December's never been a month stacked with big new releases, and this year, things are no different. All the heavy hitters have already dropped through September to November, but still, we can't just ignore the promising games hitting the PlayStation 4 over the next 31 days or so. Let's take a look at them, shall we?

Publisher: Bethesda
Developer: id Software
Release date: 1st December
It's DOOM! In virtual reality! Well, not quite. This is more a shorter spin-off than the full game repurposed to work with Sony's headset, but if you've ever wanted to get as close to demon guts as humanly possible without actually opening a portal to hell, this could be the VR experience for you.
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Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom Vancouver
Release date: 5th December
Dead Rising 4 didn't exactly set the world alight when it launched as an Xbox One console exclusive back in 2016, but Capcom's done a lot of tinkering for its foray onto PS4. The game's been rebalanced in a bunch of different ways, and Frank's Big Package comes with all of the title's previously released downloadable content alongside some new bits and pieces. Will that be enough to make it, you know, a better game? Maybe, maybe not, but those looking for some dumb fun may find something to like here.

A Hat in Time
Publisher: Humble Bundle
Developer: Gears for Breakfast
Release date: 5th December (NA), 6th December (EU)
More platforming nostalgia on PS4? You bet! A Hat in Time has proven to be quite the hit on PC, and now it's bringing its brand of charming 3D jump over that, collect all of this gameplay to Sony's current-gen console. It's been a decent year for platformers, hasn't it? Hopefully A Hat in Time bolsters the genre further.

LocoRoco 2 Remastered
Publisher: Sony
Developer: Japan Studio
Release date: 9th December
Prepare to have your brain besieged by yet more criminally catchy beats as LocoRoco 2 gets the remaster treatment on PS4. The physics-based platformer joins its predecessor on Sony's system, which has already proved to be a welcome reminder that Japan Studio's series is still fantastic funky fun.

Gang Beasts
Publisher: Double Fine Productions
Developer: Boneloaf
Release date: 12th December
We've been waiting Gang Beasts for bloody ages, and now it's finally, nearly here. Mental multiplayer action is the name of this game, as up to four easily-amused humans try to do each other in. To be honest, Gang Beasts is a difficult title to properly describe. Imagine a world where your muscles didn't work properly and your limbs had really powerful suction cups on the ends of them, and you were tasked with not falling off things. That's basically Gang Beasts.

Okami HD
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Release date: 12th December
The PS2 classic returns for another stint of gorgeous adventuring. Capcom's lovely looking title has been enhanced all over again for PS4, and we're sure that fans of Amaterasu's painted world are more than ready to play through it one more time. Meanwhile, if you've never tried Okami, this should present the perfect opportunity.
And there you have it: the promising PS4 games of December 2017. See anything that takes your fancy? Vote for your most hyped game in our poll, and then tell us what you want to see under that Christmas tree in the comments section below.
Which December 2017 release are you most looking forward to on PS4? (83 votes)
- A Hat in Time
- Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package
- Gang Beasts
- LocoRoco 2 Remastered
- Okami HD
- Other
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 20
A Hat in Time looks lovely. I'll probably nab it one day if I ever work through the rest of my PS4 backlog.
Gang Beasts and A Hat in Time both look great, and I'd forgotten about LocoRoco 2. Not the best month ever, but there's a fair few decent-looking games in there!
A hat in time and okami hd for me
Like the others have said,a Hat In Time looks like a gorgeous and fun platformer..just my thing.But I voted for Okami because for some bizarre reason I never got to play it on the ps2 and I absolutely loved Okamiden on the DS so am hyped for a chance to play it
Many interesting games, I would buy Doom if I had a PSVR, one of the best FPS made recently. A Hat in Time looks really cool too, but I will wait a little bit, there are many games on my backlog, also I already had a wonderful time with Super Mario Odyssey.
But Okami HD is day one, it's also one of my favorite games ever.
Will probably pick up Okami. Have never played it before, never even really seen any game play from it but it's so highly regarded I figure may as well give it a shot, especially for what it's priced
Just Okami HD for me, because why not add a 40 hour PS2 re-remaster to my backlog?
so what exactly did they change for okami hd?
I will pick something from my backlog then...
Very poor month to be honest...
A hat in time and okami hd for me to. 😉
Smh.. umm all of them? Genuinely all of these highlighted titles somewhat stand out for me. What a year.
dead rising 4 .4 the win .word up son
I voted a Hat in Time cause I wouldn't mind playing some day but for me Dec is slight wallet reprieve.
A hat in time and Loco 2, both can wait though.
For as much as I love Okami, a third copy is too much. Maybe if it was portable....
Really looking forward to A Hat in Time and Okami, went with A Hat since it's the new one. Both are going to be a lot of fun
Tough choice between Okami and A Hat in Time. I absolutely love Okami but never got around to finishing it because my first copy was burned when my PS3 caught on fire (long story) and I never could get used to the motion controls for attacking on Wii. Will definitely be picking it up on PS4.
None of the above, but Idk what else releases next month.
Definitely Okami HD. What happened to EDF 5? I thought that had a December release?
@OGGamer It's out in December in Japan, but not the West. We only count US and EU dates for these articles, but it'll more than likely be featured in the month that it launches overseas.
Horrible month
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