Persona 5 is one of the very few PlayStation 4 games that will outright block the use of your Share button. The game won't allow you to take screenshots or stream gameplay directly from your console - but the limitations don't stop there. Even with capture equipment, there are strict guidelines in place to stop you from showing much of the game. And if you don't follow these rules? Well, Atlus will basically shut you down.
So, why is Persona 5 streaming and sharing banned? According to the publisher, the main reason is to prevent the story from being spoiled. A statement from Atlus reads: "Simply put, we don't want the experience to be spoiled for people who haven't played the game. Our fans have waited years for the game to come out and we really want to make sure they can experience it fully as a totally new adventure." It goes on to warn against showing any kind of plot-heavy content, which, let's face it, makes up a huge portion of the game.
As if that wasn't enough, Atlus asks players not to capture anything past the in-game date of 7th July. Essentially, this means that most of the game is off limits when it comes to video content. If you do publish footage that goes beyond that in-game date, then the publisher warns that your video will likely either be content ID claimed, or your channel/account will be suspended. Yikes.
Comments 79
They have good intentions here, I guess, but it just seems really heavy handed. It's not that hard to avoid spoilers if you really want to and this will do nothing to stop spoilers getting out there. This just seems like they're bringing a lot of bad publicity and negative attention on themselves for not much benefit.
@Donald_M wrong.
I opened up the communities tab a couple of weeks ago and Boom. Instant game spoiler screenshot for Mass effect. Watching a random video on YouTube and boom a huge spoiler for Nier Automota, I don't even own the game in that instance.
To me it seems a bunch of expectant cry babies are moaning about the lack of share facilities, I use share all the time but Persona can be so easily spoiled why take the risk? No doubt they will enable sharing further down the line.
Off topic but the bigger problem for Atlus is the lack of copies of P5 in retailers. Really surprised that Sony haven't waded In with some support and marketing.
Good on Atlus/Sega for protecting their IP.
I'm sure people will still find a workaround though.
This is pointless since, what stops me from taking a picture on my phone and writing: Persona 5 last boss is Bob
sucker punch New ip.coming to e3.word up son.cant wait.
New sucker punch game.coming in e3
@playstation1995 vector unit new.ip. coming e3 word up son.yo doggy
The way some people have been complaining on other forums makes me think this is a bit of a storm in a teacup. It's actually nice for a company to go out of their way to protect against spoilers but I'm sure they'll enable the share features down the line. It's extremely easy for a game to be spoiled nowadays even when you're not looking (on Youtube homepages etc) and I don't want a game like this to be spoiled. On the PS4 itself I've gone down to "trending" from the game tab and inadvertently seen spoilers for quite a few games I didn't mean to.
I do like to take screenshots for myself when I see something funny but can just use my phone.
@playstation1995 new vector unit game coming. This year e3. This son bird up. Legalize ranch
I can honestly say I can't remember a single instance where I've felt anything has been spoiled for me through youtube, twitch, google, a gaming website or..anything. Maybe I'm lucky! haha
@ShogunRok do you know what the most hilarious part of this is?
Cant share or stream any story based content.
Games been out for months.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Let me check.
6 months and 21 days.
That is 6 months and 21 days Persona 5 has been out. Persona 5 has been blasted all around Japan.
It could have been translated by now.
Heck, do you know what happens with something that has a release in one nation before others, even if its by a day or two? The entire damn game gets out. Happens with Zelda, Pokémon, Persona, Elder Scrolls, anything at all. If there is so much as a day between dates, it will be spoiled.
This does raise a question: Is sharing blocked in Japan?
@BLP_Software Yep, it's been blocked since day one, so that casts some doubt on the idea that the ban will eventually be lifted.
Despite all this, it's worth mentioning that there are still whole spoiler videos on sites like YouTube if you go looking for them. Makes me wonder how they actually police all this in the first place.
@ShogunRok Hmmm....if this ban isn't lifted then Atlus just became worse than Nintendo on YouTube. At least they let you keep your stuff up and don't actively threaten your ass.
What is this achieving? I don't care about losing monetisation, I'll never make enough anyway, less than a loaf o bread a month after all, but straight up threatening to strike your channel down? That's not a meh thing, that's a you don't go there thing.
Because Atlus decided to be insert explatives
Fine by me. I don't give a crap about sharing anyway. In fact, I'm glad they are doing it for the first month or so. I got spoiled by FFXV by just looking at the community tab on PS4.
Had both persona 3 and 4 spoiled for me, lucky both are still great games.
I like it streaming is a pain in the ass, every game should follow suit. I never watch stream's or broadcast's or whatever they are more for the trophy hunter's that just want to get the game done and put on the shelf. I prefer to play a game off my own steam, make it last as long as possible it's one of the reason's I hate Destiny and Division it's just skilless little chump's that go online and copy other people's "pro" build's. Also don't buy the steelbook version from Amazon I got the steel book version of Persona 5 for £45 from Argoose.
So, going by these rather heavy handed rules, does that mean they will be shutting down any online "how to" guides and walk through articles as well?
Games are a bit of a strange entity in the entertainment industry, try putting a run through of a film up on youtube and see if it stays up there. I think in story heavy games the lines blur somewhat between what is fair use and what is copyright, if you're interested in the story, but not in playing the game then it could be argued that youtube may cost sales of games.
Of course there is nothing stopping someone talking about the story on somewhere like youtube without using footage and the cut off date given for footage should be fine for any review using footage, so this measure isn't quite the same as what Nintendo does in my eyes. I guess I have mixed feelngs about this ban, but it isn't that big a deal to me either since I play my first run blind anyway and forums/guides will fill me in on what I've missed once I've finished it.
@xMEADx ...what are you on about?
@TheGZeus what are you on about?
@gmxs Hope so but let's face it, that would be almost impossible.
@gmxs They can certainly try.
On one hand, I applaud them for trying to keep the game from being ruined as such, but to be honest, if ever wanted to ignore information that might compromise my purchase, i err.. Just avoided it..
@xMEADx Wait so because you dont like streaming the whole thing should just be ended? Jesus man....
Dont get me wrong, personally ....streamers for the most part on Twitch and YouTube are some of the most boring 'personalities' on the internet and are only "famous" because bunches of socially awkward people feel like they have a real friend and they are part of a group.. an echo chamber if you will, with tripe buzzwords used to make half of the oddballs feel like they are part of something "lets all spam this channel my minions. HYPE HYPE HYPE." Absolutely cringe-worthy nonsense for idiots.
Also see the number of female gamers who are rubbish at games, barely speak but have MASSIVE followings with mugs paying money through the nose so that they get a mention and a girl speaks to them occasionally. Its a socially acceptable, version of phoning BabeStation. The end result is exactly the same.
However, its still an absolutely ridiculous move IMO and Sony should step in to stop other devs doing similar in the future. Fair enough blocking scenes but the entire game? Nah.. thats ridiculous.
While Persona has reviewed well all round it seems.. a lot of people use streamers/youtube videos to see games running in real time and make a decision from there.
I was considering buying Persona but im going to hold off till its cheap now I think. I know very little about how the game plays other than reviews which I rarely put much trust in these days. Most reviewers gush about games and ignore faults when scoring titles or complain most of the way through and give a reasonable score. Opinions are like rectums, everyone has one.
So I would rather see the game in full flow, quirks, bugs etc showing with my own eyes when im sitting on the fence about a purchase.
i understand wanting to let people find things out for themselves and i'm all for that but i do think that after a while the limitations should be lifted UNLESS the point that is blocked includes a licensed work such as the credits of FFXV when it plays Stand By Me
6 months should be enough i reckon and it should just be able to be done with a simple update
@xMEADx nothing you said has anything to do with streaming.
If they didn't want the story spoiled then they should have had a worldwide release since its original launch the story and whatnot have been on the internet.
@TheGZeus Ok well I think it did.
Let's be fair: even allowing until the 7th of July should be an absolutely enormous chunk of gameplay. If you've seen around 1/3 of the game's content, you've seen more than enough content to inform a purchase.
@xMEADx thinking a thing doesn't make it true.
You mentioned things like trophies. Wtf does that have to do with broadcasting gameplay?
@Ralizah doesn't excuse abusing content ID to violate fair use rights.
@TheGZeus People use youtube/stream's/broadcast's whatever you want to call em to get their trophy's therefore making the trophy's noid and void, because basicly they havent achieved that trophy they copied it off someone else's back. I've seen em they have Youtube running next to the PS4 screen and are following the broadcaster's footsep's step for step, they are not even playing the game, is that enough relevance?
@xMEADx you could not be making less sense.
Are you trying to say that unless you play 100% blind you're somehow a cheater?
Trophies are pointless to begin with.
@TheGZeus pretty much yeah I play all my game's 100% blind don't you?
Do you think games should not come with Tutorials, Manuals and Button guides too?
How about we go the whole hog and remove objective makers and GPS from games like GTA.
@TheGZeus Please. I wish randos on the internet would stop pretending like they're all lawyers who understand the intricacies of the fair use doctrine.
Let's Plays have always been sort of legally contentious. While most Western developers have decided to embrace Youtube LP culture, Japanese IP protection strategies are conflicting with it.
At the end of the day, Atlus/SEGA have the right to protect their IP, which includes the game being uploaded wholesale on the internet.
@solocapers That's fine because that's part of the game, what you just suggested would be silly. People broadcasting to other's how to play the game isnt the same as reading the manual lol.
@Ralizah An American is subject to American ip law, Rando on the Internet.
Very bad form on Atlus's part, it gives the game bad publicity plus it throws away free marketing. Sony shouldn't be allowing them to block the Share button. Also it makes spoilers more likely because now people will do it out of spite.
@xMEADx Official strategy guides exist, yo.
Gods... I don't have to do anything to point out how foolish you're being.
@TheGZeus Is it that hard to to imagine a life before youtube, how far we have fallen.
@xMEADx the first issue of Nintendo Power was published in 1988.
Strategy guides have been around for as long as games themselves.
You're hilarious.
@xMEADx In fairness you used to get strategy guides and walkthroughs in old magazines like C&VG.
Its nothing new and just a modern twist on it.
Exactly @TheGZeus
@solocapers Did I? very pesumptious of you. I think we got our point's across anyway which is what this is for
@xMEADx Ahh, so you are just on the wind up. :thumbup:
@solocapers No not at all you posted to quick for me.
@xMEADx Rofl, c'mon let's leave it there.
@ShogunRok this is the statement from Atlus
It does state the policy could change in the future right at the end.
@xMEADx "I got shown up, so I'll just act like everyone's correct, because that's exactly how reality works" o.o
@solocapers 'I was considering buying Persona but im going to hold off till its cheap now I think.'
Why will it be cheap? I can't see many people trading in their copies to cex if I'm being honest and there are none on the shelves as it is. If your not sold on buying the game by now it's unlikely you will anyway.
@adf86 'Very bad form on Atlus's part, it gives the game bad publicity plus it throws away free marketing. Sony shouldn't be allowing them to block the Share button.'
Why not? What's the big hoohaa about taking an ingame picture. The game is potentially spoiler heavy. As someone mentioned above with films, just imagine watching murder on the orient express knowing who the murderer was. Come on ADF your a switched on lad, why should they have to have a facility in a game knowing it will ruin the experience.
Anyway as posted previously here's the link I think we all should read as my original comment said way back at comment 2 loads of you are coming across as really really immature.
Persona is story heavy. This is a great move by Atlus. Unfortunately the tide of hate coming their way from such an innocuous decision is being driven by people seemingly who aren't fans of the series.
@TheGZeus Shown up? I got my point across I don't feel shown up at all mate, streamer's, braodcasing, youtuberling's in general ruin gaming, my opinion and i'm sticking with it I realise i'm in the minority but idc, shown up lol, your just projecting your own insecurity's.
@TheGZeus @xMEADx Come on people, let's just agree to disagree.
@ShogunRok I refuse to pretend that history is false.
@xMEADx Again, this is nothing new. Walkthroughs have been around since before games had stories. You're pretending that facts don't exist.
@themcnoisy The entire story has been spoiled in a mass retaliation.
Streisand Effect. Too bad, so sad.
I used to collect Atlus games. I might sell anything I don't want to play again, let alone ever give them one thin dime.
I sense an Atlus/Nintendo merger in the works if they keep pulling stunts like this. People buy your product, and can and will do with it as they please on the internet. Trying to deny people that privilege will only lead to more problems. People with brains know not to click on videos if they want to avoid spoilers....
@themcnoisy I absolutely agree that people can be dicks when it comes to spoilers. I just feel Atlus have been too heavy handed in this. Some games only block certain scenes but are fine with everything else. For me if it's a game I love I will take many images of my first playthrough (I have 400+ images of Horizon) and now with PS4 allowing custom backgrounds a fair number would have wanted some for P5 but are been denied that because of a small number people who might spoil it.
Like I say their intentions are noble but their creating bigger problems for themselves now.
@themcnoisy Unthinkable I know but I'm sure I'll be cheaper on Amazon or PS store in a year or so at most? There's no MP component so it's no problem visiting it later down the line.
No skin off my nose, as I've never played one and won't be buying.
That being said...
I agree that spoilers without warnings are a pain in the backside, but this all seems excessively heavy-handed. Blocking the Share button is one thing; threatening to shut down people's channels is way, way too far - especially for a game that's been out elsewhere for half a year, and already has guides, walkthroughs, images, and videos all over the internet.
Google 'persona 5 guide'. Are they going to shut down Polygon, GameFAQs, and EuroGamer?
@TheGZeus I refuse to let two people bicker back and forth for hours on end in the comments section of an article. That's that long and short of it, thanks.
@TheGZeus 'The entire story has been spoiled in a mass retaliation.'
Great, can't wait for that when I buy the game later in the month. I'm sure you will be grinning ear to ear when yet again I search for minor terms online to fill out the lore and am subject to a one liner in a Google search telling me the main culprit / enemy / massive spoiler.
If your so pathetic as to make this 'fan' protectionism from Atlus (this isn't the same as Nintendos youtube policy btw it's 1 spoiler heavy game) and twist it on its head as some affront to your little world then wonderful you sad little man. Your ludicrous statements are mirroring the baffling and morally wrong nonsense of the big youtube gaming personalities. Boohoo Atlus took down your video.... Go play a game you can't ruin for everyone else.
It's pretty f'n cheeky that they're blocking a function on the PS4 that we paid for.
Jim Sterling has had his say now, unsurprisingly he think Atlus is stupid for doing this and they crossed the line when they threatened youtubers with take down strikes if they post anything set after 7/7.
Like I say it's a sad state of affairs when a game that was getting so much hype is now been overshadowed by this because it could have been easily avoided.
@TheGZeus You are extremely annoying. Thanks for spoiling the game. Man or no man. You write like a sad man so there you go.
'Atlus is illegally abusing YouTube's systems, and people talking about a game is morally wrong?'
No they aren't. You've twisted what it is to fit in with your own theology and that of a number of Uber depressing keyboard warriors. You clearly haven't read the release notification Atlus posted and your clearly a misguided twonk who's happy to ruin everyone's enjoyment of the best rated Game on PS4 for years. Well done you win the Internet today.
Is this for real??
Sammy, shogun, tasuki.. whoever??
If you've just allowed this game to be spoiled on your own website then I'm done with it.
Hope it's a wind up. Not cool.
@TheGZeus Enjoy your ban.
@CFDennett He's been banned.
@get2sammyb Sorry, I didn't realise this happened I was playing P5, i'll try and not wind people up with my comment's lol. Written guide's are not even close to watching an entire walkthrough but people are free to do whatever they want ofc, it's just my opinion. My mate's use youtube all the time that I play with every night so I don't judge anyone that does.
@RedMageLanakyn I think many Nfans would like that. The port begging for Persona 5 is something i normally see from pc players. They can have persona 5 if we also get the New SMT
@kyleforrester87 people do find it funny to do it on gamesites i hate that.
@Flaming_Kaiser Genuinley can't say I've ever had a real problem. Although in fairness I've probably just forgotten. I do know I was Googling Nier articles quite heavily before I'd even cleared it and I managed to avoid anything that spoiled the ending for me.
But yeah, you can be unlucky I guess. Looks like I was lucky enough to miss some drama in this comment section, actually. What a scumbag.
Never a played a persona game but it seems like they are trying something different. Hate it or not you are probably playing the game. What I was wondering...Is it as good as the reviews say? And is it turn based?
@themcnoisy did some idiot seriously spoil the game? Just typical of so many today as is the response to Atlus for simply trying to protect people from this very issue. Hopefully you'll still have a great time when you get it and I can see this easily being my game of the year. Loved Persona 4 but this improves so much and is so slick and stylish that it's enjoyable just navigating menu's.
@ellsworth004 I'm just a few hours in and it's already looking like one of the best games I've played on PS4. If you like JRPG's this could be the best one ever made and it fixes what was the only problem with Persona 4 and given us real dungeons. The combat is turn based but it is so fast and fluid that it never feels like your just picking actions from a menu.
@carlos82 nice one Carlos! Can't wait to play the potential goty. I'm picking it up at the end of the month. I stupidly went into town on Monday to buy it doh! Ended up grabbing Yakuza Zero which is great and just bought steins gate to tide me over in the Easter sale.
@themcnoisy haha would they not sell you it a day early? I got Yakuza 0 at launch but I'm only a few chapters in because I spend all my time playing the mini games 😃
@carlos82 thanks for the info. I used to be really into turned based rpgs., I've played the entire FF series and several others in this genre. Maybe this will be the game to get me back into the genre. Is there any game u can compare this to(besides other persona games of course)?
That's a tricky one as it's quite unique, the battle system will be largely familiar and shares elements from Final Fantasy and even Pokemon for what is the best battle system I've come across. Outside of that you have the day to day life of a student and this serves as a way to progress the story and meet/recruit new characters. Quite cleverly all these activities also benefit your fighting abilities, whether it be an evening job, hanging with friends or just cleaning your room, all these can provide stat boosts amongst other things. Most of this is probably better articulated in the many reviews but if you like your JRPG's this is probably the best I've played and it just keeps getting better
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