And there it is, ANTHEM is now a part of Electronic Arts' subscription-based service on PlayStation 4, EA Access. It was an inevitable addition, but Bioware's failure of a looter shooter can now be enjoyed alongside a long list of other PS4 titles for £3.99/$4.99 a month.
It should be found within the Vault tab on the app itself, giving you access as long as you have an active subscription. EA pitches its inclusion as your chance to be a part of the game's first, and probably last, end-game Cataclysm event, which hasn't exactly lived up to the expectations of players. Still, if you want to see what everyone was disappointed about earlier this year, this is your chance. For a full list of games available on EA Access, head on through this link.
Are you going to be downloading ANTHEM? Top up your subscription in the comments below.
[source ea.com]
Comments 19
Still feel everybody should get a refund for this trash. Terrible game.
🅾🅺🅰🆈 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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I wish we would get EA Premier on consoles, I would pay for the subscription just for FIFA alone. Of course, there is absolutely no point for EA to do it for consoles as they racking ridiculous amount of cash from console sales.
Guess i'll checkout Anthem shrugs
I'm glad I was able to take part in the beta so I knew to avoid this. I played it once for about an hour until I got stuck in the terrain. That wasn't the deal breaker though, betas have bugs. It was everything else...it wasn't fun. I booted it up a second time during the beta and asked myself, "Do I really want to play this again?" And then I deleted it.
The cataclysm was very well received by the community. Not sure why PushSquare says it has not been well received. The amount of toxicity in reddit has dramatically been reduced because the Cataclysm. Simply because people like it.
I already got burned out by the loot chase but still spent around 50 hours or more into the cataclysm. It was quite a lot of fun.
And if BioWare stays on that road, there can be a turnaround.
Its weird that it is coming to EA Access right when we are in the last week of the cataclysm.
Most people won't be able to get most of it.
You might be positively surprised by the game and wondering "why all the hate?", which is how most people feel who just give it a try nowadays. Well, as long as you don't run into game breaking bugs that is.
The only thing Anthem is missing are a few more QOL improvements, a few more bug fixes and most of all more content.
No matter what anybody says, the only thing that will get me to try this game again is if it goes f2p.
Its very very rare that I actually feel I wasted money on purchasing a video game, but Anthem certainty is one of them. Some bright spots here and there but just a bad package overall.
@tatsumi Simple you only get one first impression. And i dont like the new way of release and fix it later.
Anthem on EA access? Wow, awesome!!!
... Said no one EVER.
That’s absolutely fine.
Point is new players who get their “first impression” today, have a much more positive “first impression”. That also shouldn’t be taken away from those players just because you were bitten in the past.
Just saying.
Anthem is still not where it could have been, but it is slowly getting there.
@tatsumi So why buy EA games at release to get bitten?
Better off just ignoring their output for 6 months or so then boom. £4.99 for a slightly less turd game. That wouldn't work in practice for obvious reasons of course and Bioware have lost all of its fans because the last 2 games have literally been franchise destroyers, we want relatively polished games. Not broken junk with the promise of future updates.
You are factually correct in that the game is better. The turd has been polished. But that doesn't mean we want to go back to let it get between our fingers again.
@themcnoisy We dont want broken promises. 😉
I bought anthem at release, played around 150hours, had no bugs or other issues.
So no, I don’t feel like I was bitten. For me it was worth the money.
With the cataclysm I put another 50 hours into the game and had a blast.
So far no EA game has bitten me.
Count me lucky if you want.
I'm playing Anthem right now as I bought it for a tenner. Have to say, thoroughly enjoying it. Looks gorgeous on PS4 Pro, plays well, gunplay is sweet, voice work is superb.
Haven't encountered any bugs, multiplayer match-ups are quick.
I was in the camp of watching it/playing beta and going noooo, POS never buying reeeeeeee. Then I took a chance because it's allegedly all been ironed out, and I'm glad I did. Endgame might be lacking from my understanding, but if you have EA Access, why not give it a go?
@tatsumi fair play. It's more the principle I disagree with - releasing unfinished games - but if you enjoy it who am I to disagree. Good to know the issues have been sorted.
Yep, cataclysm is fun but will last only for another week.
Nobody knows what’s next, but BioWare seems to be slowly changing parts of the world for whatever is next.
If you fly to the emerald abyss, you will see a snake-like structure that wasn’t there 2 weeks ago.
And there is a scouting point (you might want to google it), which plays a short video of what happened.
There is definitely something in the pipeline regarding it I think.
@Frigate Exactly! I think a lot of people who have bitched and reeeeed about Anthem (I was one), should just try the damn game and possibly be pleasantly surprised
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