Crash Bandicoot’s comeback can partly be attributed to the success of various social media campaigns, as PlayStation fans lobbied both Sony and Activision for the marsupial to make his marvellous return. As it turns out, the N. Sane Trilogy has been one of the better selling titles of the year, rarely straying from the top of sales charts around the globe.
And now Sir Dan fans want to see MediEvil make a comeback, and are assembling a Twitter campaign to commemorate the original release's 19th birthday on 30th October. There have been various rumours regarding sequels to the Sony Cambridge platformer over the years but none have materialised, and outside of a cameo in ill-fated brawler PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, we haven’t seen sight nor sound of Fortesque since the first instalment was remade for the PSP in 2005.
Despite this, MediEvil is still fondly remembered by most PlayStation fans, and a #ResurrectFortesque campaign hopes to catch Sony’s attention. You can learn more about the quest over on Discord and Twitter, or alternatively at the MediEvil boards. This is definitely a franchise that we’d love to see on the PlayStation 4, so let’s see if the platform holder’s listening.
Comments 35
I would gladly take this , I still remember playing the PSP version and loving it .
Man if only Sony still had a studio that could make that game...
@Rudy_Manchego I know, I hate it when studios close at the best of times but especially when it's one of Sony's own. I always feel they should be adding to their studios instead of closing them.
@adf86 I may sound nasty but If a studio has great games and they dont sell i would close it to. And If the games are great and people dont buy the problem does not lie at Sony or the studio but at the consumer. Who would buy COD even If they would **** in the box and sell it to them.
I mean if Bubsy can make an astonishing return, anything can happen, and I would very much be right behind this
Revised psp version before few years and still looks ok.It is cool game.Hope we can get some version on ps4.
Dunno, does this have similar mass appeal?
Spyro will undoubtably be next anyway!
I never got to play those, but I'd be so on board for a Crash like remaster of them to see what the hype was about.
Meh... I played both Medievil games and was underwhelmed.
I'd much rather see Maximo 3. Similar feel to Medievil but much better IMO.
give me this and a Legacy of Kain HD remake and i'll be happy
yes make it happen Sony.this is my number 5 favorite PlayStation 1 games ever.no games play like it.remember the shadow monster when they was loose.hahaha.I love this game.word up son
@adf86 Ikr, I can swear we always so much news about Sony closing studios but never about them opening them.
Is the PSP remake available on the PS store for Vita? I'd love to pick it up if it is.
I've only played the first game, and while it has aged a bit there is an abundance of lovable characters, witty humour, diverse gameplay, mesmerizing music, and all round creativity. So I would be very much down for a new game in the franchise, especially with all of what I just mentioned with better graphics and controls.
@Flaming_Kaiser I don't think that is a good idea. A game developer's job is to make the game good and that's it. The publisher is the one responsible for making sure it is marketed properly, so if it is good and it doesn't sell well then that is the fault of the publisher.
Even if the type of game the studio is making doesn't sell, publishers can always make them create a different game instead of disbanding a group of talented people.
The original Medievil was my first Playstation game. I replayed it a few years ago and the gameplay hasn't aged very well, but the atmosphere and character of this game is still special. It really felt like a playable Tim Burton movie - from a time when Burtons movies had atmosphere und character.
I would buy a remake in a heartbeat. Glad to see there is a campaign to resurrect the franchise.
I remember playing the original MediEvil, but I never finished it. It would be pretty cool to see a Crash-like remake and as @gmxs said, if Bubsy can come back, so can Sir Dan.
@adf86 Yeah, it seems odd to close unless there are very practical reasons. Personally I am surprised Sony aren't getting lots of their smaller studios working on remasters like Ratchet and Clank etc.
@ThroughTheIris56 probably a cost control issue
Not just Medievil, but Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper and SOCOM also needs to return (I know that there's a ton of other forgotten Sony IPs but these ones are some of my favorites.)
Spyro next. Period.
@Rudy_Manchego Traditionally Sony don't tend make sequels or remasters of their IP's without the original studios involved, unless they were PSP or Vita titles. Though they seem to be relaxing on that with the Wipeout collection and the upcoming Shadow of the Colossus remake.
@Flaming_Kaiser Oh your not wrong mate, I just kinda hoped Sony would take the losses because they can make up the cost in other ways. Of course business is business though, it's why I'm worried for Media Molecule if Dreams completely flops, because both Tearaways didn't do anything and LBP2 was the last game that made any kind of comeback, plus Sony have already closed several UK studios already in the last 5 years.
@ThroughTheiris56 The last studios they opened were Pixel Opus who released Entwined but nothing has been heard from them since. And Sony Manchester but Sony haven't publically acknowledged them yet till hopefully we hear what they've been making.
Gotta be honest. I absolutely loved it back in the day, but I seriously doubt I'd buy a remaster or even a remake if they even make one.
Much better games have come out since then.
Never played MediEvil so I have no connection with it. Therefor I won't be buying a remaster/remake.
There are lots of other franchises I'd gladly throw my money at if a remake would be released. Heck, I'm still awaiting some remasters. It's about time Sony starts with a steady flow of PS2 titles on PS4 especially since they denied us backward compatibility for PS2 games.
I wouldn't mind seeing this franchise resurrected in some form, but honestly I'd much rather see a new Ape Escape. Easily my favorite exclusive franchise back in the PS2 days.
Yes! MediEvil really should come back, also Spyro, Ape Escape, Syphon Filter, Legend of Dragoon...
@PS_Nation Ape Escape 4 should just happen already, it's well overdue. And given the success of the Crash remakes, I'm confident that a Spyro comeback is very plausible.
@adf86 Yeah I was speaking to another person about the subject the other day, where is Pixel Opus? It's been a very long time since Entwined and while they are apparently still afloat, it's been dead silence from them.
And Manchester Studio isn't something to get excited about for me, since it looks like they'll exclusively be developing VR games. Ideally Sony would open up more studios dedicated to creating AAA single player experiences that don't require peripherals.
Call me when they're bringing back Mr. Domino.
This and Maximo would be awesome additions to the PS4 library. Maybe Fortesque will make an appearance at Paris Games Week....maybe not.
This man deserve a return
yes yes and more yes, i love spyro but i would take a remaster of either of the 1st games hands down
Medieval was fun but I would rather have a spyro trilogy in the same vein as the n sane trilogy.
Of all the things people are asking to come back only Spyro makes sense to me. The last thing we want to happen is for Sony to remake games that will sell poorly and put them off games worthy of a remaster.
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