Square Enix has confirmed that it'll be doing an E3 broadcast this year. Right now it's unclear whether this'll actually be a live show or just another pre-recorded stream (like it did for E3 2018), but the publisher's promising an "exciting lineup of titles".
Of course, there are two big elephants in the room here: the still mysterious Avengers game, and Final Fantasy VII Remake. It's been a long time since we've heard anything concrete about either, but at least the latter has made some recent headlines through sheer speculation. Indeed, there's going to be a Final Fantasy VII concert happening in Los Angeles just days before E3 begins, which maybe-kind-of means that Final Fantasy VII Remake could return to the spotlight. We're not getting our hopes up, but you never know.
Anyway, Square Enix's showcase is set to take place on the 10th June at 18:00 Pacific. And with that, we're pretty sure every major publisher (aside from Sony, obviously) has locked in their E3 2019 press conference. Are you excited yet? Let us know if Square Enix is destined to have another dud on its hands in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 48
Frankly I'd be happy for a new Deus Ex at this point.
parasite Eve confirmed.aya Brea returns.easily top 5 ps1 game ever.word up son
Kingdom Hearts 3.1 Royale Edition.
Final Fantasy 7 blow out
Final Fantasy 16 teaser
Avengers: Age of Microtransactions?
I kid... Hopefully 😥
@playstation1995 I swear you have at least 20 top 5 PS1 games
I want to see more of Babylon's Fall. Super curious about that title.
After The Quiet Man at last year's conference, I can't wait to see what they have for 2019. What other game wants a 2/10?
@Zukato That's coming this year, right? I mean, in Square Enix language that means in about five years, but still, with Platinum behind it, I still have some hope.
Last time a Japanese publisher showed a game with knights it disappeared Deep Down development hell. I hope this one makes it through. Even though I don't have anything to worry about, but still...
I'm still hoping for a FFXIII trilogy for PS4. Hoping, not expecting.
Never mind Avengers/FF....The Quiet Man 2 is what we really want to see
FF7 E3 trailer to announce when they're going to announce the next update.
@Octane Yosuke Saito, the executive producer, said: “I’m hoping to share more news about Babylon’s Fall, which we’re developing in cooperation with Platinum Games, within the year." This was during an interview in December last year. He doesn't sound so reassuring about it, and the trailer did say 2019 for its release. I can only hope it's ready to be shown off at the very least.
New entry in the Chrono Series, or perhaps simply making Cross and Trigger available would be nice.
With Squeenix track record I have no idea how they landed Avengers IP. I'm also to the point that I have little to no faith in the VII Remake. It is clear that the company has no idea what FF is or should be at this point. I think, collectively, i speak for the masses when i say a fresh coat of paint with those beautiful pre-rendered backgrounds would have been perfect. Add some end game content (more weapons) to utilize master materia and gold chocobo and SHIP IT.
@MS7000 yea just remaster those. License issues with trigger mean an actual sequel or 3rd entry is never happening. So many of the "dream team" have their hands in the honey pot.
Can't remember the last time I cared about a Squeenix game to be honest.
Maybe a new entry in the Bravely series, too.
@kyleforrester87 syphon filter 1. crash bandicoot.2. metal gear.3. resident evil 2 is my number 4 ps1 games. and parasite Eve.is my number 5 ps1 games ever dog .word ☝ up son
@Neolit haha thanks man. 👍.whats your top 5 ps1 games ever.word up son
Another deus ex please!!! One can dream
the last remnant 2.im still playing the first game.a great rpg with a addicted complex combat 💖.mechanics that truly deserve a sequel.word life word is bond.word to your mother.word ☝ up son
@playstation1995 what about Bubsy 3D?
@Brasilkilla I'd go for more Deus Ex, but HR was a bit of a wash out.
Edit: I meant MD 😬
Quiet Man 2 - The Adventures of the Sore Throat Pump.
Final Fantasy VII Remake - Some screenshots
Final Fantasy 15 - Once cancelled Royal Family In Exile Edition release
@Nyne11Tyme Yeah, I think realistically I gave up on the idea of a third game ages ago, but it would be nice if the team could come back together once more. I would like Cross to be re-released if nothing else because it was never available in Europe outside emulation. Then I could play through that properly.
If we get FF7, it's probably gonna be some minor announcement, but I'm hoping otherwise.
Final fantasy 8 remake! 2025 release date lol
Still not excited for E3
Like a typical entitled gamer, I demand a continuation to Adam Jensen's story. Please.
Nintendo hasnt said when their show is, nor has Ubisoft I believe. Or Limited Run or Devolver Digital, theyve only said they exist.
I'd totally take another deus ex, I am now currently playing HR and having a blast with my first ever deus ex
@kyleforrester87 hahaha nah.but I do love medievil for ps1.sir Daniel fortesque.word up son
Just a quick note, my deus ex saves have just now become corrupted after a good 25 hours in and I'm super annoyed. I still like the game, but it has slipped down the list 👇👇👇👇
If the FF7 remake get re-revealed as a multiplat with a release date, remember who called it.
@MS7000 That's a shame. Cross was a critical darling that i think a lot of people missed. Easily a top 10 rpg all time for me. Top 10 would have both Chrono games for sure.
There was a time I'd step over my mothers grave for a Square game...
@playstation1995 If they give me 1 and 2 with a new resolution on disc then ill even buy it.
@Enuo I think so too and too be honest i could not care less anymore.
@Flaming_Kaiser a remake of the first 2 games will be amazing .im still playing the first one.i got that game on my ps3.haha.word up son
@Neolit Frenchy is a great game.we need more ninja slash samurai game.nioh.onimusha.sekiro and ghost of tshushima is a great start.we still have nioh 2 to come.now all I need is a new ninja gaiden 4 game.woww.word up son
Avengers turn based RPG! Probably easier to make than a ANTHEM style type of game.
Please be excited ... 😊
I'm expecting to see updates for the following games.
The Avengers Project
Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC/Spinoff
Final Fantasy VII Remake
FF13 Trilogy? FF8 or 9 Remake?
Babylon's Fall
Project Prelude Rune
Also maybe a few surprise announcements...that's wishful thinking though.
@kyleforrester87 i still loved it. Yea hr was better but i still loved md, maybe because i love the series period, idk. Believe it or not i also would love more of that breach mode, i think im 1% of people who enjoyed it. It was a fun little extra side challenge after getting 100% story
@playstation1995 Still one one of my favorite consoles the PS1 so many great classics. 😁
@Flaming_Kaiser which ps1 games is that.word up son
Turnbased RPG the real deal. 🤓
Legend of Dragoon best RPG ever word up son. 😁 Koudelka Gothic RPG if you can get it so much fun, Final Fantasy 7/8/9, MGS, Dino Crisis Resident Evil with Dino's, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Legend of Legaia 1 and 2 Really fun RPG's , Parasite Eve 2 brilliant RPG never had part 1 in Europe 😢, Breath of Fire 3 and 4 part 4 was my favorite that is my name. 😁
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