Let’s be honest: the PlayStation 4 is a pathetic platform for racing games, as our Best PS4 Racing Games guide indicates. Every time we take a moment to update that, we’re continuously flabbergasted by the poor selection of candidates vying for inclusion. To be fair, it’s an indictment of the genre as a whole, which outside of a select few brands, has been dying out since the PlayStation 3 days.
There are a handful of good racing games on the PS4, though, and DriveClub is one of them. In fact, according to GT Planet, it’s the most-played racing game on Sony’s current-gen console. The publication crunched data from a recent PlayStation stat-tracking site to determine that around 10.5 million people have played Evolution’s simcade release. It’s an estimate, but likely close to the mark.
Of course it’s worth remembering that the title was famously given away with PlayStation Plus at one point, which will have boosted its numbers compared to Gran Turismo Sport, which is currently sitting around 6.6 million players. Still, it’s a shame we’ll never get a sequel as there was potential in this series, and with the PS4 so light on good racers, we could probably do with another first-party one.
[source gtplanet.net]
Comments 27
I really loved DriveClub. I need to go back and polish off the Platinum at some point.
A lot of games have come and gone from my collection but I've always kept DriveClub. It's a good racer to throw on from time to time and it looks bloody gorgeous to boot.
Now that I've got Gran Turismo Sport, I'd really like to get Driveclub to see how the two compare in graphics. I've heard that DriveClub's rain effects are yet to be surpassed by anything on console or even PC.
Might be nice to include in the article why we aren’t getting another Drive Club, not all of us are so well informed.
This is the only “real” racing game I own on the system. As I’m not really a racing fan, but wanted at least one game in the genre, I watched reviews on all the top ones and settled for this. I’m glad I did, but playing the latest Forza Horizon on my brothers Xbox One X showed me what we were missing. That game is great.
@get2sammyb @ApostateMage Yep. DriveClub is a great game. Been long while since I played, but it is great fun - and pretty!
The launch was annoying (well, the moaners at launch were annoying), but in a short space of time the issues were fixed and the post release support in general was up there with Guerilla!
Not really surprising given how long DC has been out, how many sales it’s been in, how cheap it is in CEX and, as mentioned, it was given out on Plus.
Still, it remains my favourite racing game on PS4.
@Kienda after the slightly disastrous launch, Evolution was disbanded by Sony.
Many of the team went on to other first party studios, and some went on to Codemasters to make OnRush.
@Turismo4GT Honestly, going from GT to DC, I was shocked how bad DC looked. 30fps and lower resolution really hurts it. You’d get used to it as you play it but it’s very jarring.
It's crazy how few decent racing games we've had this generation.
This isn't surprising considering the selection, would totally agree that DriveClub is my favourite at the moment with GT Sport in close second. Such a shame what happened to the launch of DriveClub and Evolution Studios as a whole. Great game.
Sony screwed up closing Evolution, yes Driveclub had launch issues but what followed was pure brilliance. Imagine what they would have continued to release for it, not to mention if they added Pro support. Still one of the best looking and playable driving games IMO.
Driveclub is such a gem. The base game was great and the amount of content released in the season pass was very very generous. Still have to try VR and Bikes at some point. Shame we will never get a sequel
"the PlayStation 4 is a pathetic platform for racing games"
Just wait until CTR releases!
@kyleforrester87 really? That's interesting. I've not seen DriveClub running on a PS4, only watched videos on YouTube which I know has highly compressed quality but looked good overall. I was always under the impression that since DriveClub was an early 1st party 30fps PS4 game that it would look at least on par with GTS. Still would like to give it a go at some point.
"The PlayStation 4 is a pathetic platform for racing games" WTF. Why? Because we don't have Forza? What about everything else? (NFS, Assetto Corsa, The Crew, Project Cars....)
I didn't get DC at launch due to backlogs + the problems it had but when I finally got it I was like dayummm this game is awesome. And that season pass tho, how much content is too much? Lol .. anybody knows if Sony kept the Dc ip, and if Is there any hope for a sequel?
@Turismo4GT It's just very jaggy and feels choppy and visibly a bit flat going straight into it after playing GT6 on a 4K HDR screen.
It's something that you'd probably get used to after an hour or so, though. Just my immediate response was eeeek!
@kyleforrester87 Fair enough assessment, thanks man.
I love Driveclub, played a lot back in the day. Also happens to have some freaking graphics...
Do people still play this and are their still active servers? Literally just got a PS4 (not had a console since the PS2) at Xmas and looking for a decent driving game. Driveclub keeps coming up as people's favourite...can grab it for £5 on eBay so will get it anyway but be nice to know I won't be the only person still playing it.
I pre-ordered Drive Club along with my PS4. I held my Pre-order for the year it took to release because of PSN network problems it had. It had a very ruff launch however in time became the best racing game on PS4.
Fantastic game. Shame Sony shut down Evo, as I'd have loved a sequel, either on PS4 or as a launch title for PS5. Best racing game on the system, and possibly still the best looking on any.
I prefer DC to GT Sport. Sport seems slower but the one thing that really lets down DC - no local multiplayer. That would've made it undisputed king of racers on PS4 for me but alas, it just lost out.
@KALofKRYPTON thanks for that, but sad to hear the studio is no more.
On Rush is the only other racing game I have. I actually quite like it.
Bullcrap, the PS4 has lots of good racing games on offer, especially for gamers who are actually interested in motorsports, cars and superbikes. Not everything can be Forza or Mario kart.
If they used data from the 'my ps4 life' promo vids then it's completely wrong. The stats those videos pumped out were woefully inaccurate. The times it gave me for my 2 most played (Destiny 2 and Warframe) were wrong by almost 1000 hours combined.
Still play Driveclub to this day, would have loved a sequel. Been tempted by an Xbox a few times just for Forza, which is the only other 'realistic' driving game I'm interested in.
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