Bethesda has sent out invites for its E3 2017 press conference, which is scheduled to take place on 11th June – and the neat artwork that it's created to promote the event harbours a couple of secrets. Working with the theme of an adventure park named Bethesdaland, the image includes attractions based on numerous series like PREY, Dishonored, DOOM, The Elder Scrolls, Quake, and Fallout. But there are two areas "under construction" in the image.
It stands to reason that these are to be announced during the publisher's media briefing, but what could they be? Our guess is a new Wolfenstein – which was teased last year – and a sequel to The Evil Within. Of course, it could be that the organisation's hinting at new properties entirely – we'll just have to wait and see. Are you hyped for Bethesda's press conference this year? Tell us what you'd like to see in the comments section below.
Comments 23
Wolfenstein hopefully, New Order was fantastic. Best game to come from Bethesda for a long time.
All this has done has made me really want a real life Bethesda inspired theme park
Elder Scrolls please! And not online...
@Splat That's definitely TESO: Morrowind in the picture. The wait continues...
I can't tell you whether I'm hyped or not until they send me the hype, we don't get it early from them anymore.
evil within 2.one of the best games ever
Dare I hope that they've handed Fallout over to Obsidian again, and that we might get a worthy sequel rather than the abomination that was FO4?
A new Wolfenstein and Evil Within would be awesome. And of course anything brand new is always exciting.
Well the recent Doom was the best single player fps I've played for about 15 years, so a sequel to that will do very nicely
Doom sequel. Yes please, Bob.
I'd be down for an Evil Within sequel. I enjoyed the first one quite a bit.
Coming to the ps vita and switch now we hit ourselves in the head The title is Bethesda land.rated e10 plus.
It could be new ips
@carlos82 We're not gonna see one for a while, but when it comes it will be a very very good day.
New Elder Scrolls (proper) can't be far behind, they're usually 5ish years apart. Could they pull a fallout and announce it and release this fall?
I'm hoping for new Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Evil Within.
If i could have anything it would be a Quake 1 re-boot.Bored of Elder Scrolls and Fallout,and anything by Obsidian is a pass for me.Something new? Never heard of it..Lets see..
New IP... Bethesda Land... please Lord
I'm hoping we get a whole scoop on Quake Champions (with a possible release date). And I'd put money on both of those teased announcements being Wolfenstein and The Evil Within 2.
I don't think the areas under construction are new game teases, I think it's just them trying to be accurate to what Bethesda games are like at launch.
@Churchy Apparently ID Software don't want to release QC on consoles due it requiring mouse and keyboard,i wish some one would tell them about usb ports..
I'm hoping for 2 brand new properties....no Wolfenstein and/or Evil Within.
All I want for Christmas is TES Vl !
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