After August's rather divisive offering, the reaction to September's PlayStation Plus selection didn't seem too bad. With superb PlayStation exclusive Journey and the janky but enjoyable Lords of the Fallen up for grabs this month, there's an argument that this is one of the strongest line ups that the service has offered in some time.
As always, though, we want to know what you think. Is this really as solid a selection as some people suggest? Vote in our polls, and then feed us your thoughts, positive or negative, in the comments section below.
Are you happy with September's PlayStation Plus Games? (176 votes)
- Yep, I'm happy
- They're okay, I guess
- Nope, they're rubbish
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Which September PlayStation Plus game are you most looking forward to? (162 votes)
- Amnesia: Memories
- Badland
- Datura
- Journey
- Lords of the Fallen
- Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
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Comments 31
Have only played Prince of Persia out of the line up and that was an amazing game so people who haven't played that one are lucky,but the other five all look great and interesting.
Most excited about Amnesia: Memories,very unusual to receive a visual novel and looks interesting...(and its not a psp game!)
Looking forward to try Lords of the Fallen too but if it's one of those games that is as unforgivingly hard like Dark Souls,then I can see myself getting frustrated and giving up.
Best selection this year.
"Journey of the Fallen" how is that not a title of a game yet?
I'm happy with it. I finally get to experience Journey.
I really do not see the appeal of Journey myself. I know its well reviewed etc and I guess its 'OK' as a 2nd game (so to speak) but its not exactly new - essentially a remaster of a PS3 game. I don't have issue at all with it being offered at all - at least it's of the calibre I would expect from the 'indie' offering - if that makes sense. Lords of the Fallen though is particularly average. It was given away on XB1 GwG a few months ago so personally won't bother wasting 'disc' space on it again - Its certainly not worth deleting a game to make room for. Even if Sony had added the much requested external HDD support, I don't think I would bother downloading it again.
As someone with both a PS4 and XB1, I find myself comparing both. Obviously XB1 allows Backwards Compatibility to allow me to play the 360 offerings on my XB1. I do have my PS3 and XB360 still set up but these are in the bedroom and haven't been used for a long time but could if something offered really excited me - I tend to game in my front room though so the BC helps. So looking a both (I don't have a Vita so don't count those), this month, GwG for me has the edge as it has more games I would actually bother with downloading. That being said, PS+ offerings this month at least show a stronger line-up which gives me hope that I will be put in the position of trying to decide which game to delete to make room for it - something I haven't had to do for a LONG time.
Not for $60 a year.mybe $50.
Great selection. Just a shame I recently bought Journey for the second time. Ho hum...
Good games but I'm not happy because I already got jouney and sold my ps3 (so no prince of persia for me). It's a good month for people that haven't played journey and still has ps3.
Really happy I havnt played either so I'm looking forward to it! Although I heard lords of fallen is crazy hard :')
Happy Enough , never have time to play any of the games anyway. The only ones I've really spent some time on are Resogun and Rocket League . Already got Journey so voted for the other big one , which the missus might enjoy.
I am happier than a bear who just found a pot of honey
Good month. But all those people screaming for AAA we got Lords of the fallen. Woop. Good for them. I would rather play badlands. More arcade games please.
Journey is an amazing game but I already bought it when it came out just like a lot of Sony's other PSPlus offerings. Personally I don't play online & feel that their monthly games have been a gargantuan let down for over a year now. I literally give them £40 a year for nothing. Not renewing my subscription until massive improvements are made!
It's a good month for those who havent picked up any of the games yet. Got all of these through different sales or GwG.
Lords of the Fallen was decent, I could definitely see folks getting into it.
Couldn't be happier. I can't find a single retail copy of Lords of the Fallen in my country so getting it for free is a good thing.
I only recently started using PS Plus and I cannot believe I took so long to do so. 2-3 free games each month is a great thing (and a super way to get my hands on PSN games I was always on the fence to buy).
Great games. I never download the PS+ rentals (anything worth playing I already own it, or will soon enough) but if I did, I'd be very pleased with these games.
To be honest I had no idea Lords of the Fallen was a AAA game, I had never heard of it before
@DualWielding I wouldn't call it a AAA game - it's just available at retail.
@MinerWilly manic miner+jet set sir are a veteran!
Not happy at all. However, August was good, and I have plenty of games to play outside Plus, so I'm not too worried about September's games.
It's a good selection, my only gripe is I already own all of them. But for those who don't, enjoy!
@Amatic13 thanks buddy , yea there's a lot of us oldies on this great website . Us guys and girls would look at a ZX Spectrum loading screen and dream if the graphics could only be as good as that one day. Long since surpassed those now, still yet to try VR but hopefully get a chance to do so this year , been a great journey gaming since early days and as poor as those games may seem now to a youngster they in there day where just as amazing as anything now. I'll be doing this hobby until I'm brown bread.
Voted for Amnesia - i have journey and ive heard that the port of badland is a little disappointing. I will give Lords of the fallen a go and suppose datura gives me an excuse to dust off my move controllers
PS4 games are good but I dont care about either. I wonder if Journey is worth another spin now that I can actually play it online.
I'm finally going to try Journey. That otome game looks interesting as well. And LOTF... I'll give it a spin for free. Good month.
I think the point of the discussion is that over the year, is the investment in PS Plus worth it for the MP and the games provided. I think there has to be balance between games and it was something that Sony has got wrong a lot but I am seeing in recent months some more balancing.
Journey is a well reviewed title. It is a remaster. I already have it (and like it). However, am I going to complain? No, because I have lots of games, of course some games I have will turn up on PS Plus. What am I going to do, wait until the end of the consoles life and hope all my most wanted games are then given for free? Lords of the Fallen isn't my type of game but I can see it will appeal to some, that is fine.
I think the issue was that for a period of time we were getting just indie 'exclusives' that were either quite generic or not yet reviewed. Sony clearly has issues with getting licences from big publishers for some games. The size of the user base is probably the issue.
I don't use MP that much (but occasionally) so I am actually more in it for the free games. So far this year I have downloaded and fully played three titles and downloaded and played a couple of others. The retail costs of these games have already made it a good investment.
Not as strong an offering as last month for me (Augusts' was my fave Plus games of 2016 so far) but I was always planning to buy Journey at some point so it's saved me a fiver!
I'm no happy, all games should be brand new releases so there's no chance of anyone having already bought them. They should also be backwards compatible with my microwave so I can play them how I want, when I want and I'd like Taylor Swift to come and manually install them to all my devices whilst tidying my living room. And I want a price reduction and a packet of hob nobs. If they're not chocolate orange, I'll ask for a refund...
No. Sorry but I am not easily pleased.
Decent selection, I've already got Lords of the Fallen and it's decent DS clone and I'm looking forward to seeing if Journey lives up to the hype.
Quite a smart move for Deck 13 and Lords of the Fallen. It might mean they get a few extra followers for when The Surge comes out.
Will try LOTF and Journey, I have to it's free I suppose but I aint looking forward to it at all. I hope I enjoy it ofc but I highly doubt i'll spend longer than 20 minute's on it.
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