The PlayStation 5 will “probably” release in 2019, according to analyst Michael Pachter. Sony bigwig Shawn Layden recently confirmed that a new generation console is coming from the platform holder, but he warned fans not to expect it anytime soon. However, speaking with Gaming Bolt, the divisive Wedbush Securities employee suggested that the system may be little more than two years away.
“My expectation that is that it’s not coming out in 2018,” he said. “[The PS5] is 2019 or 2020 but probably 2019. Sony is probably timing it better because they are going to bring out a 4K capable device when the 4K TV market reaches 50 per cent in the USA and 35 per cent in the rest of the world. I think Sony has probably got the next console cycle nailed down already.”
If you look at Sony's cadence this generation thus far, it revised its entire hardware line in 2016 – three years into the generation. As such, we’re more or less on the same page as Pachter here, though there’s a possibility it may wait until 2020 to give the PS4 a bit more breathing space and wait for some more cutting edge hardware to mature.
One thing’s for sure, the console will already be in production behind-the-scenes, and Pachter believes that it will be fully backward compatible with the PS4 Pro – and the base PS4 by virtue. “Will it play games that were made for the PS4 Pro?” Pachter pondered. “I think it will. So I think they will build a console that will backwards compatible with the PS4 Pro.”
[source gamingbolt.com]
Comments 44
Announced E3 2019 with a 2020 release. That's my vote and I'm sticking with it.
I'm in the 2020 camp. I think Scorpio bought Sony another year. It definitely falls within each generation of PlayStation's lifecycle.
I kinda agree with that timeline. Also, I think they're developing TLOU Part II to be 'the last hurrah' for this generation of hardware, with a possible remastered version to be released early in the PS5's lifecycle.
My main hope for the PlayStation 5 is that it finally unifies the "PlayStation" brand as a whole. Whether that be making PS1, PS2 & PS3 games available on the store or as PlayStation Now, I'm not really too fussed so long as it works. It would be a real disappointment (at least to me) if the next generation comes around and we have another situation where the latest console barely acknowledges the previous one. A much more seamless transition would be much appreciated.
The 7th generation ran long and really, we should entering the 9th now, well one system has, the other two havent yet.
I think the recession end of gen 7 didnt help, delaying gen 8 from what should have been 2011 to 2012-2013, and only Nintendo had a reason to jump into Gen 9 at a logical point in 2017.
Weird to think how that played out really. 7 runs long, 8 runs long as a result for some but not others. 4-6 years id a good cycle though so 2019.
Even if 2019 is the case (although I think 2020 is more likely), I won't be getting one before 2022. Makes no sense to me anymore getting consoles early in their life cycle. I already have too many games from past generations I'm still playing.
I can't stand Patcher. He's pompous and his video game industry predictions are usually pretty far off the mark.
2019 is fine with me, but I'd prefer it to be 2020. I only picked one up earlier this year, so I'm in no rush for the next console to be launched.
@Bluetrain7 I think he's great. The best part is that he knows how to boil p*ss and does it on purpose.
I think I'm already burnt out on this topic, feels like the 3rd thread we've done on the PS5 timeline.
I do like that Pachter admits he is making an educated guess and not claiming any "inside information" or guaranteeing anything. Sony has already said it's coming, and we all know it's not 2017, so that leaves either 2018, 2019 or 2020 b/c they wont' go past that b/c PS4 will run out of games and Activison and EA will want everything to be in true 4k in a few years.
Pachter or not I'm in for 2019, but 2020 is fine too, 2018 I think is too soon, too many games still coming to PS4 like GoW and Spiderman. Some of the others like Detroit and TLoU2 may be dual releases, but there are still plenty of PS4 games. KH3. Dreams. FF7R is probably PS5 by now.
Sony wait far too long in the console cycle. The tech is outdated so quickly I would prefer a decent upgrade every 4 years with backward compatability.
Time to start saving.
@Shepherd_Tallon "And it has to be backwards compatible with PS4 at this point, especially considering the emphasis placed on the digital library and PS+ monthly games."
Why does it have to be BC w/ PS4 when they can just promote PS Now more? If you can play PS4 games on a PC you can remote play them on PS5 just as well, and Sony gets to charge you again for playing games you already own. Good for them, bad for us.
And what does PS+ have to do w/ BC? PS4 is not BC w/ PS3 and both consoles, and Vita, have PS+. I don't follow.
BC would be nice - I still have a shelf full of PS2 game discs but no PS2, just a PS1, PS3 and PS4 - but I'm not sure they'll do it. Plus, think of all the games, from both PS3 and PS4, they can resell on disc as "4K" editions? GTAV, TLoU 1 & 2, Uncharted 1-4, all in 4k. So I'm not expecting BC, too much money to be made milking us rebuying games.
I wonder if Mark Cerny will be behind the PS5 too?
I also think 2020 but wouldn't be that surprised if it did make 2019 should the XboneX do particularly well...
I think ps5 will be out in 2020 with full bc with ps4 games.
@rjejr Ps2 has ps1 bc, launch ps3 has ps1 & ps2 bc (ps3 slim only had ps1 bc). I think sony is okay with bc as long as it's doesn't hinder the new console potential.
@Shepherd_Tallon "The competition wasn't doing it at the start."
But does Sony even have competition anymore? PS4 is probably outselling Xbox 2-1, about 60m-30m. that's domination, not competition. And I don't think Scorpio X1X is going to change that, not at $500. I think the more Microsoft mixes and matches X1 and PC the more likely people just move to PC. Nintendo, even if/when Switch takes off, is reselling every old Wii U game on Switch for full price, so that isn't going to convince Sony to let PS5 play PS4 games, and in Japan, Nintendo is Sony's only competition, Xobox doesn't sell well there at all.
So I understand what you are saying, I'm just not sure Sony feels any completion at this point from any other company. They can release PS5 when they want, how they want. As long as they don't do anything really stupid like ban trade-ins or make it $600 I think people are getting used to no BC. And there is really no money to made form letting PS5 play PS4 discs or downloads. None. Lot's of money to be made from 4k remasters, remakes and ports though, both single games and bundles.
I do think whether PS5 has BC or not will simply come down to - can it? PS3 and Cell thru a wrench in the works. PS3 coudln't play PS2 games b/c of Cell, PS4 coudlnt' play PS3 games b/c of Cell. If PS5 is simply an upgraded PS4, all the same parts w/ more of everything, then BC should be easy and maybe they'll do it. If they switch CPU and GPU to something that is incompatible, then it would probably be too much work again and not happen. After Cell it would make sense to stick w/ PC parts, allowing BC more easily, but there's still money to be made if they drop it. If PS5 is BC then PS Now almost has no reason to exist.
Another possibility - and this 1 is out on an unlikely limb - Sony drops discs for carts like Nintnedo did, then discs wont' have a place to play. Or download only. I don't think they'll choose either or those, not w/ 100GB 4k games, but there could be some reason like that not to have BC.
@wiiware "I think sony is okay with bc as long as it's doesn't hinder the new console potential."
I just sort of replied to that, look for the wall of text above this reply.
Though it's also possible the money guys say - too much money to be made porting to 4k, so leave it out. Guess we'll need to learn what's under the hood first.
Seems reasonable, it'll be six years since the PS4 released and 3 years since the Pro. I think 2020 is a little more likely but Sony might want it out a little sooner to take the wind off of XB1X's sails (if it gets any).
Hopefully we get some backwards compatibility this time, it doesn't seem unlikely unless Sony moves away from x86 (they won't).
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi It could easily come out in mid 2019, with the PS5 at the end of the year. I mean that is exactly what happened with the PS4 and TLOU1.
Micheal Pachter was never right. *Slurping tea
Honestly, 2019 is way too soon. PS4 is selling a lot and there're lots of outstanding games coming to it. If anything, 2019 could be the year Sony starts talking about PS5, after all they need games to show what the new console can do. Unless they implement backward compatibility, including digital games (in a similar way to what Steam does, where your games are still playable no matter which PC you buy); in this case, everyone can move straight to PS5, since their backlog and recently released games will be playable in the new system, and it can be released in 2019 without fighting against PS4 for sales.
@Bluetrain7 and he gets paid that's the kicker lol
@get2sammyb nah he is horrible.he always wrong.so ps5 2021
It has to be backward compatible by default and I’m pretty sure it will. Would be a smart move by Sony going forward!
Well, KH3, FFVII Remake and Shenmue 3 need to release on PS4 and according to Squeenix they said three years so 2020. Looks better for marketing purposes too and proves Pachter wrong (now that is not too hard, is it?) so that works for me.
Just a guess, I have no interest in PS4 ending, nor Sony does since it still sells a lot. Maybe Switch may push them if it catches on, specially in Japan, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
This generation feels like it just started, even though we're 3 years into the PS4 (c'mon gang; you never count year 1 since its just a month-and-a-half usually). Its crazy to seriously talk about PS5 at this point. There's no way anything in 2019 or 2020 will look appreciably different to games now. Particularly stand-outs like Horizon, that are super cutting edge.
This is stupid. Developers and publishers are just getting used to current gen production pipelines and really cranking out some amazing stuff NOW. There's still many indie teams, middle tier teams, and AAA teams who are nowhere close to maxing out the power of what is available. And they definitely suck at optimizing it when they hit it, judging by install sizes ballooning out of control. Beyond faster... well, more stable frame-rates, and a bump in resolution - something very few consumers care about - this really seems worthless. Especially with the mid-gen refreshes we're seeing with the Pro and X. Especially for console manufacturers constantly struggling with balancing price vs. component cost; a new console is one they're gonna eat losses on. Why would they want the existing machine - getting cheaper to make every year - to die prematurely?
I bet its more likely we'll see ANOTHER refresh for the PS4 by then instead. A successor to the Pro, one Sony gets more serious about marketing probably because they'll definitely wanna walk wanna move away from the base specs by then. Something with marginally better horsepower and hardware to pump up the framerates, resolutions and storage space for the small amount of devs complaining about it and the microscopic audience buying it. But a full-blown PS5 by 2019 or 2020? Yeah, right. C'mon Pach... until there's a huge enough leap in tech to justify a full-blown new numbered Playstation, its way too early to speculate about it. The precedent has been established with the Pro; if its marginal improvements you want, you just make a new version of the existing console. Sort of like a subset of gamers buy new video cards/ram/hard drives for their PCs annually.
The longer the better imo, but 2019 (6 years) is pretty reasonable. At least it's not the Wii U which didn't even last 5 years.
@ThroughTheIris56 Fall 2019 without a doubt. The Last Of Us 2, Death Stranding and Sucker Punches new ip which i heard is a melee combat cyberpunk game will be the last 3 huge Exclusives that year before PS5 launches in the Fall.
@TruthfulVoice November Fall 2019 makes 6 years from PS4 November 2013 which is Sonys usual launch cycle get ready Fall 2019 as thats Playstations 25th Anniversary also.
@sinalefa Shenmue 3 is launching 2nd half 2018 that was announced last month by YS Net.
@Orpheus79V And thats exactly whats gonna happen as thats 6 years from PS4 launch and Playstations 25th Anniversary that Fall.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Fall 2019 it is.
@Eman619 That would all make sense, assuming Death Stranding is ready by then. I'd just hope that they have other studios to prepare a good launch line up for the PS5.
@ThroughTheIris56 I heard Killzone 5 will be a launch title.
@Turismo4GT Also that Fall 2019 is Playstations 25th Anniversary and thats 6 years after PS4 launch which is Playstations normal launch cycle.
@Shepherd_Tallon "but I'll probably get a Switch instead for Nintendo exclusives"
PS5, Switch and PC kind of leaves Xbox XXX out in the cold, doesn't it.
Did you read about Minecraft requiring an XBL sign in on Switch? Maybe MS can go 3rd party and just focus on PC? Maybe they can call Xbox XXX - "PC Home" or something, kind of like a SteamBox. I don't see Xbox ever being on top again.
The laughing-stock of the video game industry says PS5 is coming in 2019, the same dude that thought Nintendo would ditch the Wii after the first year or two, yeah I don't think so lol!
@NathanUC Sony is going forward with the PS4 and Pro set up every 3 years, PS5 Fall 2019, PS5 Pro 2022.
@Reanfan7 U better think so PS5 Fall 2019 is a Executive Master Lock. 😉
@Eman619 Really? That would be pretty repetitive, not to mention the last one wasn't too well received.
@ThroughTheIris56 I thought the campaign was decent and that the multiplayer was awesome, Graphics were great well see how it turns out.
@Shepherd_Tallon You don't need "Gold" but I think they'll count towards total XBL membership. And I also think it's why Sony said no to cross-play. Though it doesn't explain Rocket League.
It's interesting that mobile players are getting the new version, and there are probaly 100 million kids playing in their parents tablets and phones, so that will be a billion more XBL memberships, whether they own an Xbox or not.
Oops, apparently they already announced that last year.
@Eman619 Fair enough, I've barely played so my opinion is largely based off everyone else's
@ThroughTheIris56 I had the same experience with Knack to me it was easily 7 out of 10. Im looking forward to the 2nd one it launches $39.99 this time around.
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