Sony’s E3 2018 plans have become clearer, but its messaging overall has been muddled today. I was ready to read the company the riot act when Shawn Layden appeared on a podcast earlier, talking about a “different” kind of press conference. As it happens I’m glad I waited, because further clarifications from the company seem to have put proceedings into focus: it’s still hosting its traditional live briefing – it just wants to calibrate your expectations ahead of time.
I think if the platform holder had been clearer from the beginning, this would have been a smart move. It’s clear that after the backlash to last year’s conference, which was filled with updates on titles we’d seen at past pressers, the company needed to get out in front of the hype machine and appropriately align fans’ enthusiasm. There’s nothing wrong with that, and a showcase that opens with Death Stranding and ends with The Last of Us: Part II is still very much worth getting excited about.

Internally, we’d started referring to Sony’s E3 2018 show as Groundhog Day in reference to the inevitable repetition; we tried really hard to come up with a list of new exclusives that it could potentially announce during its press conference – it’s now obviously redundant. But this is why I think today’s announcement is probably a good thing: it lets people know what to expect ahead of time, and puts an end to outrageous speculation.
After all, expectations are always the biggest E3 mood killer – regardless of the company under the spotlight. Whether it’s a thirst for first-party exclusives at Microsoft or demand for a long-forgotten franchise at Nintendo, we’ve all seen how the insatiable hunger of fans can absolutely kill otherwise solid presentations. You could argue that PlayStation’s paying the price for a two year period where it seemed to have a never-ending stream of fan pleasers; it’d probably agree.
But in hindsight I don’t think we should be too disheartened about today’s news – just the muddled way in which it was shared. Even though they’ve been on the docket for what feels like decades, we barely know anything about The Last of Us: Part II, Death Stranding, or Ghost of Tsushima – and these are big-budget blockbusters of the highest order. It doesn’t matter whether we’ve seen them before, they’re going to send shockwaves through the industry.
Spider-Man is perhaps the one outlier – a game that’s already graced Game Informer’s cover. But it’s due out in September and it’s going to sell many millions of copies – it was always going to be in attendance in some form, wasn’t it? Pepper these so-called “deep dives” with new third-party reveals, PlayStation VR content, and indie games, and you’ve got the recipe for a very sturdy presentation – albeit without the shock and awe of past pressers like 2015.
My only lingering concern is the presentation style. We now know that the briefing will take place in front of a live audience, so this isn’t going to be a Nintendo Direct scenario. But if we see a sofa like last year’s pathetic PlayStation Experience, then we’ll be in for a long night. I’m hoping that Sony keeps things brisk, brings out the developers for a bit of context, and shows off the gameplay. If the company’s going to focus on these four exclusives, then let’s really see them in detail.
Do you think Sony’s trying to calibrate expectations by announcing the games it will be focusing on at E3 2018? Are you still disappointed, or do you think it’s going to be able to deliver something good despite the different approach? Hop aboard the hype train in the comments section below.
How hyped are you for Sony's E3 2018 showcase? (137 votes)
- I absolutely can't wait
- I'm reasonably excited
- Neither excited nor unexcited
- I'm not overly fussed
- I don't care at all
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Which of Sony's four games are you most looking forward to seeing? (133 votes)
- Death Stranding
- Ghost of Tsushima
- Spider-Man
- The Last of Us: Part II
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Comments 38
Yeah, now we've got all the clarification and details I'm cool with it now. Like if I was going to predict the E3 press conference before today's news, I would have said it would start with a long look at Ghost of Tsushima and end with a long look at The Last of Us, and there'd probably be some Death Stranding, Spider-Man, and third-party announcements in the middle.
I was hoping for some kind of Bloodborne 2 reveal, but it always seemed like a long-shot. I guess a few PSVR reveals would be nice too, but they haven't ruled that out.
So what I was anticipating is more or less what we're getting — the only difference is that we know ahead of time now, so it means we can put a stop to ridiculous rumours.
Having said all that, they still need to nail the presentation format. With the greatest of respect, if this is Sid Shuman on a sofa awkwardly probing Hideo Kojima with softball questions through a translator, then this could still be awful.
Hopefully that's not what they've got planned.
"Expectation is the root of all heartache"
As four games, they seem to be solid ones- far more than a certain other console has on the horizon. To me they seem to be cutting costs of appearances and dancers and musicians which will perhaps cut the waffle, andyou do sort of understand why the next run of reveals could possibly be for the PS5. But it all comes down to 2 questions for me:
A: How many of these games are coming before Christmas? Just Spider-Man?
B: Why aren’t the rest of the exclusives we already know about being talked about?
I am looking forward too it. The time is a bit cacky for us brits as usual, which is a shame, but as I I’ve said before, all I need is some Death Stranding and TLOU PT2 Gameplay and I’m golden!
I continue to be confused about why the fact that Shawn mentioned 3rd party announcements equals nothing but indie games or multiplats. So many of PS4s best games and most speculated E3 2018 games are 3rd party exclusives. So far: Bloodborne, Persona 5, Ni No Kuni 2, Nioh, Nier, and the Yakuza games. The E3 speculation before this podcast was stuff like: DMC5 by Capcom, Bloodborne 2 by FromSoftware, and Bluepoint showing off its current project. Did I miss something? Do they stated 3rd party multiplats at some point? Why is everyone taking his statement to mean no new 3rd party exclusives?
Meeeeh I'm not overly fussed though i wanna see some Ghost of Tsushima gameplay. The rest i'll catch up on in the morning since some of us have work the next morning.
It was always going to be a little different from the past 2 years as we have had H:ZD and its DLC, God of War, Uncharted: Lost Legacy and even Detroit should have released by then too so a few of the titles that we saw at 'most' shows over the past 2 years were unlikely to be in attendance.
For me, Ghost of Tsushima is the one I am most interested in as its the game we know the least about. I know a lot about Spider-Man (thanks to recent coverage) and with Last of Us 2, we have some idea on what its likely to be and the characters involved from the first game - maybe U4 and Lost Legacy may hint at some variation in the structure with much wider linear pathways.
Death Stranding looks 'visually' impressive but nothing so far has given me a solid reason to be interested in it from story/game-play perspective. Maybe this could be the time when it shows me its more than just eye-candy and something worth purchasing - I know a lot are excited because it has Kojima's name on it but that doesn't work for me.
Spot on article, Sammy.
That said, I still worry that this won't be a "traditional" press conference. If it's anything like PSX 2017 it'll be a disaster. BUT it does sound like it'll basically be the usual format, thankfully.
A feature that might be worth doing @get2sammyb is looking back at Sony's 2012 E3 cos that was the last one before PS4 was announced and if indeed PS5 comes out next year then it might worth looking back at that show and maybe see why it's expectations have to be kept in check.
For the last year I've been pretty upbeat about the future of VR. Thinking about this today I'm now quite concerned.
With all this info coming about E3 plans today I'm getting the impression Sony may be cooling on VR a little. It's not the lack of games. I think it actually has quite a lot going on. It just seems like they all kinda fly under the radar.
I actively look out for new VR games. But lately I've stumbled across a few games I literally knew nothing about and they've been out for weeks. Just today I came across a blog post about a decent looking game coming out in July called Detached. Besides this blog post I've seen nothing about it until now. I've barely got time to get excited about a VR game before it comes out.
Anyways, I know games are coming, I just have a Vita feeling about things at the moment. I guess what I'm saying is I want Sony to advertise and promote PSVR more. And E3 is a place to do that.
Maybe I've got it all wrong. Asked me a week ago and I'd have been a lot more positive. It's funny how quickly things change.
@ShogunRok I don't think PSX was bad but it needed to be presented a bit better. If they had a 20 minute showing of what they announced then go into the dev chats after I think that would have been fine. That way you satisfy the people who only wanted game announcements without them giving out during the dev chat.
@Dange I wouldn't worry, the support is still really good. Even if they're not presented on stage (which they should be, but Sony is weird) I'm sure we'll see plenty of stuff popping up on the PS Blog.
@BAMozzy maybe you should go work with kojima.word up son😂😁😱
It's a bummer that there won't be any big announcement, but I like Sony for ensuring we know this so don't end up disappointed like last year. And I'm very interested in seeing all of those games (apart from Spider Man).
Holy moly, I'd never seen that The Last of Us Part 2 trailer until now (with the attempted hanging in it)...I'm gonna re-install the first one and play through it again pronto! I'm so hyped!
I really can’t wait for The Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man and Death Stranding, so it will be great to see updates for these games. I’m also not expecting big surprises on this E3, looks like those leaks are true after all. I blame the World Cup, lol.
@smelly_jr That trailer's a good one!
@Master_Shake Bloodborne was second party, not third. If they bought an exclusive they won’t talk about it line that. Granted, I do t think Persona 5 or Nier we’re Sony’s doing with exclusivity.
@Jaz007 There's no 2nd party games, that's a made up name from fan. There's first party developers like naughty dogs and sucker punch, and there's 3rd party developers like insomniacs and quantic dream. 3rd party dev can make games for whoever pays them, the reason detroid and bloodborne exclusive is because sony pays the devs to make it.
@wiiware @Jaz007 There is such a thing as second party, but From is actually not a second party developer. A second party developer is a third party developer that has an exclusive agreement to have their games published by the platform owner (in this case, Sony). The term has been around for decades.
From and Sony had a second party arrangement for Bloodborne, but From remains a third party overall.
If it's a traditional press conference that ends up being mediocre, that's fine. Better than what it seemed like it could've been from earlier reports. Granted I could've waited for more details before jumping the gun but I don't give any of these companies the benefit of the doubt anymore. I didn't expect a lot to be shown this year because some signs are pointing to at least an announcement of PS5 at some point in 2019.
As for what I'm most looking forward to I guess it's Spider-Man but Ghost of Tsushima could top it. I'm a big fan of Sucker Punch's games.
I'm looking forward to Ghosts of Tsushima coverage, and also to finally find out what Death Stranding is exactly.
Also more Spider-Man and Last of Us is always good.
@doctommaso That's a fan/media made up name, for example bloodborne and ratchet and clank exist because sony pays 3rd party developers to make that games. Developers (insomniacs): still 3rd party, games (ratchet & clank): still 1st party.
For console makers like sony and microsoft, there's only 1st party or 3rd party games, example: both ratchet & clank and recore still 1st party game although developer that make the games isn't studio owned by sony/microsoft.
The “In a rare break from tradition” quote really was the reason many thought (including me) that Sony would not do a live press conference. They should a better job messaging it. Anyways, I’m now excited.
This happens when companies lost the competition together.
Sony doesn't see a reason to show more games. I will miss that perfect feel I had every year ( be awake until horizon comes out just for watching the conference ). So yeah I`m sad, but still hype for Death Stranding gameplay
@playstation1995 There woudn't be room enough with his ego
@LaNooch1978 Even if MS do come out swinging for the final year or two of this 'generation' before the next comes along, they would really need Sony to remain static and shift 10's of millions of consoles to catch up to the sales that the PS4 has amassed. Arguably MS's console sales though are not as important as they are to Sony as they also have a massive PC user base to sell their games to and both PC and Xbox are combined into one group as far as MS games are concerned. I know most (if not all) third party games are split into PC and Xbox but MS's are not.
Anyway, that's still immaterial as Sony have revealed their more long term plans as far as games go and people are already looking forward to these. Apart from Crackdown 3, which was delayed after Gamescom, MS has yet to reveal what games we can expect for the next year. We can make educated guesses that FH4 will be out in September (nothing officially announced yet) because its as regular as CoD, Fifa etc and speculate that Halo 6 could be announced, Gears 5 maybe too soon as that is probably next year with Forza 8, but the reality is, MS tend to announce the next year of gaming whist we already know what Sony has in store...
Ghost of tsushima has my highest interest. Glad to see it leading the poll.
Xbox can't ensure their future anymore. every deal they can strike from ubisoft and bioware Will be either timed or just dlc. Especially with ubisoft. The big devs are not going to risk full exclusivity with the next xbox because of the rather poor situation the MS gaming department is in. People are just going to wait till Those games Will be released on the ps5 and next nintendo.
Sure they might have the most powerfull console,but unlike what pc gamers would say:power means nothing if you don't have the games and exclusivity.
@Smelly_jr “reinstall the first one”...that’s sacrilege to have uninstalled it in the first place!! 😉
@LaNooch1978 Fable, Perfect Dark and Mech Assault 5 have all been rumoured. Playground games (the studio behind Forza Horizon) are rumoured to be the developers of Fable and the Coalition (Gears) are rumoured to be 'rebooting' Perfect Dark as a third Person action adventure game.
They are also supposed to be setting up a new studio in California but any investment in gaming development over the past year or so is unlikely to reap any benefits in the next year or so - not if you want to bring out a quality AAA game - especially if building from scratch. Most of the investment is more likely to hit around the time the next Xbox is expected. The way MS has spoken though, that doesn't mean that the XB1 won't get these games as they could be scaled down to fit - like PC games running on the lowest 'adequate' spec PC compared to the 'top end' next box. The reason to buy the next box is the same reason that people upgrade their PC's - to play the games at the 'highest' level - rather than having to buy just to play a game that has artificially been kept from the older gen hardware. Obviously there will come a time when the OG XB1 and S will no longer be capable of delivering those games and the minimum spec required will be raised - like you see on PC. If you are at the minimum spec required for games today, then tomorrow you will be below that threshold and you either make do with the games within your spec or upgrade to play the newer games (as well as keep access to your older library - although these are now enhanced by the better specs). This is how I see MS going.
Like I said though, even if MS have an amazing list of Exclusives to play in the next year (as they have narrowed down their reveals to just the year ahead), we already know what Sony have - Spider-Man, Days Gone, Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, Dreams etc and so if Sony don't announce anything, that is still a mighty list of games for MS to 'beat'. 3rd Party isn't necessarily going to 'help' because the chances are that the PS4 will get them too. As we have seen lately, quite a few games that were exclusive have (or will) release on the other console(s) - Hellblade, Crash, No Mans Sky for example. It may not make people buy a console - especially if they have a console with enough games coming out to play that they can happily wait a year for...
Like I said earlier though, you also don't necessarily need a console and MS aren't necessarily bothered either - as long as you buy on either Console or PC. If you don't have a PC, you still have to give money to MS (windows OS) and to play, still have to create an Xbox like profile and buy from the MS store (for their games) and will still be in the same 'ecosystem' as the console - apart from the 3rd Party games you may buy on steam that is.
The big difference with this years E3 is that MS have yet to announce their plans for the year ahead and Sony already have. That also doesn't mean MS will 'win'. They may win on the most games shown or the most 'new' reveals, maybe even give gamers some 'optimism' over the next year but Sony has already set up their next year and MS would really have to pull it out of the bag to rival the strength of Sony's first party line-up. At best they can hope to entice some 'Sony' gamers to purchase a 2nd console to play these exclusives - maybe even play the 3rd party multi-platform games at their (visual and sometimes frame-rate) best too but I can't see MS taking sales from Sony as gamers will still want to play many of Sony's exclusives.
Incidentally, I don't just own a PS4 (Pro) but also the Project Scorpio edition of the Xbox One X so I am not being bias.
I liked the last poll. That's a great question. I voted for Ghost, but it's either Death Stranding or Ghost. I've seen enough of Spidey, and I don't expect TLOU to be a radical departure from the previous game gameplay-wise. Ghost of Tsushima seems right up my alley. I can't wait to see more of Death Stranding, because I liked the trailers so far, let's hope the game itself is just as imaginative.
I've said it before and Will Say it Again...
New announcements Will be shifted to PSX...
@wiiware it doesn’t matter who “made up” the term (every word in existence is made up by someone); it’s still a valid term in accepted use for decades. It’s even more relevant to us and to this site to use the term, as we are either fans or media here.
If, say, Rare is a third party that has an exclusive agreement with a first party, say Nintendo, to make games that will be published by Nintendo only on their own Nintendo system (exactly what happened in the 90s), that is a unique relationship in the market that deserves a unique term.
Check out Ghost Of Tsushima winning the poll, that's impressive given what it's up against.
When shawn layden referred to "breaking tradition" be meant the idea of not revealing what's going to be shown at e3. Obviously he broke that tradition this year by telling us what games we will definitely see
To be honest, as good as that E3 was (FFVII, Shenmue 3 and TLG), several years later and two of them aren't anywhere near release and the one that did actually come out seems to have been a bit of an anticlimax*. Oh, and only one of them is an exclusive as far as we know.
@get2sammyb how do you feel now?
Just games being talked about this year. Are they actually announcing anything new?
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