Good ol’ games media, you’ve only gone and done it again. We resisted the urge to write a report on the recent The Wolf Among Us rumours, where the voice actor who played Bigby Wolf in the popular comic book adaptation retweeted a tease regarding forthcoming Telltale announcements. To be honest, while we saw the silly stories, we didn’t think we needed to point out that Adam Harrington has starred in virtually all of the studio’s games. Apparently we did.
It’s the company’s head of communications Job Stauffer who’s been forced to come out and do games reporters’ work for them: “I worry about people getting their hopes up in the wrong direction,” he said. “Adam also voices Groot in our Guardians of the Galaxy.”
Stauffer then clearly felt the need to clarify that you’re unlikely to see additional seasons of The Wolf Among Us or Tales from the Borderlands – at least not any time soon. “We'd kill to step back into that world [of The Wolf Among Us] some day and we know our fans would, too. Your voices and your passion will never go unheard.”
So what San Diego Comic-Con announcements has the studio got planned? Well, the most logical conclusion here would pertain to Guardians of the Galaxy, but there is a credible rumour doing the rounds regarding a second season of Batman subtitled The Enemy Within, which appears to have leaked in New Zealand. We rather liked the studio’s twisted take on Gotham City, so we’d definitely be down for more of that – let’s wait and see, shall we?
[source, via]
Comments 9
Give us an upvote if Telltale should use a new game engine!
@themcnoisy Season 3 used a new engine though, didn't it?
Any way, shame. Wolf Among Us was probably the best Nu-Age Telltale outside TWD S1.
Stop putting Telltale games on PS+. If it's not TWAU I'm not interested.
I think tales from the borderlands was the best, followed by the walking dead season one and wolf among us. Not particularly the biggest fan of telltale. I would much rather play a game where your choices actually do matter like until dawn.
Pity. "Wolf amongst us" is telltale best game. Such a highlight on the ps vita. Hope telltale games come to the switch. As i love playing them on the go.
Without a doubt the best Telltale game. Plus the only Telltale game I would buy per episode (if there were a sequel, which there clearly isn't).
A second season of Batman sounds about right, as well as perhaps another new game. It is a shame they've left The Wolf Among Us for so long as it was terrific and really showcased Telltale at their creative best.
Honestly, I've grown tired of Telltale. They've taken on too much, it takes forever for all the episodes of a season to come out. I had gotten to the point where I would just wait for them all to be released and get it cheap, but now waiting between seasons is getting ridiculous. TWAU was by far my favorite TT game so far, but that was what nearly 3 years ago now? Done with this company.
I loved Wolf Among Us and I literally fell asleep during the first episode of Batman and missed a bunch of button prompts while he was talking to Selina Kyle. It's a shame because I really love the Batman universe but I couldn't stand the pacing of Telltale's attempt
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