Following the runaway success of the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Activision is lining up a Spyro the Dragon Trilogy remaster for the PlayStation 4. According to Kotaku – citing sources familiar with the project – all three of Insomniac Games’ enormously popular PSone platformers will be resurrected for the new-gen system, with the promise of “cut content” making a return.
As with Crash, the trio of titles will be upgraded with new assets, lighting, cinematics, and audio. There’ll also be full PS4 Pro support. An announcement is expected as soon as next month, with a release currently slated for Q3 2018. According to one source, a September launch is being targeted internally, as it would coincide with the series’ 20th anniversary.
Moreover, the collection will launch as a PS4 exclusive for one year. Apparently, Sony’s managed to sign the same deal as it did with the N. Sane Trilogy, which is scheduled to release on other platforms imminently. It’d be another big coup for the console – and for fans of the franchise, who’ve been clamouring for Spyro’s revival in the aftermath of Crash.
[source kotaku.co.uk]
Comments 84
Playstation mascots going to other platforms! Disgusting
@AFCC most of their games where multiplatform, so nothing strange or "disqusting"
It’s a shame it’s not exclusive but at least it’s coming back!!
Looking forward to seeing what it looks like as crash looked great. I didn’t actually like crash but appreciated it being popular!!
@AFCC Activision owns it so they can do what they want. Let's just be excited these franchises are coming back!
@YummyHappyPills "Imagine if your first game got remade, you would be the same."
Not sure I would TBH.
Awesome if true. I played the first one a few years ago and thought the gameplay held up well by modern standards.
I don't think I've played any of these before, so I'd love this to be true. I'm almost done with the Crash remake and I've loved it. I hope pro support here means a 60fps option (if not already in the base game). If Bluepoint can do it with SotC, it can be done with these games
It’s back, I loved the first game so much back in the day.
@YummyHappyPills "Spyro isnt just my first video game it was what kept me sane."
Having read your comments these past few years, I don't think Spyro was as successful at keeping you sane as you think it was.
Just like the Crash Bandicoot games, I never understood what made Spyro so great to so many people, but to each their own. Certain games meant a lot to me, I remember how I wanted Resident Evil 1 treated when it was announced back in either 2000 or 2001 that it was going to get a full remake for the GC. And they did great job making it more modern for 2002 while honoring the past. I hope the same happens for those who love Spyro.
sweet i loved the Crash Trilogy remake and loved Spyro back on the PS1
Cool. Spyro 2 and 3 are still great games that I play often. It's been a while since I played the first game though. Hopefully it's just as good as N. Sane Trilogy.
Yeeeesh 20 years. We got this for Christmas. I remember watching the Christmas Day Eastenders and Ian Beales kids were about 6 and were on screen playing this during one scene too. Memories.
@get2sammyb SAVAGE! 🤣
@YummyHappyPills my first game was on Atari and it was called Beserker, I think. If it was remade, I sure hope it wouldn't look OR play like the original, haha!
@YummyHappyPills if Spyro made you sane, could you maybe say that crash made you n-sane? 😜
But I’ve actually never played these games outside of a demo, so super stoked!!!
Never played the originals, but I do love a good 3D platformer.
Into my veins.
While I loved this franchise when it debuted, I don't need to spend new money on old games. And I don't particularly like giving money to Activision, either.
Actually, with Acti at the helm, it's an obvious cash grab (made more lucrative by Sony's paid for timed exclusivity) that probably won't turn out to be as good as we hoped.
I'll replay these games for like, ten bucks, maybe.
@Yowza that's the beauty of it, something for everyone.
@Quintumply insert Randy trying to catch the Dragon in H****n Hero here
I’ll only buy this if it’s a PS4 exclusive .
Yay! If this is true then I cannot wait for this, played the crap out of spyro 2 and 3 as a kid. Spyro 1 hasn't aged as well so a reboot would be awesome! Even better if we get some new content!
I could care less about this and Crash releasing on several platforms, I'm just ecstatic we're getting a remaster of Spyro similar to Crash.
Sony needs to make a list of their own IPs and ask us which one of them we would like to see to return. Is obvious that if tgis one turns out as succesful as Crash, who knows if Sony will decide to revive its own untouched IPs (Freedom Wars, Jumping Flash, etc.)
Cool. The last time i played spyro.was on PlayStation 1.good games.next up syphon filter remake collection.word up son
Sony should do Both the Sly Cooper games and Rachet and Clank Next
@Melucine I don't care! It's like your favorite player from your team signing for the rival team
@get2sammyb I am, but now they are not PS mascots...they are just characters
Wow, I would be all over this, like white on rice!!!
Disappointed to see negativity around the Crash remakes in this comments section, personally, I felt they were fantastic and that the dev did pretty much a perfect job of remaining faithful to the source material while updating the games for a modern audience.
If Spyro meets the same level of quality as the Crash remaster I will be thrilled to bits.
@AFCC Spyro was never a mascot for PS he was a third party character. That's like saying Mega Man or Ryu from Ninja Gaiden are Nintendo mascots.
Nice, still waiting for ctr though since kart racers is so rare this gen, mario kart deluxe on switch and that's it.
Also where the heck is ratchet and clank remake 2, I want this from 2 years ago.
The original Spyro was one of my favorite games back in the day, it was one of the very few games that I played that wasn’t a Nintendo game. I’m so happy this collection is announced (or at least, pretty much is)!
What a glorious day, Fear Effect Sedna gets a release date, TMNT on Injustice 2, a new @themcnoisy forum competition and now this.
I'm glad Sony are doing these kind of deals because both Spyro and Crash's heritage is on PlayStation, so it makes sense that it's fanbase get the remakes first.
One word of caution about this story though, the author is Laura K Dale who I don't like particularly like or trust as a "journalist" this is the same woman that said Beyond Good & Evil 2 would be a Switch exclusive which considering the ambition behind it's frankly laughable they made such a story.
@get2sammyb Oooo BUUURRRNNN
@Tasuki I'd call Spyro a mascot for the PS brand myself. Alot of people associate him very closely with PS. I consider Mega Man a Nintendo mascot too to be honest.
@Tasuki Of course he was, the reason why Spyro has any fanbase to begin with is because of the original PlayStation trilogy, cos it sure as hell wasn't the later games.
@lovespuds These so called "glitches" must have been in isolation cos I sure as heck never came across them during the 60+ hours I put into it. It was well polished remake that had the right balance of fun and challenge.
@YummyHappyPills If this was your first game l, I'm not sure what type of gray hairs your experiencing, sound fairly young to me. My first entry was was with the NES and even then some would call me a youngin by not predating back the Atari etc etc
PLEEEEEASE! I love Crash but Spyro is my JAM
Unleash the Dragon!
O...M...G! Beerus-sama approves.
@kyleforrester87 When Spyro came along 20 years ago, I was too cool for baby Barney with wings, and I still am. There's only one true king among the lizard brethren!
@adf86 we have no idea on ANY platforms for BG&E2 personally all platforms would be nice but tbh Nintendo could slam Ubisoft some money like Activision is right here with Sony
Or Sony could pay for BG&E2 and Laura can be VERY close to right just the wrong system
@YummyHappyPills Lol trust me I know, I grew up laughing at such things here on the States, I'm at the point where the tropes are becoming reality 😱.
@Octane I love a bit of Croc. Actually I'm more fond of him than Spyro and Crash!
When Spyro launched in 1998, I was in my 26th year and playing games like Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil 2, Turok 2, Starcraft (on Mac/PC), Star Wars Rogue Squadron etc as well as games like Goldeneye, Tomb Raider etc from previous years. I did buy Banjo Kazooie to play with the kids but Spyro was just too young for me. By the time Spyro was on Xbox, my youngest was 3/4 and able to play (and beat) games like Super Mario 64 so I bought a couple - inc 1 or 2 on the Wii for him.
I can assure you, if they remade the first game(s) I played, I wouldn't be excited or want to buy. I can't see games like Pong, Space Invaders, Asteroids, Missile Command etc being great - not without a complete reboot and have none of the game-play that kept me 'happy' back in the 70's
I still need to beat Crash 2 and 3
My first game was actually Wolfenstein 3D . 😂 I was playing it in kindergarten with my friends while others were sleeping. Memories...
Edit: In fact it was rather old when I played it but graphics didn't bother me back then.
@DLB3 I still enjoy Jackie Chan Stuntmaster on PS1!
Damn, I miss the series so much, but it should be exclusive for PS4, disgusting Activision.
Sony should never let Spyro and Crash go away.
@Derpie1 There not mentioning any platforms cos in all likelihood it'll be for next gen, which makes it even less likely for Switch let alone exclusive due to Ubisoft wanting to make the most of the next systems.
@PS_Nation Sadly outside of the publishering rights for the Naughty Dog and Insomniac games Sony couldn't do anything with the IP, I would have preferred if Sony bought the IP outright from Activision but that doesn't look likely now. At least Sony still heavily value the actual developers behind those games, maybe long term it worked out in the end.
As long as it's Spyro and not that pug-faced lizard from Skylanders calling himself Spyro, this is the best thing ever.
@adf86 I heard they said how they’re making it can be expandable on platforms... so I’m assuming the engine is very capable
This is great news!I never played these games so can finally see what all the fuss is about.
@AFCC @Tasuki Yeah I disagree. Spyro and Crash are definitely in the PlayStation's DNA. It's just you can't expect them to be exclusive if someone else owns the brand.
It'll always go down as a major blunder, but this is why Sony won't publish anything without owning the IP these days.
@PS_Nation Sony never owned either IP to begin with. The rights for both series belonged to Universal.
I don't see what's so "disgusting" about them not being exclusive. It's been that way for a while. Personally, I think it's better if more players got to experience these games. Sony already have plenty of IPs anyway, so it's not a massive loss in my opinion.
ok I think I just had a mangasm with excitement love spyro will be buying this day one without even worrying
spyro 1 brings back memories of ps1 on a cold 98-99 xmas to new year and sat infront of a 14in crt tv getting used to a ps1.
These are memories that my gaming life is built on I am more than happy to revisit them loving the idea cant wait lets hope they are as good as the crash remakes which were utterly stunning.
@get2sammyb I don't know when I think of mascots I think of Mario, Sonic, Master Chief someone who the main company in this case Sony came up with. Sony didn't come up with Spyro, he wasn't theirs therefore I wouldn't count him as a mascot. Now a character like Knack for example which was made by Sony I would consider a mascot.
@get2sammyb lol right
@Tasuki dude justify it all you want spyro was a mascot for ps. When people think or bring up spyro it's always in relation with Sony and ps consoles not anything else
@Derpie1 bro beyond good and evil 2 could never run on switch and their 90s internet infrastructure so there's no way it will be a switch exclusive
Yo guys calm down! Maybe 'disgusting' was the wrong word to use
@dark_knightmare2 I will justify it, but just cause he had his start on PS doesn't mean he's a Mascot.
Is Mega Man a mascot for Nintendo? Is Ryu (Ninja Gaiden) a mascot. Just cause people associate a character with a console doesn't make them a mascot.
Ahem. And here we are
a person or thing that is supposed to bring good luck or that is used to symbolize a particular event or organization.
So there you have it Spyro was not a mascot.
Sony never used him to promote their brand, Crash on the other hand I would say he's a Mascot by definition.
/End thread
@Tasuki I wouldn't bother trying to reason with fanboys, you're wasting your breath lol
Anyway, this is awesome news (if true) i have very fond memories of these games, i think the first Spyro is the very first game i played on the PS1, that or Toy Story 2, i can't remember now, it was so long ago haha
@Tasuki I would most def say mega man is a mascot for Nintendo
How exciting!
@dark_knightmare2 Lol I’m not getting into any fanboy war so I’ll just play w the PlayStation bias most likely it’ll be on PS4 & PC...
@DerMeister Exclusives are important for any system, just look how Xbone is doing on this generation with all their games being available on another platform, it's almost irrelevant. Exclusives define a system and competition is a wonderful thing for any industry, let Sony and Nintendo still compete on exclusives.
Crash Bandicoot and Spyro are related to Playstation, many Sony gamers and the industry overall treated both as the mascots during the PS1 era, that's why the original trilogy for both were exclusives to PS1, no rocket science here. I was hoping for Sony to acquire both ips again, but that's not going to happen after the success of Crash Bandicoot remastered, and that happened thanks to, guess what, PS gamers.
Anyway, time to move on, if Sony never owned both ips, they published the original trilogy, right? They should keep these games as exclusives and let the new games made by Activision be released for another platforms as well.
By the way, even if Crash Bandicoot trilogy remastered was a success, Activision still need to deliver great sequels from now on, or the series will die again.
Man, public confession time .... should I be ashamed that not only have I never played a Spyro game, but I’m not really all that excited about these being remastered?
😔 Sorry guys, I’ll just be over here in the corner contemplating my meaningless existence while I wear the cone of shame.
@Th3solution dood I’ve never played a Spyro game muhself
@PS_Nation I'm not arguing that exclusives aren't important or that Crash isn't significant to PlayStation. Personally, the series is why I got a PS1, and other franchises tied to the brand are why I continued owning the consoles. What I find silly is this feeling of betrayal some feel (not just here, but on other parts of the net) about the two IPs not being Sony exclusive when they haven't been since around 2001, and technically never were. I'm surprised it's a hot-ish topic with Crash on here, since the only game anyone seems to care about is CTR.
I understand the original three games of both series being PS only for multiple reasons, but is it that much of a crime if they or any new installments were multiplatform? It's not like we wouldn't be able to play them. The suggestion of having any future titles multiplatform even if the remakes were exclusive is actually reasonable, so props for that.
Also, if Vicarious are still heading development, making successful Crash sequels shouldn't really be hard, provided executive meddling isn't a major factor like it was in the past.
@Derpie1 Whew! I was starting to worry I was the only one.
Hype! I'd so love to see Spyro Trilogy remastered .
Looking forward to future news articles ^__^.
YES ! YES ! YES ! Take my money right now
I actually haven't played a mainline spyro game the only spyro I had played Enter the Dragonfly for ps2 and loved it (well back them atleast). Aparently it's one of the bad spyro games so I can't wait to experience a good spyro game
Played all the PS1 Demos in the past but never bought a Spyro game. Was to into Crash to bother Might buy/play them this time around tho.
Year of the Dragon has always been my favorite game of all time. The thought of platinum it makes me drool.
If they do make a remake of the first three games I hope they have steve copeland on board for the music.
I didn't have a PS1 growing up, but I always brought Pizza Hut's demo discs over to my cousin's place to play whatever games were on them, and Spyro was one of my favorites on those discs. I can't wait to finally get a chance to play the full games! That said, I'll be getting this on PS4, day one!
I’m too down, I absolutely loved the first three Spyro games when I was a kid.
I dont think any gaming announcement has ever excited me as much as this. Spyro was my childhood
Sypro! spreads her wings, hacks a fire ball and grabs some gems HUZZAH!
I hope they remaster Stewart Copeland's soundtrack from the first game. It's so good.
@Yowza Berzerker was an arcade game before it hit the 2600. That's where I was playing it back then.
@starhops damn, you old!
@Yowza shhhhhh... you'll ruin it for the younglings that think video games are only for them. No need for them to know there are those of us that never stopped playing video game since we were kids; oh... say 40 years ago.
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