This summer has just flown by, hasn't it? We're now sitting pretty in August, but we can't possibly forget the gaming goodness that came our way last month. July certainly wasn't the strongest period we've ever seen, but our internal staff vote to decide our Game of the Month was still a close call. Feast your eyes on our winners below.

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Bronze Trophy: SUPERHOT VR

Sammy's been banging on about how amazing SUPERHOT is in virtual reality since he got his hands on review code, and it turns out that a number of our writers agree with him. Scooping fourth place in our staff vote, SUPERHOT VR takes the stylish shooter and turns it into a very physical experience. "SUPERHOT VR is one of the most inventive first-person shooters you’ll find on any gaming system – let alone PlayStation VR," Sammy wrote in our 8/10 review.

Click here to read our full review of SUPERHOT VR

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Silver Trophy: Pyre

Dashing into third place we have Pyre, the latest incredibly pretty release from Bastion and Transistor creators Supergiant Games. Mixing elements of competitive sport with weird fantasy and lite RPG mechanics, Pyre's a bit of a strange title, but one that comes together extremely well. "Pyre marks Supergiant Games’ third consecutive masterpiece," wrote reviewer Graham Banas in our 9/10 review.

Click here to read our full review of Pyre

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Gold Trophy: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age

Remasters don't get much better than Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. Polishing up a slice of PlayStation 2 RPG brilliance, this glorious return to to the world of Ivalice comes with a much improved job system, great graphical upgrades, and the same intriguing story. "Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is a near perfect reworking of a PS2 masterpiece," reads the conclusion of our 9/10 review.

Click here to read our full review of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age


Platinum Trophy: SUPERHOT

That's right, SUPERHOT has been voted our Game of the Month for July 2017. Having (kind of) the same game appear twice in one Game of the Month article is unprecedented, but it just goes to show that the long wait for SUPERHOT's arrival on PS4 has been well worth it.

Offering up some supremely stylish shooting, the title's simply a must try. "SUPERHOT is excellent. It may lack the physicality of its virtual reality alter-ego, but it makes up for this with a mind-bending story and an on-point menu system," Sammy wrote in our 8/10 review. "The slow-motion shooting is still super satisfying, and the added locomotion makes for a different kind of cadence to the PlayStation VR version. Buy both editions if you can, as they complement each other nicely and are unmissable in our humble opinion," he concluded.

Click here to read our full review of SUPERHOT

That's another month polished off, but do you agree with our winners? Vote in our poll, and then have your say in the comments section below.

What was your Game of the Month for July 2017? (37 votes)

  1. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age%
  2. Pyre%
  5. Other%

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