Ubisoft will release three unannounced games during the fourth quarter of its current fiscal year, meaning that it’s planning a trio of AAA titles between the beginning of January and the end of March. The ginormous French publisher confirmed the tidbit in a slide to investors, also acknowledging the recently announced Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, which is due out on 4th October.
We can be pretty confident one of these titles is Watch Dogs 3, which is expected to be announced at E3 2019 next month, and is likely to be set in London. As for the other two: your guess is as good as ours. There’s obviously pent-up demand for a new Splinter Cell, but there's no evidence at all that it's currently on the cards. Elsewhere, we can be fairly sure there’s a Viking-themed Assassin’s Creed in production, but that’s not due until the tail-end of 2020 – presumably alongside the PlayStation 5.
Have you got any guesses? Put on your thinking hat, and let us know in the comments section below.
[source ubistatic19-a.akamaihd.net]
Comments 38
It's not going to be Vikings for next Assassin's Creed, it's going to go back to Rome.
The Roman Empire and the time of Caesar I believe.
Word up.
Just dance 2020
Steep 2
It’s pretty easy for Ubisoft to crank out a “blockbuster” these days. They have the template down!
I’d love a new Rayman or Mario + Rabbids honestly.
Blood dragon should become it's own IP, disconnected from far cry with psvr support!
@leucocyte You forgot Starlink 2, or some other toy gimmick
A game without microtransactions please ubi.
Mario + Rabbids 2
Watch Dogs 3 might be the first Ubisoft game I buy day one in years.
But in all seriousness...how is another watchdogs being made? I thought the second one did terribly (sales wise), or am I just completely wrong?
I know the first one was huge but it seemed like it disappointed compared to the promises made.
And why SONY can care less bout being at E3. PS4 logo will be on most top AAA game on Screen regardless.
After Origin and Odyssey super excited for AC again. But ok with them taking a break till 2020 (hopefully have a 4K TV and PS5 by then)
To bad it is not a new Splinter Cell.
Like a few on here id love it if they announced Mario and Rabbids 2.Didant they do Prince Of Persia years ago?another one of those games is long overdue..
Watchdogs 3 will be a day one if they kill off the characters from the second game in the opening credits.
Watch Dogs London please.
well 1 of them won't be the assassins creed game if this line up is about the releases coming this fiscal year.
unless there is another (smaller) assassins creed game supposed to come out this year before they make the step to the viking era in 2020. maybe ancient rome could still be on the cards afterall?
I'd actually love a new 2D Rayman. It's fun and it keeps the kids entertained. Winner.
Child of light 2 and a new 2d Rayman please. And stick beyond good and evil 2 in a dark hole until its ready to admit it was a bad dream and is actually the sequel to the cult classic we asked for
Rainbow Six Vegas 3
@Futureshark nah it's going to be a Viking assasin creed.word ☝ up son
I really hope one of the games is a return of Prince of Persia
RAYMAN 4, please!!!
I could go for a new 3D Rayman game to be honest. I doubt that what’s Ubi has in store unfortunately.
Rayman Legends 2 or Mario + Rabbids 2 would be nice, but that's unlikely.
I would like a new Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell, but that's clearly not going to happen. I'll be absolutely shocked if one of those games are announced.
Ubisoft have been releasing pretty decent games of late. Problem is, a lot of them are just riddled with bugs.
I wonder if critics will say ass cred, watchdogs, Far cry do nothing new or something hmmmm
I guess not
And I promise every single one of them will have overpriced dlc that isn't worth the asking price just like every other Ubisoft game released.
Perhaps a new Prince of Persia and/or Good and Evil 2. Maybe a new Call of Juarez game.
Are you sure they will all be AAA games though? It could be Child of Light 2, The Settlers, a new Trials game, Valiant Hearts 2, etc.
It could also be a completely new IP.
Personally, I really want a new Driver game.
@RevengeFan Starlink is actually a fun and solid title.
Ubisoft realised that the toy aspect wasn't working, and now you can get all add ons digitally, no toys required.
Far cry 6 out before next April.
Can't wait to hear more about Watch_Dogs 3. Loved the second one so much!
Nathan Drake + Rabbids: Treasure hunter battle.
@playstation1995 I really hope so a rome one again or should we call it assassins creed italy. 😁 Word up son
Can't wait for Watchdogs 3!
The second one was one of my favourite games of all time. Here's hoping the London rumours are true...
Won't buy any of them, no matter what.. The state of the Division 2 is a complete lack of respect for the people that bought it.
And I still like very much a lot of games they have, but what they're doing is not acceptable.
Beyond Good and Evil 2 should be one of those.
@Flaming_Kaiser a Japanese assasin creed will be amazing. a ninja samurai assasin .😊👍haha.word up son
@Rob_230. Yep, 2D Rayman would be great. But isn't Michel Ancel working on Beyond Good & Evil 2 & (supposedly) that Wild indie title? And yes, it would be nice if that online MMO'ish BGE 2 vanished into a black hole! Damm shame we'll never see the scrapped last gen version!
@playstation1995 Its a crime they did not do that already.
Beyond Good & Evil is always online with probably some liveserviceeee crap so i could not care less about that one. Word up son
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