You knew this poll was coming. Destiny 2 has been out for a couple of days now, and although that's not really enough time to form a complete opinion of the game, we'd like to know what you think of it so far. Is it everything that you hoped it would be, or has it been a disappointing experience?
As far as we're concerned, Destiny 2 is pretty great, and our thoughts haven't really changed all that much since we published our hands on article. But do you agree? Vote in our polls, and then give us some details in the comments section below.
Did you buy Destiny 2? (179 votes)
- Yes, I had it pre-ordered
- Yup, I bought a copy
- Nope, but I plan on buying it at some point
- No, not interested
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Are you enjoying Destiny 2 so far? (177 votes)
- Yes, it's fantastic
- Yep, I'm enjoying it
- Meh, it's okay
- Nah, I'm disappointed
- No, I really don't like it
- I told you, I didn't buy a copy
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How does Destiny 2 compare to the first Destiny so far? (174 votes)
- It absolutely blows the first game away
- Destiny 2 is the better game
- I like it about the same
- Hmmm, I'm not sure yet
- I think the original Destiny is better
- Listen, I didn't buy Destiny 2
- Actually, I never played the first Destiny
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Comments 42
I preordered it, I'm enjoying it and I like it about the same as D1 so far!
I'm really enjoying it. I never played the first so I like it better by default.
@kyleforrester87 Short and snappy, I like it.
@Splat That's a good point, I've added a new option to the last poll for those who didn't buy the first game.
@ShogunRok that's what she said
Absolutely loving it. Well chuffed.
I didn't preorder but bought it as an impulse buy on the way home from work. I did have the first Destiny but gave up after a while. I think I like D2, it's just very confusing at times and the jumping/platformy sections are rubbish.
@Throb the jumping and platforming on Destiny is great!
Not playing it because I've been told it's just like the first one.
@kyleforrester87 I must be doing something wrong because I can't land on the platforms properly, the jet pack keeps pushing me too far?
@Throb Aha practise I guess. You can change the way the jet pack operates slightly in the upgrade tree, if you didn't notice already? Otherwise, you'll just get better at it with practise. Some of the raids have pretty complicated jumping puzzles. I recall one section in particular took a certain Push Square player about an hour to get through while everyone waited on the other side :')
I'm loving it and think it's easily better than destiny 1 was at launch. The lost sectors are awesome,adventures are fun and worth doing,patrols are back but who cares lol, the story was really good with a badass villain and good mission and level design that was just the right length,crucible changes were for the better,graphics are super nice and polished and the worlds are bigger and worth exploring. I would probably rate it a 9 compared to destiny 1 which I rated a 6.5 at launch and an 8 at the end of its life so I can't wait to see how destiny 2 improves.
I'm only 2 hours in, but i'm giving it the thumbs up based on the simpler things that make the game better than the first. Being able to jump to anywhere in the game without going to orbit first is very nice. Inventory is laid out better, and the class ability is really nice. Game runs solid, and looks great at 4K. The amount of random mini dungeons I've found in the EDZ so far has been a nice surprise too.
As far as criticisms go, I do have a few. Loading times are still a bit long. When you talk to an NPC, you have to remain in the chat window to hear them, it'd be nice if they kept talking when you exited out. I'm not sure why they took the very clean and simplistic skill tree away from D1 and made this cluster***k swirl thing, really makes zero sense.
@kyleforrester87 I believe I ended up taking that players crown as the worst at jumping puzzles the next time the raid was attempted.
I also recall one regular from the comments patiently explaining mechanics for one section to us for a good 45 minutes while three of the team giggled uncontrollably.
The man had the patience of a saint.
@Throb different classes jump different. The hunter in particular has a noticeablely better jump (triple jump FTW )
Bought it but no idea if I like it since the new house is without Internet until late next week. My LE is sitting here, taunting me. Ah well, I have Knack 2 to satisfy my offline gaming needs
In my opinion, you should've left the "didn't buy answer" out in the second poll. It was already fully covered in the first poll and it just doesn't fit the question of the second poll.
@Mega-Gazz I'm using Titan and when I try and do little jumps it just seems to go way too far! Trying to do the sinking rig mission, i just kept falling in the sea all the time. It also doesn't seem to move well in the air so aiming for a landing position is tricky too
Where is the "No. The pre-order I spent $99 on keeps crashing and has been unplayable since launch" option?
The last voting choice doesn't have a; 'They are both equally a disappointment' option.
Maybe in a year or two and only if single player campaign reviews are positive.
@Throb You'll get better with it, try the directional control perk. I love how the Titan feels in the air tbh!
@THRILLHOU lol it was probably Ozzy doing the explaining
@kyleforrester87 got it in one
Loving the unlimited sword ammo. Probably my favorite weapon to use
I keep getting tempted to pick it up this week, but haven't as of yet. Will probably at some point but it might not be till 2018.
Loving it so far. Can't wait to see the raid next week
@SMKpaladin Not having the option in all three polls can skew the voting. Sometimes, we get people who vote "didn't buy it" and then in the other questions, if that option isn't there again, they'll select "the game's crap".
A bit rubbish but it happens.
@Throb I think you can hit the jump button again to stop thrusting. At least that's how it works with Warlock.
...several hours in, loving it and liking it just as much as the first...
..my only gripe is that it doesn't look as impressive as I thought it would... it's certainly not as good looking as say Titanfall 2 for example...
I got the PS4 white pro with destiny 2. Couldnt turn it down at 350 GBP. Not only did it finally allow me to get a Pro but it came with destiny 2 and the season pass so a bargin!
@1ManAndHisDroid I agree, somehow it's less good looking than D1 for me. I think that's down to both having upgraded my TV (it brings out the games imperfections) and having played games like Horizon since then. I must be spoilt.
@ShogunRok who are these heathens?
Im gonna pick it up. Reading @throb comments made me laugh my head off. I was in the group with @kyleforrester87 waiting for a certain someone to make their way down in the raid on D1. It was pretty easy imo. But im a natural platforming god. Then it was the boss and I was less good at that.
@themcnoisy sweet, get raid ready
I pre ordered, and I'm enjoying it. I would say though, that to all intents and purposes it's a reskin of D1 with a few convenience upgrades, and having played D1 for a long time, I'm not sure that D2 will hold my attention for anywhere near as long. I predict it will all be over by Christmas
I pre-ordered it, i like it alot so far and i think its a better game then 1. I realy like it has more exploring and more pupblic events.
Destiny was alright but not amazing especially at launch, the world design was good but very linear. Story wise it was awful so playing through the campaign on a harder difficulty or doing Nightfalls, was good with a friends but can stale solo. Destiny 2 however definitely blow's Destiny away, story wise, world design blows Destiny away, the amount of stuff to do. The worlds in Destiny 2 are all unique with a great colour template, the detail and how open the worlds are with loads of hidden areas. Obviously you can now see why Destiny doesn't look now way near as good as Destiny 2, and that was because of last gen consoles. The strikes are a lot better too, the Raid you can already tell is going to be brilliant. And the characters now have personalities and everything feels a lot more alive, lore is actually in game on exotic's in the world. The coming weeks there is a lot to do and still coming, I also feel Destiny DLC will actually be worth it this time and a lot bigger.
I'm about 2 hours into the campaign and already the story is light years beyond the first one. I'm still getting used to shotguns and snipers being power weapons though. Also has anyone been liking the grenade launchers? I'm not sure if it's just me, because I'm garbage at shooters, but they seem kind of crap.
@GoatWrench13 Of the grenade launchers I've tried, the arch of the grenades seems to dip really fast. Difficult to get them on target unless you're reasonably close. Don't think much of them at this point either.
I played the first one for about a day, hated it, and didn't play again.
I got this game because my friends said it's good. I have to say, I'm loving it. Definitely better than the first.
I like it about the same as Destiny 1 and I played the crap out of destiny 1 lol. The mapping and public events system is MILES better. Gameplay is similar but a lot of new little twists that improve the overall experience. One thing I would say is don't judge by the beta. It has been vastly balanced and improved since then. I can't wait for the raid next week!
@kyleforrester87 ha! snap! yes, 4K does bring out all the imperfections... and I have to say it gets better looking the more you play (IO, for example) - it just maybe didn't have that 'wow' factor (due to better-looking games like Horizon, etc.) out there!
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