European retailer MediaMarkt has gone out on a limb with regards to PlayStation 5. Not only is it listing a console that officially doesn't exist yet, it's also allowing customers to pre-purchase the next-gen machine for a massively inflated price. Check out the product page for yourself.

MediaMarkt Sweden is listing the PS5 on its website at the ridiculous price of 9,999 Swedish krona -- this translates roughly to $1,040 or £850. This is, at most, a placeholder page with a placeholder price point so people can pre-order the PS5. However, you may be seeing some reporting this as factual, that the PS5 really is going to cost you a thousand dollars. While we've yet to learn the official price, common sense will tell you it's not going to cost that much. Heck, even the page carries the following disclaimer: "NOTE! Price and product information is preliminary and subject to change."
The only official word we have regarding the price of PS5 is from Mark Cerny, who told Wired he believes the console's price will be "appealing to gamers in light of its advanced feature set". There aren't any official numbers yet, but given this comment, we find it very hard to believe this retailer's pricey pre-order page is anywhere near accurate.
The bottom line is, don't be fooled into thinking the PS5 is going to be that expensive. The subject of the next-gen machine's cost is up for debate, but MediaMarkt knows about as much as anyone else.
[source mediamarkt.se]
Comments 33
In a way it's a good thing if news outlets keep saying it's going to cost so much that by the time Sony announce the actual price of around £500 it won't seem so much.
Media Markt is a German retailer, not Swedish. And of course the price will be much higher until the console is officially announced.
I was actually sort of already thinking I'd like to try building a PC this next gen. I'd be missing out on Sony exclusives though...what to do...
I can't pay more than £450 out of principle, If it comes out at any more than that I'll be waiting for a price drop or the inevitable slimmer model.
Them rays ain’t cheap
this is probably the real price for the deluxe edition that comes out a week earlier
PS5 from a Swedish store? Do you have to build it yourself?
it's probably just a place holder price because no retailer knows the price yet and they are just trying to get some pre-orders in
after all IF they put a place holder out and it was $300 but the final console price is $400 then that means because of pre-order price guarantee they would be losing $100 on every one that was pre-ordered
best to go WAY over than under, right
@kyleforrester87 You don't have to buy the ray's just trace them. I will see myself out
People like ReviewTechUSA will still bash Sony for this price point, even though it's not official.
Some people should not have the ability to walk or talk or make videos for that matter.
Living in the States, I'm more concerned about tariffs on goods manufactured in China. Sony has come out stating that PlayStation prices will be impacted...and not just next gen, PS4 included.
Very nice! PlayStation IKEA! Brilliant!
I doubt i’ll get this day 1. Though the PS4 was a lot of fun to pick up at launch. All those drunk heads with robots flying around their heads was priceless. And the guys that left it on to broadcast their lazy girlfriends watching daytime TV was also brilliant. Who knows what the PS5 will bring to the table...
If I'm Sony at this point I'm not even calling it the PS5 just to mess w/ people. They should call it Playstation 1 (w/ a number, not letters), just to mess w/ Microsoft. And technically I dont' think there's ever been a PS1, it was just called Playstation. Even the Classic doens't have a 1 in the name.
Man, I wish they'd name it already, I'm done posting about it.
They should call it PSV with a roman numeral V so we can all call it PSV and confuse it w/ PS Vita. 😂 Maybe if GTAV is the first game to get ported.
neither the dutch or german mediamarkt sites have it listed. the kind of graphics capabilities that cerny was mentioning are currently only available in rather pricey $500+ graphics cards.. sure, mass producing them for consoles would bring the price down, but i think it'll be a considerable challenge to get the entire console under $500, and i wouldn't be surprised if it's more, especially in the US and UK, if tarriffs are applied.
@ApostateMage lol 😂 it’s mail order and there new tag line is build it play it for the builders 😂😂😂
@rjejr that’s the original then the first slim one was called one 🙂
My first thought when I saw this was 'Is Sony testing the water?'
It’s a bargain since it will be powered by cell 2 and emotion engine 3 processor
@Rhaoulos "MediaMarkt Sweden is listing the PS5"
@Callmegil Well...I saw his video on it, and he said the same thing. That it's not official.
@Senu Oh yes, good memory, you are correct sir, I do recall PS One or PSOne. Never did get one, but you're right. Thanks.
@Giygas_95 really? Did he by any chance say "This price is probably not accurate, but knowing Sony, it most likely is. Don't forget to get cutting edge gamer with 40% when Code: FATcucumber is used".
Did he say that?
@Callmegil Nope. He said the retailer probably did it like this to be on the high end so when Sony reveals the price they could go down in price instead of being low and then having to make people who already pre-ordered pay even more.
This comment has been brought to you by Cutting Edge Cucumbers.
The PS5 could cost closely to that. AMD currently does not have any Ray Tracing cards out. Their map to ray tracing is vague at best. Seems AMD is betting on streamed gaming, and shaders to help with that. I highly doubt they'll use NVidia for the GPU.
@Giygas_95 He actually said that? Common sense for once. Hopefully it's here to stay.
@Callmegil Call me biased, but I think he has a lot of common sense. He's definitely mellowed out in the past year or so. I remember he used to be a lot angrier and more aggressive, but he doesn't really strike me that way anymore. Anyway, he does say a lot of stuff I agree with nowadays.
@Giygas_95 I'm the opposite. In the past, he used to be the voice of reason. Hell, I would even use his arguments when talking to friends. Now, I don't know what happened but ever since the Switch, something changed. He just talks out of his **s with no accountability. You may notice this when he talks about Stadia — it just reeks misinformation. For someone who calls himself "Review Tech", he awfully knows nothing about tech.
Imagine Marques Brownlee having a phone review channel but has no idea how a phone operates, can't explain why OEMs took said-decision during R&D and why this is the final design. He'd be a joke, that's how I see RTU today, as a joke. Sorry, for dragging you into this super unrelated topic lol
@Callmegil No problem. I don't really know why he calls himself that when he barely ever reviews tech, but yeah...maybe I need to fact check him more often. I'm sort of a casual listener because I just like listening to him talk about random stuff rather than actually trying to see if what he says is true. I can say though that Stadia definitely isn't for me, and I don't think internet is generally good enough yet for game streaming. Frankly I just want to have my games be physically on my system.
Of its anywhere in this price range ill be waiting for 2 years or more.
@Neolit No worries, the title used to say "Sweddish retailer" instead of European. It is not the first time an author amended an article without saying anything.
@WetWildWendy see above
I have just ordered 10 PS5's at that bargain price
Finally got the PS5 in a good price. Just going from the hype for PS5 and now we finally have it. https://cinemahdappdownload.com/
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