitive starting matches, not sure if it is good for random groups or not
A bit of Warcraft, want to level a couple more characters to 100 before legion
And downloaded Joe Dover's Lone Wolf, nice game, but I cant play for a lot of time, before I get tired of it...
Some Uncharted 4 this weekend around the cycling and football.
I'm playing lego dimensions. Still need 97 gold bricks. I have oral exams next week and after that I'm planning to buy everything I'm missing from year 1 so I can 100% the game before year 2/wave 6 releases in september.
@get2sammyb any change there will be a review for each story pack for lego dimensions year 2 here on pushsquare? They're kind of new lego games with each one adding a full new story and a open world.
i'm in the mood for some quick gaming sessions so i'm not sure yet but probably some Dragon Ball XenoVerse or Naruto Storm 4
Little bit of ESO, hard-line now and again but mostly RE Revelations 2 that I bought in the psn sale.
It's Street Fighter V and #FE for me
Lots of xcom so far. Vita has been getting a workout recently.
Fire emblem Fates: Birthright!!! It's an absolutely fantastic game, much better than awakening IMO, which was my first fire emblem, but I admit had some pretty serious flaws. I'm planning on playing through Conquest and then Revelations after this; I'm hoping the challenge won't be too much for me!
The Order 1886 & yes I'm really enjoying it! The platinum for that game looks real easy & I hope to have it by tomorrow.
Also hopefully have Persona 1 done & get a start on Adventures of Mana (which looks like another easy plat )
Nowt - can't be bothered to replay the games I have finished and can't find anything worth buying new. Next game on my radar is I Am Setsuna.. Hopefully Fury is good too.
Might chip away at some more of Bravely Second.
PS4. Blood and wine.
Xbox one. DOOM, binding of isaac: afterbirth.
Wii u. Splatoon, Super Mario RPG.
3DS. Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX, Rhythm Heaven Megamix, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.
Vita. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, God of war II.
Kindle. IT.
Happy Independence Weekend for all US gamers!
Got stuck on a huge difficulty spike on Doom that will force me to either rage quit or lower the difficulty, I dont know if the latter will rob me of the trophy.
If the 2 hefty 8gb patches finish I will go back to SFV. Tempted to give the Witcher 3 a second chance.
Are you liking Project Mirai? I never expected to love it as much as I did when I bought it. Ended up putting more than a hundred hours on it, very cute and polished.
I have a week left before I have to give Far Cry Primal back to my mate at work...absolutely loving it but considering its nearly the only thing I have been playing on the ps4 I have only done about twenty per cent of it..
Also as usual I have been playing Persona Golden.love it so much I don't want it to end
I be playing ratchet and clank, Odin sphere and fire emblem fates mostly while dodging the rain..
Well I have a new baby!! So I will be lucky to do much playing but have got about half way through firewall which I will try to get back to if I can.
@Rudy_Manchego Congratulations!
@Rudy_Manchego congrats on the baby!!! 😆 i'll be playinf zelda skyward sword... i havent finished it yet, don't want it to end 😢
PS4- Street Fighter V, One Piece Pirate Warriors 3,
Xbox One- Killer Instinct, and Dead or Alive 5 LR
Wii U- Bayonetta 1&2, Smash
3DS- Animal Crossing New Leaf, Kirby Planet Robobot
I haven't played a single video game all week and my backlog is piled up to the top.... Still slowly chipping away at the last three bosses in Dark Souls 3, then probably Ratchet & Clank. Need to get Doom back from my friend once I've beaten the first two listed.
This weekend I will be mostly playing... Lego Star Wars the Force Awakens. I'm actually shocked how good Lego games have got I haven't played in years.
am enjoying uncharted 4
Loved every second of this game, i played the ps3 and vita versions, but this one is my favorite, the chibi look of the vocaloids, the charm of the game, the songs are much better on project mirai by far.
I've got the last hour of until dawn to finish. No spoilers it turns out I've only lost one character so far not what I thought earlier. Then I may start my first God of war play through or just try and get back into black ops 3
Edit. Just downloaded dariusburst, so that's me sorted once I've wrapped up until dawn
@Rudy_Manchego congratulations dude.
Ps3 Kingdom hearts 2 on ps4 drake collection and maybe I'll start star ocean if I can tie up uncharted. On the vita gravity rush.
PS4 - Lego Star Wars: TFA, Overwatch
Haven't played a Lego game since 09' with Indy, But my love for Star Wars brought me back.
VITA - Persona 4 Golden
7 day's to die, great game.
@darkswabber Unlikely, I'm afraid.
Congrats on the newborn!
I was lucky enough to have Mirai as my first Miku game. So later I got Project Diva F 2nd and although I liked it it is not the same. Mirai has more songs, better songs, longer songs and the Nendoroid look works great. And it has Gumi!
I love Rhythm Heaven for the original, wacky take on music games but Mirai is a bundle of joy through and through.
Just got Earth Defense Force 4.1 and am having a blast.
Also still playing Trackmania Turbo quite a bit.
The Playstation games are pretty good, but nothing like Project Mirai.
You have good taste on games.
I'm enjoying Rhythm heaven with all the micro ala warioware games but Project Mirai is a better game.
haha Gumi is amazing
But i'm a Rin sucker haha always will be that way, and the chibi version is just so adorable haha
Have a nice weekend!
I will be playing a lot of Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I got this game last Friday and can't put it down. Awesome game, so far. I might try to play some P4G, another great game. I can't get enough of TMS, so probably that all weekend long, lol.
Same to you on both accounts! If you dont mind I will add you on my systems. I am sinalefa on Wii U and bluemoonday14 on PS4.
@sinalefa of course, i will add you too, i played splatoon the most, it will be nice to play some combat 😁
@sketchturner ahhhaaa good shout on Earth Defence Force, downloading now. That's tonight sorted, thanks!
Bit of Blood and Wine (amazing), bit of Sniper Elite 3 (decent), bit of BF4 (always great) and starting Zelda: A Link Between Worlds this weekend I think. Also a bit of Super Mario bros 1 and Zelda Oracle of Seasons perhaps
Finish off mgsv definitely on the agenda....also started the sly Cooper collection hd where we're you all my life (psnow) and throw in a life table top racing and some mlb 16
FFX remaster, from tomorrow after 4. Close to the plat now, but still got Kimahri to max stats-wise and Penance to do amongst other non-consequential stuff.
Currently on holiday at Disneyland so nothing for me this weekend. I do have Lego Force Awakens waiting for when I get home, I had a quick go before I left and was very impressed with what I saw
Overwatch on PS4 (Gotta go positive on those placement matches dammit). Lego Star Wars TFA on Vita (graphics are not good but it is the full console game so I picked the vita one with my upcoming trip in mind). Finally a little Splatoon with my buddy when we have a chance.
The Pinball Arcade. The Season 6 pass was just put up for sale on Steam, and the season starts with one of the games I wanted, Indianapolis 500.
@Rudy_Manchego Congrats buddy! Giving Vita some big love this weekend thanks to PSN Big in Japan sale. Final fantasy 3, Dragon's Crown and Soldner-x last chapter.
After hiking Cowles Mountain I'll be preparing for the second Blood Moon in 7 Days To Die - addicting game once you learn to craft and navigate the menu system. Made better with coop.
Nothing really, maybe some Rocket League and Fallout 4.
It is time for some Adventures of Mana!
@Fight_Teza_Fight Started Persona but couldn't grasp the fighting so could you give me some advise or some helpful links.
Thank you.
Finished Dooom. Got stuck on one of the collectibles. Spent ages trying to jump up onto a ledge and just couldn't get my guy to grab on. YouTube vids made that part look easy, not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm doomed out for now.
Bought mad max cheap. Looking forward to that. Also in the process of picking up 61 easy trophies in Life is Strange.
@Rudy_Manchego congratulations 😤 your gaming time is gonna take a hit. Swap the ps4 pad for teething rings, padded blocks and dirty nappies. Well done man and enjoy it! Hope it was an easy labour for your wifey.
This weekend I'm at a stag do in Luton, shooting through Euston to Liverpool on the way back today and I'm playing Dangaronpa Trigger Happy Havoc. Best £5 I've ever spent and I've only finished the prolouge.
@Dr-M Yes I found it very confusing as well at first (& a bit tedious).
You have three ways of damaging an opponent. Attack, Shoot & Persona based attacks. How much if any these do depends on the demons passive abilities/strengths (I.e absorb all blast damage, null gun damage...).
This will tell you the demons strength & weaknesses. You get this information by choosing the option from the battle screen, after defeating a enemy or making contact with them & obtaining their 'spell card'.
Making Contact
This option from the battle screen allows your party to talk to a enemy type. Taking different approaches allows you to make the demon angry, happy, scared or eager. A eager enemy will give you its soul/spell card & end the battle, but only if the person making contact is of greater level than the enemy. A happy opponent will help you out in battle. Scared will flee, but other enemies will continue to fight & an angry enemy will lead to all demons attacking you.
With the spell cards you can go to the velvet room & create stronger personas for your party through either guided or manual fusion.
Also it's important to note that exp gain from battles isn't equal. It seems to be damage based & that might lead to a pretty uneven party (my main aoe was 12 levels higher than my weakest) which will restrict which contact options are available to successfully recruit a demon.
My tip always keep Maki (Plead, Flatter, Lie & Cringe) & Nanjo (Bribe, Condencend, Pontificate & Sarcasm) on a good level as they are the most useful in recruiting imo.
Also when you level up your character distribute the points into evasion, luck & agility as your attack & defence stat comes from your persona.
Hope you can find sense in the ramblings of a mad man
overwatch im addicted
Resident Evil 5 and God Eater Resurrection on PS4. Adventures of Mana on Vita.
@sinalefa let me guess, theres two of them, and they spam one particularly annoying attack? If so I feel your pain.
It is a room after you ride a train where there are like 4 instances of each enemy. After lots of tries I could clear that and I finally beat the game.
Vagrant Story, Front mission 3, Zone of the enders 2 and Killer is dead in the japan offer for PS3. Actually playing Vagran story.
Dead Space 2 on the PS3 and Killzone Shadowfall on the PS4
@ekreig @Quintumply @Xaritah @Rapid @Kyroki @sinalefa @bbq_boy
@themcnoisy Thanks everyone for the kind words. Alas, themcnoisy is right, no gaming for me as yet. I did manage a cheeky Vita session during the early part of the labour while the other half wanted complete silence!
@Fight_Teza_Fight THANK YOU very much.
That was really helpful and honestly you are an awesome person taking the time to write all of this really shows that.
I can't thank you enough.
Sorry for the delayed replay it was out of my hand.
@Dr-M No worries mate. I hope you have fun with the game
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