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In case you missed the news earlier this week, Mass Effect: Andromeda finally has a confirmed release date. The long awaited sci-fi sequel lands on PlayStation 4 on the 21st March in North America and the 23rd March in Europe - but are you hyped for BioWare's big release?

Our problem with Andromeda is that, up to this point, it's been marketed extremely poorly. Between trailers filled with concept art, gameplay footage that puts an emphasis on wonky animation, and years of tedious "our game is awesome talk" on social media, we've honestly found it difficult to get excited for the game - and that's crazy, considering that we're huge fans of the original trilogy. Here's hoping that changes over the next couple of months, eh?

It's not just about what we think, though - we want to know your opinions on this one. Now that Andromeda has a concrete launch date, are you excited to get your hands on it? Vote in our poll, and then explore the dark reaches of the comments section below.

Are you excited for Mass Effect: Andromeda? (135 votes)

  1. I absolutely can't wait to play it36%
  2. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it28%
  3. I'm not that bothered, really17%
  4. I couldn't care less19%

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