All credit to THQ Nordic: it's played a blinder with the Darksiders III reveal. Recognising that the surprise sequel announcement may generate interest in the series, it's rolled out a fairly low price bundle on the PlayStation Store collating remasters Darksiders: Warmastered Edition and Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition for a pretty reasonable price.
Darksiders: Fury's Collection may be a bit misleading – it displays the new female protagonist front and centre in its artwork, even though she's barely mentioned in the included games – but £15.99/$19.99 for two critically acclaimed games is worth a punt. Well, that's assuming you missed out on THQ Nordic's recent Humble Bundle, which represented even better value for money.
Comments 21
Hmm. I haven't played any Darksiders at all. What's the general consensus? This seems like good value.
That's a very reasonable price, hopefully more folks will get into this series.
I was lucky enough to get them in the Humble Bundle, but I still haven't find any time to give them a shot. Honestly, I can't even remember what style of games they are (God of War clones?)
@Quintumply The first game is a good blend of God of War and The Legend of Zelda, but the art is insultingly bad. (Though apparently some people have no taste and like it.)
Haven't played the second one, though I hear it's not quite as good. Recommended if you want your Zelda itch scratched, though.
AGGHHHH! i was going to get the PS4 versions from a shop because i like to OWN physical versions pf my games but that price is SO good
might just have to get this digitally
New too here if no one played theses games do it it's underrated and very enjoyable games and great value price
@PSGamer Welcome!
@get2sammyb Know what's perfect about this? Darksiders Warmastered on Wii U releases May 23rd for the same price as both games here. It's Mass Effect all over again. Wii U ends like it began. (I like circles.)
Can't say I'm surprised you didn't like the graphics, they are border line a cell shaded cartoon. You also don't like the Unreal engine which is nearing photorealistic. You have a very small window don't you.
Played the first game, it was better than I thought it would be. Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people missed it, there was an overload of 3rd person action games at the time, Darksiders, Bayonetta, God of War 3, Dante's Inferno, Casltevania and Enslaved I think all came out w/in 6 months or so. Might have been a DmC game in there as well, 3 maybe? I only got thru the beginning of D2, wasn't impressed.
@get2sammyb thank you. I have a question i click desktop view by accident how can i view again on mobile/cell
@rjejr Wait, it's still not out on Wii U? Why even bother at this point?
@PSGamer Try this link:
@get2sammyb thank you that worked i dont usually view in mobile total noob lol
@get2sammyb Sorry, figured you knew and you and Shogun were laughing about it behind closed doors. (I'm sur ehe knows abotu ME)
Looks even worse now, doesn't it?
@Quintumply although lots of people have pushed this game aside it's actually really good and worth your hard earned cash and at this price you really cant complain it has some rpg elements and big lvls plenty to do overall fun to play a series missed by many duecto other big name games that came out around the same time
@NathanUC its like god of war with a hit of zelda in it
I would say the art isn't as atrocious as @get2sammyb says but it isn't great either. But the games are a lot of hack and slash fun. I'm currently playing my way through Darksiders Warmaster and will then sometime this year play DS2 again too since I got it for Xmas for $7. I can say I'm excited to play as Fury but Death from 2 was such a good character.
For some reason, I never saw the 'Zeldaish' in the game, but I did enjoy it for it's time. Enslaved (which came a little while later and Maijin and the Forsaken Kingdom) had more time for consuming my time, but I owned it at one time...I've been playing part 2 on the PS4...which already looks a little outdated, so I'll probably pick up the first one too in the wait of part 3. I honestly wish, one game that will get remastered (actually 2) and re-released on the PS4 (granted they're both on PS3, but both are becoming hard to find) is Dante's Inferno and Alice: Madness Returns. Both of these titles deserve another chance too!!!! Also, any word on Beyond Good And Evil 2??? (granted that last question was away from the comments)
I played them on PS3 and really enjoyed them and personally, I really liked the artstyle which was created by a quite well respected comic artist who worked at Marvel.
I always told myself I would go back for the platinum trophies as I wasn't far off, perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to go back and play them again.
For the people on the fence about buying both games:
Just look up some gameplay vids on Youtube. You'll get a good look on the artstyle and if the gameplay would suit your interest. Of course, the games are a bit outdated by today's graphics standards but that's quite logical given the date both games were released. If you can handle PS2 remasters on PS4, I'm pretty sure that won't be an issue.
I'm looking forward to replay DS1 again (got plat on PS3). Not sure what to expect from DS2 but will let the game do the talking when it gets my attention ^^
@Quintumply @Quintumply that's a great value for two great games , I remember from past generation. Now remastered! I'm definitely picking it up, now the question is do I pick it up for the PS4 Pro or for the Xbone?
Got this with the humble bundle a few weeks ago. Another couple of games I need to get out of my backlog.
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