Update: The developer has posted a fresh teaser this evening, showing those mysterious symbols much more clearly. Current speculation is that this new Batman game will focus on the Court of Owls, a secret society and criminal organisation. All eyes on State of Play, then -- this should be a hoot.
Original Story: The caped crusader has emerged from the video game shadows after quite some time on hiatus. Batman: Arkham Knight was his last major title, and it's currently available on PlayStation Plus as one of the monthly offerings. Over the weekend, the world celebrated Batman Day, illuminating many big cities with the iconic bat signal.
WB Games Montréal joined in with the celebrations, tweeting out this mysterious clip:
What makes this interesting are several blink-and-you'll-miss-it symbols that flash on and off throughout the video. Given the timing, with Batman Day just gone, the superhero's 80th anniversary, and State of Play right around the corner, it seems to us we're on the verge of an announcement. This is purely speculation, but we won't be surprised if a new Batman game is revealed during Sony's live broadcast tomorrow.
What do you think? Is the dark knight returning in a new game, and will it be unveiled during State of Play? Vote yes or nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah (BATMAN) in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 39
I Could See a Batman Arkham Origins Remaster Rather Then a New Game
@Areus I don't see any value in that and I doubt they'd have a main studio do it, plus the symbols don't seem to be associated with that game.
For such a cryptic tease it has to be a new game and hopefully they will move away from the Arkham series and have a new take on the characters and world.
Wow I would not have expected a new main game this gen anymore.
If this is like all the other batman games than I'm all for it!
Seems that tomorrow's state of play will be rather great.
I'd love to see a new Arkham game announced tomorrow but I'd imagine the Game Awards would be more likely
@RedMan33 well state of play needs these kind of big announcements so it would be great for the stream tomorrow
(I am not bashing state of play people)
Although I don't feel it will be a new main game but rather a spin off.
Origins was criminally underrated, I hope they smash this and prove they are a decent developer to those who doubt it.
In a liklihood it's a Court of Owls game. Hopefully it hasn't got WB meddling in it like it did with Shadow of War
@nookie_egg Playing Origins on Steam right now as I for the game for £1, it still has that Arkham Asylum feel to it then quickly moves on like Arkham City. But the cutscene are awful quality the only issue I have and batman voice it doesn't sound like the original guy. But I like it to far
@Nakatomi_Uk It's Roger Craig-Smith in Origins, not Kevin Conroy, and although I don't really rate him as a voice actor, he does alright in Origins, but obviously can't emulate Conroy (whereas Baker [Joker] can emulate Hammil pretty well). The bosses are some of the best in the series, and the suit is by far the coolest suit in the games. Hope ya enjoy it!
If they follow the modern trend, it will either be Bat-tle Royale or Auto Bat-Chess
Id love another on PS4. I wont be able to get PS5 on release most likely, so id love an opportunity to get on this sooner rather than later (so long as the batmobile is largely ditched)
Looks like court of owls is a go!
Arkham Knight tied a nice bow on the series as it ended, and the thugs hinted at a superman game. It would be a real money-grab imo to cash in on another Batman game after such a tidy end.
Called it days ago!! Hopefully it's another great one
@RogerRoger in which case, a remaster of origins would be wonderful news!
@AdamNovice you think those symbols point to the Court of Owls?
@BowTiesAreCool That and I've been hearing rumours about a Court of Owls game for over a year now so I think there's a good chance.
@RogerRoger Not sure how my original post came across, sorry, but I definitely got that we are getting an Origins sequel, and the court of owls is a fantastic story to explore. I am happy WB Montreal are doing this as they're a good dev (just needed more time on Origins even though I loved it). Looking forward to what Rocksteady announce too.
@RogerRoger I stared at the images for ages and never clocked that! The image works upside down, too.
No thanks. The Arkham series died for me after Knight (one of the most disappointing games I've ever played), and I don't want to see WB shove live service junk into a Batman game. It's WB. You know they will.
@Rob_230 I was miffed by the exclusion of Origins in the Return to Arkham collection, so a remaster would be great. I just hope it isn't as rough as Return to Arkham was.
@RogerRoger Ha, no harm done internet stranger! Glad someone else appreciates Origins as much as I did, I loved that game. I'm intrigued where they take the CoO though, it was meant to be much later in Bat's career, so we shall see.
@Mega-Gazz rocksteady may make the superman game. Certainly not WB.
@RogerRoger I loved a lot of Origins, but my favorite part was his music. The inclusion of Christmas bells in Batman mood music was genius for the setting of the game.
@rogerroger Along the rumours of it been a Court of Owls game I heard a long while ago was also said that Damian Wayne being Batman this time instead of Bruce. Which considering who is mother is would fit your Ra's Al Ghul theory.
a successor for a batman is being waited for so long now i never enjoyed a game like the Arkham Knight in every prespective.
hope the game will be from rocksteady as i enjoyed Arkham trio from them. never tried Orgins thu.
Whatever it is can it be a surprise 2019 release please because there is just too many games being released next year, along with the new consoles that i cant afford everything
Its a mobile game. 😋
Court of Owls, sounds fun, i loved that story
of course a Origins remaster would be nice too
Oh, neat! I really enjoyed Arkham Origins.
I wonder if Ras has anything to do with this one
I wonder what kind of greedy monetization this game will have, after all WB is the publisher and we all know how greedy they have been with SoW.
@3MonthBeef it was from an Voyager outtake, just one of those times they were messing around on set
@RogerRoger it's simple they do a game based around the Battle for the Cowl story from the comics where you play as Nightwing and compete against others to become the new Batman
@JoeBlogs the batmobile would be fine IF it was only for traversing an open world Gothem and not the crux of the game like it was in Knight, it was fun at first but it really overstayed it's welcome
@JoeBlogs yeah it is of course just zipping about the streets in the Batmobile is fun too, once you made all the islands in Knight safe you could just drive around and it was super fun
i tend to use either the 1960's one or the 1989 movie one
I really hope this rumor turns out to be true, I've been hungering for a new Batman game ever since I beat Arkham Knight.
this is my only disappointment from the State of Play. I was really hoping.
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