Back when Horizon: Zero Dawn was announced, we wondered how much of a role-playing game it would actually be. That's the genre that Guerrilla Games had promised, but with the early demonstrations centring on combat ahead of crafting and conversations, we pondered whether the Dutch developer may be stretching the definition of the phrase.
But now that we're getting close to release, the studio's starting to prove that it's made a God's honest RPG title. In this Tokyo Game Show video, we get a glimpse of Aloy entering a village environment, where she's able to interact with other characters in order to pick up quests, purchase gear, and more. The dialogue's a little hokey, but it's not terrible.
And this all bodes well for the release, which has barely put a foot wrong since being revealed. The combat has always looked outstanding, and that continues to be the case here. But it's the dressing that's going to make this title dazzle, and while the jury's still out on the story and quest design, there's plenty of reason to be excited now.
Comments 24
Can't wait - my most anticipated game at the moment and has been since Uncharted 4 arrived...
February is going to be gaming bliss on ps4. This is what I needed to see, everything else for the game looked fun but deep RPG elements are what I craaaave.
@BertoFlyingFox Yeah, persona 5 and horizon in the same month
Wish I could see the difference between pspro and 4k/hdr on youtube on my non-4k pc . Definitely want a ps pro though
Pretty sure this is just standard PS4 footage.
It'll be interesting to see from a story pov because the game won't have branching paths or multiple endings which might annoy fans of the genre but it will allow the writers to develop their characters and world without worrying about connecting multiple plot threads.
The only game I want more then this it the next Mass Effect. I can't wait to play both on the Pro.
@get2sammyb Yeah definitely but man does it look cool.
Great. I was worried they'd Naughty Dog the game after the last bit of gameplay, so I'm glad to see it'll be a proper RPG.
Still not a fan of the voice acting. I think this game tries a little too hard.
Wasn't looking forward to this myself but i'm intrested now, need to see more though.
@get2sammyb Yea, but they've demo'ed it in 4k/hdr and the reviewers were impressed. And even at 1080p it should look better on the pro... just youtube footage being a lossy format on a computer monitor has no chance to actually show me how much... which means I'm buying the pro basically blind, taking the word of enthusiasts that it makes a difference.... but I'm pretty sure I'm buying anyhow
Can you then play as a male instead, thats my personal preference, in RP games, to be able to associate with the character.
Yeah but can you kill the friendly villagers?!? Or lure creatures into town to do your dirty work?!?
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya No because the story is meant to be about Aloy.
Man, February can't come soon enough. Every look at this game just sucks me in.
Very looking forward to this game! Wished US had the Limited Edition as well, cause right now, only the Collector's Edition has the steelbook casing.:/
Well, I WAS really excited for this game until the dreaded RPG letters were used. It's falling quickly off of my radar now.
@WanderingBullet Thankfully horizon region 3 version have the steelcase, you can buy it on play-asia.
@Hordak I think it's more like the witcher 3 rather than uncharted 4.
@Royalblues Definitely, so much potential, especially with an engine like this one!
As for Horizon, it continues to look utterly spectacular. Looks to be something very special indeed. Just hope the plot itself lives up to the gameplay and presentation.
@wiiware Never bought anything from play-asia before. How's their service like?
Uncharted 4 could honestly be pushed off the best PS4 game spot, cause this looks gorgeous.
@Royalblues Africa, yessss!!! Remember far cry 2? I loved that game back when it came out, would love to see another game on Africa setting, whether it's 1st or 3rd person open world
@adf86 Im assuming then that focusses on the lead being a female?
Fair enough.
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