Square Enix will be throwing its hat into the E3 ring this year, as the publisher has announced that it'll be hosting a "showcase" on the 11th June. Going by the announcement's wording, it sounds like it'll be a Nintendo Direct-esque affair, with the company stating that a "video presentation" is on the cards. Said presentation will begin at 10:00 Pacific/18:00 UK time, but there's no mention of how long it'll last.
So, what games will Square Enix actually bring to E3 2018? Aside from our next inevitable look at the future of Final Fantasy XV (sigh), we can expect to see Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and, assuming it's still launching this year, Kingdom Hearts III. Who knows, we might even get a release date. As for Final Fantasy VII Remake, we suppose some sort of progress report is possible, but we're not getting our hopes up.
What would you like to see from Square Enix at E3 2018? Let the speculation begin in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 28
FFXV, KH3, Octopath Traveler, Avengers, Tomb Raider, whatever it was the Chrono Trigger guy said he was working on for Switch last year.
Deus Ex maybe? Dragon Quest obviously.
What would I like to see from Square Enix? Hmmm....
1. A confirmed release date for Kingdom Hearts III. FFS, it's time!
2. Some assurance that FFVII Remake is still coming sometime while this generation is viable and I won't have to buy a whole new generation machine to play it.
That is all. Carry on smartly, Squeenix.
They'll announce the Avengers game here.
@ShogunRok This one maybe?
Edit: Ninja'd!
Final Fantasy XV Battle Royale!
Fingers crossed for a new Deus Ex, loved the last two. But I'll be happy if Yoko Taro just makes an appearance and does his usual thing
They'll announce their ten year plan for XV, with a third batch of DLC planned for 2021. 7 Remake? Who needs that when we can play as Noctis and co. in perpetuity!
Actually quite surprised they're doing something like this. They must have enough content to show or wouldn't bother. Hopefully lots of Kingdom Hearts 3.
Are people forgetting about the game Left Alive?
Can't wait for more XV content.
@YummyHappyPills Hmm Octopath Traveller on PS4 would be interesting
@PS_Nation I know you're joking, but you could be very well right lol.
Kh3 release date right?
Waiting for sony to announce theyre e3 time conference allready.ghost of tshushima gameplay.last of us 2.death stranding.medievil remastered.and many more.word up son
Square enix.i will love a new parasite eve.vagrant story.chrono cross 2.kingdom hearts 3 released date.word up son
Can't wait for Final Fantasy XV's 109th dlc pack
KH3 release date, and hopefully soemthing FFVII related...
@HungryWolf Oooohhh...that one looks like it could have some potential!
I've always assumed that had they not renamed FFXIII-Versus into FFXV, they've always had the "real" FFXV in development (now to be called FFXVI)...maybe we'll see that!
Also waiting (alone) on a FFXIII trilogy remaster, especially since FFXIII-2 runs like garbage on PS3 and somehow even worse on PC (one of the only games my Ryzen 1800x / GTX 1080 can't max out...in fact, it can't even run at 30 FPS!).
Looking forward to new FFXV episodes and Project Octopath!
Removed - inappropriate language
I'm looking forward to updates for these games.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Kingdom Hearts III
Final Fantasy VII Remake
The Avengers Project
Final Fantasy XV DLC
Dragon Quest XI
Also maybe they'll finally announce a Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy...I've still only played FF13 despite owning 13-2 and Lightning Returns for many years.
I guess seeing some Dues Ex and NieR news would also be neato.
Just Cause 4, please.
@Paranoimia Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Just Cause.
Does Square-Enix still have the publishing rights to Hitman too?
You're now able to download FF8 remaster in the Playstation Store!!!!! Complete with trophies and upgraded resolution!!
BAM!! Mic drop...
Anything on a new Deus Ex (or continuation of Mankind Divided) would be great.
@Aexurion For me as much a i loved 9 i did not get it. I just wanted a retail release i played the original and thats enough a download is just a waste. Even the smaller indie studio's can release a retail version of their games. 😑😪
Maybe NieR Automata will be announced for Xbox One, like it's been rumoured
@Flaming_Kaiser Bought 12 retail as well and would surely do the same with 8 if the option is there.
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