Contrary to comments from Sony bigwig Shuhei Yoshida, Days Gone never really felt like a lock for 2018, did it? We ran a poll last week about the PlayStation 4’s upcoming first-party games, and a whopping 45 per cent of you said you expected Sony Bend’s survival horror to be delayed. Well, looks like you were right.
A page on the official PlayStation website has updated, suggesting that the motorcycle apocalypse will not arrive until next year. To add further precious petrol to the raging inferno, those with Amazon pre-orders have been receiving notifications informing them that the title will now not deploy until 2019. Looks pretty official to us.
To be fair, the title never had a firm window attached to it, and this is probably down to market positioning more than anything. We’ve already seen Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 move out of the franchise’s traditional November slot in order to get out ahead of Red Dead Redemption 2, and we suspect the holidays are about to get very crowded indeed.
A new IP like Days Gone will have more chance to shine in the early part of the New Year. The big headache that Sony’s going to face is that The Last of Us: Part II is almost certainly targeting 2019, too, and the titles already look eerily similar. We foresee some furrowed brows for PlayStation’s marketing department moving forward.
Update: Sony's released an official statement on the subject, and yes, Days Gone has been moved into 2019. "We can confirm that Days Gone will now be releasing in 2019, and we will keep you updated on the launch date," Sony told Eurogamer.
[source, via]
Comments 67
Seen it coming, tbh.
TLOU 2 and Days Gone release in same year is 2019 : that not good sign because both are almost similar
I wonder which game will release first.
This game is getting a low key launch in January with a reduced retail price to boot, bookmark me.
Hmm I thought it would launch in the summer but clearly I was wrong. I know the release schedule is getting crowded but I wonder if this means issues behind the scenes? I hope not but agree, marketing this and TLOU2 has got to be a challenge. Although, I could see that game getting delayed as well.
@gmxs January or February launch? Definitely. Lower price? I doubt it.
I had a feeling it would get delayed.
@gmxs January launch is possible; lower price is impossible.
@Rudy_Manchego I honestly think it's Red Dead Redemption. The game will probably be ready for the holidays, but putting this up against Red Dead (and all the other games that are going to be clumped around it) would be suicide.
May as well hold it back a couple of months, polish it up, and release at a less busy time.
It has taken them a long time to get this out, though. It's been like seven years since Uncharted: Golden Abyss. I don't think they could settle on what to make.
What a tweest, no-one saw that coming...
I don’t mind the delay, the calendar is packed as it is. Sony Bend need to get this right.
Hope for a Jan/February release.
As for TLOU2 comparisons they’re unavoidable, but I don’t really care.
@get2sammyb yeah i be p*ssed off if this game get delay to 2019. i really want play this so bad. it would be great if this game release in August or early September
While a challenge, I don't think is a problem to both Days Gone and TLOU2 releasing in the same year.
Releasing Days Gone in T1 2019 seems a good guess.
TLOU2 can release between May to November without a problem because is a sequel to a critically acclaimed game.
Sigh... It's one of my most anticipated games of this year. This year's going to be another quiet holiday season, isn't it?
@Octane With Red Dead Redemption 2? No it's not.
This doesn't bother me at all not like their is shortage of games to play.
@Octane Never really do holiday releases cos it doesn't make much business sense to do so.
2019 is looking clearer now for exclusives. Days Gone, Dreams, Ghost of Tshushima, The Last of Us Part 2 and Death Stranding (though I think that's 2020).
@get2sammyb That in itself worries me. If they didnt know what to make it runs the risk of too many ideas coming together poorly, rather than a few good ideas coming together well. I do worry about this game. But Bend are a good studio so will keep the faith. Launching so close to TLOU is a mistake, but i suppose this game is more of an open world game than a linear narrative like tlou will be. I expect rdr 2 is the real reason for the delay. Sony will earn more money from a spring release too. I haven't been able to get excited for this one yet. Sony certainly dont need to worry about a lack of exclusive software this year either
@adf86 I suspect Dreams will be this year TBH.
A bad game is bad forever
I expected it would be delayed since we haven't seen any more video footage or seen more interviews.
Still interested in the game though, if anything this gives me a "breather" between the games I'll buy and play this year.
It's probably for the best. Sony has such a stacked 2018, that having a few titles go 2019 doesn't sound like the worst idea.
I saw this coming lol all good this year looks great for PS4 regardless.
Updated with an official statement from Sony.
@get2sammyb I'll wait and see before I judge. Rockstar discovered monotisarion with GTAV, so who knows what'll happen.
I don't think RDR2 had any impact on this decision. I don't think many were realistically expecting - maybe hoping - that this was going to release this year.
I don't see why the Last of Us 2 - a linear game with (probably) minimal enemies (at least not until the 'horde' mode sections) with a 'set path' is so similar to Days Gone, an open world survival Action game with massive hordes of enemies, a dynamic world with day/night cycle that impacts on enemy behaviour as does weather, your main companion being a motorbike...
That's like saying Dead Rising is the same as the Walking Dead or Resident Evil...
They clearly announced both Days Gone and TLOU 2 way too early in development. Both look great though. Looks like 2019 will be a great year for PS4. Can’t imagine PS5 will be long off by the time 2019 is done.
@BAMozzyI think youre right if you think about it the two could not be more apart
@Enuo And you dont want to release with COD and RDR plus whatever Blockbuster big releases are coming.
That's cool. I'm hyped for this game but don't mind waiting.
My question is how will Sony Bend make this game... interesting
Cus yeah it’s a Open World game but it’s also a Zombie game & those tend to fall into a few traps (that make the game well... generic)...
@get2sammyb I think the beta will be this year but I reckon they will hold off till next year for similar reasons to Days Gone.
Oh well, so for 2019 we've got days gone, tlou part 2, and ghost of tsushima, pretty good actually.
I think Tlou 2 might launch with PS5 at the end of 2019.
@DLB3 @Flaming_Kaiser I think its doing these games an injustice to lump them together as 'similar' just because they have a 'male' protagonist and 'infected humans' as enemies. Even if they are reminiscent of 'Zombies', they both have differing approaches. Days Gone may have massive hordes of enemies (more like Dead Rising) but the movement and speed is very different. I haven't seen many, if any games that use the environment in the way that Days Gone does and see the enemies swarm in such a way either. The horror is more because of the mass horde chasing after you at pace and you literally fleeing for your life, trying anything to slow them down as stopping them seems impossible.
Zombies may well be an over done enemy type but apart from 'Aliens' which could well be more 'mindless' than technologically superior, no other enemy type really offers that unrelenting and single mindedness that Zombies offer. Vampires and Werewolves only attack at night, virtually all will react to pain, if they have any 'intelligence', they would use weaponry, cover, stealth...
If it had 'Aliens' though, it would instantly put off a lot of people who don't like 'sci-fi'. Even games that take modern day human development/technology and project it forward 50yrs for example can put people off for being 'sci-fi' without bringing in Aliens. However, Aliens are the only real alternative to 'Zombies' (or infected Humans) because you can make them behave in that similar mindless, unrelenting way - not affected by time of day, loss of limbs etc. This is why Zombies make superb gaming enemies but that doesn't mean ALL zombie games are the same.
I'm cool with the delay especially with RDR2 later this year. Don't see the problem with it being released in the same year as TLOU2. As long as they're a good few months apart.
My issue is that it was announced (nearly two years ago ish?) far too early. It's hard to stayed too hyped when it's still around a year from release.
Tell us something we don't know
@Dange The thing is if they kept quiet about games that were a few years away then they would have hardly anything significant to show at places like E3 which sadly is something you cannot do otherwise the media and the internet will eat you alive, last year's was a good example of that.
Even though I kinda suspected this game would be delayed, I never expected it to join the roster of the PS4's retirement party offerings... or could the delay be a sign that Days Gone will be cross-gen and they need more time to work on the PS5 port. I've heard plenty of rumors now that some of Sony's first-party studios are already done with PS4 coding and are well into PS5 development.
@Dange RDR2 is nightmare , but what about TlouII? I think it's harder to race with tlou than race with a game which every one want's to buy.
Plus they look same in gameplay and design.
Doesn't matter to me I was/still gonna buy it day 1. Really don't matter if it comes the same day as RDR or CodBO4 still day one.
Spiderman - Summer 2018
Bloodborne 2 (pls) - Summer 2019
TLOU - early 2020
Good for the game, Red Dead, Smash Bros, etc etc will hit hard this year end.
January until march is a good window now!
@Kidfried TLoU looks like it will be played from the perspective of Ellie - at least that's what it seems - but people still see Deacon as Joel.
I think this too will be a bit more like Horizon in its structure - not quite as 'RPG' orientated as Fallout. A main story line where you have to go to certain points on the map to trigger the next mission but side missions, exploration and gathering resources, surviving etc rather than one that can radically change depending on decisions.
Its a long way from the very story driven linear game-play that the Last of Us and Uncharted series that Naughty Dog do. I could be wrong but I would be surprised if Last of Us 2 isn't Linear even if it has more 'wide linear' areas (like U4) but I would be very surprised if its 'open world' and allow you to go anywhere.
Not saying 1 approach is better but those different approaches makes the games very different. I doubt the Last of Us 2 will offer a Day/Night cycle and different weather that changes how the enemies behave. It maybe possible to use the infected to your advantage, as a 'weapon' against human enemies like you can in Days Gone. I think most encounters in Last of Us will play out quite similarly - excluding minor variation depending on whether you get spotted or can stealth your way through those enemies.
I don't mind this. This game looks like it could be very dense and engaging and it's nice not to have it rushed for release. 2018 has plenty to play! And there is still a back-log sitting on my PS4. I have a hard life...
@LieutenantFatman I'd have to say Days Gone. TLOU2 is still pretty early in development
Meh, Sony doesn't ever have any thing for the holiday season. They'll probably just release another iteration of the Pro or PSVR and sell those.
When MS has zero exclusives ever, Sony doesn't really have to compete to get theirs out on time. And while ps4 is getting a few exclusive heavy hitters this year, it's gotten so old for their AAA, E3 winning games to be delayed til "early next year". The new holiday season, ever since ps4 released, is from February to April.
I'd like to see this release in December. Nothing good ever releases in December.
Just scrap it?
Crash Bandicoot and now Days Gone delayed.
Terrible week for Sony...
At least they Haven't gone the xbox way and cancelled it yet.
I wish people would stop saying Days Gone & TLOU2 are so similar. The story & game mechanics are so different. Days Gone will still sell well.
Well that sucks. But I guess Bend knew they needed more time to get their game ready, so good on them. Hopefully that time spent won't be in vain next year.
I feel like I'm the only person that is not interested in this game
Is TLOU2 gonna be open world?
I would assume not, based on the success of the first entry. With that said, and to the best of my knowledge, we don't really have any details on the game, except for a few extremely vague trailers.
That's good for me, I'm gonna play & replay RDR2 for a long time!!
I wonder if Sony will announce a new game on E3 that will be released this year already, like a new Sly Cooper...
2018: Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, Detroit and Spider-Man. Probably Dreams as well. It's a great line-up, imo.
Great lineup indeed! But it would be even better with a new sly Cooper!
I don't see a delay as a bad thing. It's the willingness of the Dev's to wait on cash flow to put more work into the project.
Also I do not like Holiday Game releases. I use this time for games that are not part of my must have list. I pick up 5+ games on Black Fridays sale every year. Most at $19.99 as part of my second chance group.
I haven't got time to play it anyway Still behind with games I goto play so that is fine with me. Did like the look of the game the last time I saw it tho and it could be excellent.
I don't really mind, my wallet can hardly keep up with these great games releasing on PS4 as it is lol...
Well yeah, guessing most of us are well informed passionate gamers, who won't mix up these games...
but what about the average Joe and their moms just browsing and reading something like:
"After a pandemic radically transformed known civilization, infected humans run wild and survivors are killing each other for food, weapons; whatever they can get their hands on.
Explore a beautifully realized post-pandemic world, a brutal journey across the country."
[excerpts of descriptions for TLOU1]
@0ld_boy If they are needing their mums to make a purchase, then they perhaps shouldn't be playing these anyway. The 'average Joes' are more likely to be looking for Fifa or CoD - some mainstream multi-platform franchise anyway.
Whilst that description is for LoU, it could also be for any number of games - The Walking Dead for example. I don't think Days Gone will have 'a brutal journey across the country' as its set in one specific area and its more an open world 'survival' game - that alone will set it apart as the LoU description indicates linearity rather than the open-world 'free-form' nature that Days Gone offer.
I have no sympathy for those that don't use the information to actually make an informed choice. If they 'miss out' because they they are that blinkered - so be it, I won't lose sleep over it. Information is so much easier to access nowadays too.
@Derpie1 What title did a worldwar Z zombie investation with a good storymode lately.
@JohnKarnes You mean like EA or Activision where it has to release on christmas or before COD.
@PS_Nation We could use a new Dark Cloud game i would pay €60 in a heartbeat. 😀
@Flaming_Kaiser Or Rogue Galaxy 2! :3
@adf86 yeah that's the problem I guess. We all love new game announcements at E3 but they can only announce what they have and if it's already been announced, people want something new.
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