We're all massive Yakuza fanboys here at Push Square Towers, and we're not ashamed to admit it. The good news is that, with the release of Yakuza 0, there are now a lot more followers of Kazuma Kiryu and crew than there used to be, which means you may be excited to learn that Yakuza Kiwami is launching on 29th August for the PlayStation 4 in North America and Europe.
For those who don't know, this is a complete remake of the original PlayStation 2 title, with new cut-scenes, scenarios, and graphics. The title's available to pre-order now for $29.99 in the US and £29.99 in the UK, and all pre-orders will be rewarded with a rather sexy looking steelbook.
Here it is in all of its tattoo design glory:

In other related news, SEGA has launched a brand new Yakuza website today, which includes everything you need to know about the oft-seedy series. Among artwork and other tid-bits, you'll find a 10 issue digital comic, which delves into every major plot point leading up to Yakuza 6, which itself is due out on the PS4 next year.
[source blog.us.playstation.com, via blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 20
well at least this one is getting a physical release unlike a certain other entry in the franchise
kind of hope they bring them all out on PS4 if i'm honest though
Yes please!
At that price tag, I'm preordering!
Funnily enough I'll be getting Yakuza 0 tomorrow. Was able to order a copy into my local Argos for only £28!
A series I've always wanted to get into. Hope all the games make it over.
Preordered that sucker as quickly as I could.
PS4 really is having a heck of a year.
£26.86 at shopto.net
@Fight_Teza_Fight it's the funniest game ever bro. You wait until your the club manager with one eyes part of the game. It's phenomenal.
@themcnoisy Can't wait. It looks insane! Been meaning to play it since January, but there's just been too many games.
Playing it as soon as I finish P5. Not putting it off anymore.
More Yakuza is always a good thing. Getting this day 1.
Insert mandatory "Give us Shenmue Collection already, Sega!!!" Comment here
@sinalefa Doesn't MS own the rights to Shenmue II here in the US??
I am hyped for this. One reason I didn't but the reprints for PS2.
Nicee, also that $30 price, and steelbook too! Of course I'm gonna preoder this
Now we need sega to remake yakuza 2-5 on ps4, price it at $40 and I will buy it all.
Only $29.99? I was always going to pre-order it but I was expecting $40 or even $60. Can't wait to play this updated version of a more modern classic. Two Yakuza games in one year.
I've only played Yakuza 3 so I'll be getting this after I've played Yakuza 0.
That is phenomenally good value. And love the tattoo artwork! If I didn't already have so many games waiting to play I'd be all over this, hopefully will get to them eventually though!
Preordered the second amazon listed it.
I thought it was just the voiceovers. Sega owns the IP so even if it goes multiplat they could strike a deal with MS.
@sinalefa It all depends if MS will be like Nintendo is with Bayonetta 2. Yeah they could make a deal but MS hasnt been that great at making deals. Look at Goldeneye, the Banjo series etc. I believe because MS put up the money for a NA release they own a part of it at least here in NA. Might be different in Europe where it was released on the DC.
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